In the Abyss, the human army continues to advance.

Apart from a few abyss monsters that were not afraid of death, there were no other creatures seen along the way.

"Hey, this place in the Abyss is rumored to be so scary, but this doesn't seem like anything."

"Yes, I used to hear people say that one of the most dangerous places in the abyss is the Endless Sea, and the other is the Abyss. Now that I come in and see, it's just a false name."

"The narrow escape from death is all a lie. From my point of view, it is not as dangerous as the inner level."

A group of people were bored while walking, so they started chatting while walking.

They encountered no danger during the half-day journey, which slowly relaxed their vigilant minds.

And it's not just one or two people who have this thought, most people have this illusion.

First, there were too few monsters encountered along the way, and second, the Michel Legion was clearing the way, giving them a great sense of security.

Because there were no monsters intruding, the journey that originally took a day took only half a day to reach the entrance to the Forest of the Abyss.

Looking at the towering forest in front of me, I felt a sense of suffocation.

There was not enough light in the Abyss, and the forest swallowed up almost 90% of the light.

The entire Jiyuan Forest is like a huge black beast lying on the ground waiting for its prey to be taken into its mouth.

The discussion among the surrounding people slowly stopped at this time, and they also felt the terror of this forest.

"The entire army is on standby!"

An order was issued.

"The scout team went to investigate the situation!"

The two teams, all professionals in the assassin profession, took the order and walked towards the edge of the forest.

The others stared at their figures without blinking until they entered the forest and disappeared.

A few minutes later, a team of assassins returned to the main force to report the situation.

The other team has yet to be seen.

Michelle summoned several of his powerful generals to discuss for a while.

After the discussion, all teams received orders, and the long-range professions threw all their skills at the entrance of the forest.

All of a sudden, bows, arrows, magic and other various skills flew towards the Forest of the Abyss overwhelmingly.

The sky-wide light lit up the entire battlefield, and for a moment, the originally dark sky became extremely bright.

The first round of attacks passed quickly, and there was still no movement in the Forest of the Abyss.

"Prepare for the second round of attack!"

A commander shouted loudly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the whole land suddenly shook violently.

Pieces of soil quickly rolled upward.

The army was so overwhelmed that they immediately scattered in all directions.


A giant insect hundreds of meters long and covered in iron armor sprang out of the ground, then spat a mouthful of dark green saliva at the crowd.

Those who were caught off guard and contaminated by saliva suddenly screamed in pain.

The sound of "sizzling" sounded on these people. When they looked over, they realized that their bodies were starting to melt.


Everyone started to panic when they saw this.

"Don't mess around, attack it!!"

Smithwell roared angrily and took the lead in throwing a lightning strike.

The lightning strike hit the iron beetle. The iron beetle froze briefly, and then resumed action again.

Only then did everyone come back to their senses and start attacking it.

They were caught off guard at first, which did make everyone panic, but they found out that the iron beetle only had powerful saliva.

Everyone began to attack it in an organized manner.

In the crowd, Yan Kuan and others gathered around Su Ren, looking around cautiously.

"Master Su, do we want to take action?"

"No, just stay with me. There should be other monsters that haven't taken action. It can't be just this bug."

Just as Su Ren finished speaking, a sharp roar suddenly came from the sky.

Then countless black arrows shot towards the location of the army.

This time the human army was on guard, and most of the arrows were blocked or hidden.

"Hahaha, you weak human, eat my Yubao!"

In the sky, another giant eagle over a hundred meters in size flew over the heads of the human army.

As its voice fell, the black feathers that had just been shot on the ground exploded together.

The explosion power of each feather is not great, but if these densely packed feathers explode at the same time, it is not as simple as one plus one.


There was a cold snort that sounded almost simultaneously with the explosion.

Michelle finally took action.

If these monsters were allowed to continue, I am afraid that all his men would be killed or injured in a short while.

He hasn't gotten the mysterious energy yet, and this result is obviously not acceptable to him.

Michelle stepped out in the air, his body exuding a holy light, and six pairs of wings as white as jade sprouted from his back.

He was seen holding a sword in one hand and a staff in the other. The whole person looked kind and majestic, like an angel descending.

As he waved the staff in his left hand.

The feather explosion of the giant eagle was directly extinguished, and only a few feathers exploded, but it basically did not cause any harm to the crowd.

After doing all this, Michelle looked at the giant eagle in the sky, then raised the holy sword in his right hand and said loudly:

"God says you are guilty!"

A blazing light shot out from the holy sword and headed straight for the giant eagle in the sky.


Drops of blood poured down from the sky.

There was a huge wound on the giant eagle's abdomen that was deep enough to show the bone.

"Damn, this human is so strong, I am no match for him!"

The giant eagle screamed strangely, fluttering its wings and flew in the direction of the Jiyuan Forest.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

Michelle's cold voice sounded again, and then he slashed out with another sword.

The giant eagle turned back to look at this shocking sword light. It must be here today if it encounters this sword.

The giant eagle had no choice but to shout loudly towards the Forest of the Abyss:

"Brother Xuangui, save me!!"

"Hahahaha, don't be afraid, old miscellaneous bird, your Grandpa Turtle is here to save you!"

In the Forest of Jiyuan, a huge turtle shell flew into the air and hit the sword light head on.


A loud bang exploded in the air.

But the turtle shell only flew back a short distance and stopped.

The sword light that Michelle slashed did not have much effect on it.

A bird and a turtle descended into the forest.

The first iron beetle to attack also took this opportunity to burrow back into the ground and disappear.

"Old miscellaneous bird, if I let you go out and show off, you will suffer a big loss now, haha!"

The black turtle stretched out his head, looked at the wound on the giant eagle's abdomen, and clicked his tongue.

Its turtle shell has extremely high defense, and it was not even hurt even after being struck by Michelle's sword.

"How do I know that human being is so strong?"

"I can see it. He is definitely the strongest among everyone on the other side. You should be careful!"

The giant eagle shrank its body and reminded the monsters around it.

The three-headed dog glanced at its wound, then looked back at the monsters around it and said:

"Now that we have tested out the opponent's general strength, everyone, please give full play to your respective abilities!"

"Today, let all these humans die here!"

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