"Let's go, don't stay here."

Several assassins urged.

They also had to patrol the surrounding area to prevent monsters from suddenly attacking the army, and they had no time to spend here with Su Ren and the others.

Several people nodded and walked with them towards the phalanx on the right side of the army.

The person responsible for commanding this phalanx is also someone from the Michel Legion.

He is a beautiful Chinese man who looks to be in his sixties.

Judging from the momentum, it is at least mid-level 8 or above.

At this time, he was flying not far above the phalanx on a pet beast that looked like a pterosaur.

"Sir, these are the newly joined Dragon Kingdom people, with around level 7 to 50 strength."

After several assassins reported to him, they turned and left the phalanx.

"Hello, my name is Smithwell, level 8 to 62. I hope you can follow my instructions. This will save you a lot of trouble along the way."

Smithwell looked at Su Ren and the others, introduced himself, and emphasized his strength.

It's full of threats.

It means that since you have joined the team under my command, you'd better obey my command, otherwise I will let you know my strength.

"Don't worry, we won't cause trouble."

Yan Kuan replied casually.

Smithwell didn't care about his attitude, but turned his attention to Su Ren.

"Is this kid also turning level 7 to level 50? Has he stopped breastfeeding?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the marching formation couldn't help but look at Su Ren, and naturally they couldn't help but laugh.

They were a little curious just now, how could such a young child dare to come to the abyss?

Smithwell's words immediately made them unable to hold back.

"Okay, just kidding, I hope you won't be angry."

"Daring to come to the abyss at this age is a sign of courage. Come on!"

After Smithwell finished speaking, he no longer looked at Su Ren and the others, but focused on looking ahead.

The laughter around them also gradually stopped, but there were still many people secretly talking about Su Ren and the others.

Now the team has not encountered a large group of abyss monsters, so the atmosphere is quite relaxed.

"Master Su..."

Yan Kuan was afraid that Su Ren would be angry, so he turned to look at Su Ren.

However, there was no fluctuation on Su Ren's face, as if he didn't seem to care about what just happened.

However, anyone who is familiar with Su Ren knows that he is very vengeful.

You offended Su Ren and still want to leave? Not that easy!

It's just that Su Ren won't fall out until he sees that mysterious energy.

The army continued to advance, as there were very few abyss monsters encountered along the way.

Therefore, the army moved extremely smoothly.

However, this kind of smoothness is extremely abnormal in the eyes of the senior leaders of the army.

Michelle sat on the flying beast and looked forward with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Mr. Michelle, something is wrong."

"Logically speaking, there shouldn't be only a few monsters blocking the way in this abyss. Is there any conspiracy from the other side?"

A person next to Michelle asked doubtfully.

"Notice, strengthen the alert, and expand the patrol range from five kilometers to ten kilometers. If there is any abnormality, report it in time!"

After Michelle finished speaking, she began to close her eyes and rest.

"Yes, Sir Michelle, I will inform you immediately."


The deepest part of the abyss.

The four kings were greedily absorbing the purple energy group.

One night passed, and the purple energy group did not shrink. It was basically no different from yesterday.

The main reason is that the energy group leaks too little energy. With the combined efforts of the four kings, they can only make the energy group leak this little energy.

But this alone has already made their level reach 899, which is just a little short of them breaking through to level 900.

"King, the human army is coming!"

A three-headed dog-like monster risked his life and came over to report.

If they don't report it, the human army will advance to this place in less than a day.

While reporting, the three-headed dog also stared at the purple energy group with the eyes on the two heads next to it.

"If you dare to take another look, do you believe that you will only have one head left?"

The evil king's cold voice sounded in the three-headed dog's ears.

The three-headed dog quickly lowered its three heads and stopped looking.

It knew the evil king's temper well and always kept his word.

It has only seen it once, when it suffered a loss at the hands of a human kid.

And the other party is still alive and well.

The Evil King glanced at it. If it hadn't been his confidant and dared to come over and take a peek, it would have been a corpse long ago.

"You lead the monsters to resist, and don't let those humans cross the Abyss Forest."

"Yes, my king!"

"By the way, my king, there is one more thing I need to report to you. The human named Su Ren has appeared in the Abyss."


The Evil King's voice suddenly became louder.

"Find him, kill him, and never let him get out of the abyss!"

For this human being, it always remembers that its strength will be greatly reduced if it leaves the abyss.

In addition, it has not broken through level 900, so it does not dare to rush to human territory to cause trouble.

"Yes, my king!"

The three-headed dog quickly turned and left.


"How's it going? Have you seen what that mysterious energy looks like?"

A group of monsters were already waiting in the outside area.

Seeing the three-headed dog coming out, he asked hurriedly.

Thinking of his own king's warning just now, the three-headed dog said indifferently:

"Don't ask around, be careful with your lives."

After the three-headed dog finished speaking, he held his head high and announced loudly:

"My king appointed me as your commander-in-chief, and asked you to obey my orders and hunt down those humans who dare to invade the Abyss."

"The location is the Forest of the Abyss!"

"If anyone dares to disobey orders, kill him!"

The Forest of the Abyss is the last line of defense in the deepest part of the Abyss.

This place has high mountains and dense forests. Anyone who is not familiar with it will definitely get lost here.

This is an excellent ambush location for the monsters that live here.

It can be said that in this place, as long as the strong human beings who are not level 9 come in person, as many as they come will die.

At this time, the three-headed dog was in high spirits, with its three heads raised proudly, completely opposite to the humble appearance it had just before the four kings.

But this is what it deserves. These dogs are all scared to death and dare not go in to report.

It was all this that was gained in exchange for courage.

Naturally, the monsters dare not disobey its orders. Disobeying its orders is tantamount to disobeying several kings.

The three-headed dog looked at the monsters and said loudly:

"Set off!"

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