On the human army side, Michelle glanced at the army that had been scattered and frowned:

"Everyone listens to the order and retreats five kilometers to leave enough position to prepare for battle!"

This place is too close to the Forest of the Abyss, and the opponent can advance, attack, retreat or defend, which is too advantageous for them.

Just as the army was retreating, roars and roars came from all directions.

A swarm of monsters attacked the human army from four directions: front, rear, left and right.

Now everyone knew why there were so few monsters along the way. It turned out that they were all waiting for them here.

"The monster is coming!!"

"Ready to fight!"

"Ready to fight!"

Urgent shouts rang out.

The first batch of monsters that came in collided with the human army.

The levels of these monsters are far inferior to the three leader-level monsters that just appeared.

But they are overwhelmingly numerous.

These monsters are like human-faced night owls, rushing towards the crowd desperately.

For a time, flesh and blood flew everywhere on the battlefield.

The thick smell of blood began to permeate the entire battlefield.

There was only the cry of killing between heaven and earth.

In such a meat grinding ground, all you can do is keep waving the weapon in your hand and slashing at the enemy.

Until he is exhausted and unable to chop anymore.

Whether you can survive or not depends on God's will.

Although Yan Kuan and others have been in the abyss all year round, they have never seen such a scene.

The few people who were originally calm now became a little overwhelmed.

"Su... Mr. Su, what should we do?"

They were in the middle of the team and did not face the impact of monsters directly. They only occasionally threw out two long-range skills.

But facing this seemingly endless army of monsters, they were almost desperate.

The only hope now is that Su Ren is still with them.

This gives them a sense of security.

Su Ren did not reply to their words, but just stared at Michelle's figure in the sky.

"What does he want to do?"

"As a commander-level figure who has been fighting in the abyss for a long time, it is impossible not to know how powerful these abyss monsters are when they come together."

"Even if tens of thousands of people are summoned to come here, what's the difference between it and sending someone to death?"

Michelle seemed to feel something at this time and looked back at Su Ren in the crowd below.

"Huh? Why is there still a young man in the army?"

"You are quite brave to dare to look directly at me. What a pity!"

Michelle no longer looked at Su Ren, turned around, raised the holy sword in her hand and began to mutter something.

"O God, destroy these monsters that blaspheme your dignity!"

The divine light of the Holy Sword flashed, and Michelle slashed out with the sword.

The unparalleled sword light swept towards the monster army like ocean waves.

Wherever the sword light went, all the monsters were chopped into minced meat.

After doing all this, Michelle looked at the six generals around her.

"Come with me!"

Michelle took the lead, holding the holy sword and scepter, and led the six people towards the direction of the Abyss Forest.

The three-headed dog and the monsters were all stunned when they saw this.

This human actually led someone to rush towards them.

The monsters immediately transformed back into their own bodies and prepared to fight.

Hundreds of giant monsters appear at the same time, which is a daunting scene.

Even Michelle was shocked when she saw this.

But then he regained his composure again and said to the six people behind him:

"Don't be obsessed with fighting. Follow me. Our goal is not them."

"Yes, Master Michelle!"

These people are all level 8 to 50 or above. Even when facing hundreds of leader-level monsters, their expressions are still calm.

Michelle waved her staff and the figures of the monsters suddenly froze.

Taking this opportunity, Michelle slashed out with his sword again.

Several monsters in front of him were split into two before they even had time to dodge.

The terror of its strength is evident.

Although these boss-level monsters have reached around level 800, they still appear a little fragile in front of Michelle, a human powerhouse at the peak of level 8.

However, this was just Michelle's sudden success using the characteristics of the weapon. If the fight continued, he might not be able to please him.

Moreover, he had no intention of wasting energy on dealing with these leader-level monsters, so he did not stop after the attack, but flew straight towards the Forest of the Abyss.

Seeing Michelle flying away, the monsters couldn't help but have questions.

"What does this human do?"

"I thought he brought people here to hunt us, but he ran away like this?"

"Commander, you have a lot of brains. What do you think they are doing?"

The monsters looked at the three-headed dog.

At this time, the three-headed dog was covered in black flames, and the surrounding space was burned and bent, looking very majestic.

After the three dogs' heads shook for a while, the middle one suddenly said in surprise:

"That's bad, this human being is after some kings!"

"He wants to steal the purple energy!!"

After hearing this, the monsters were stunned again, but then they laughed.

"Just a few of them?"

"Whether you can beat one king is a question. Want to beat four kings? You are crazy!"

At this time, an unknown monster said something softly.

"It's only good after fighting. We didn't have a king in the abyss before."

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent.

The atmosphere seemed a bit solemn.

They all understand this truth, but the positions of several kings in the abyss are unbreakable.

If you want to overthrow them, at least they monsters can't.

Now, there seems to be a chance.

"Lord Commander, shall we pursue him?"

one of the monsters asked.

The three-headed dog looked back at the place where the human army and the monster army were fighting, and said indifferently:

"What are you chasing? The order I received is to guard the Forest of the Abyss and destroy the human army!"

"As for humans sneaking across the border, you and I don't know, do you understand?"

The three-headed dog glanced at the monsters.

The monsters smiled understandingly, and no one said anything more.

The location of the human army.

When Su Ren saw Michelle leading people into the Forest of the Abyss, but did not hear the sound of fighting, he suddenly understood something in his heart.

He finally knew what Michelle wanted to do.

The people left here are all abandoned children.

The people here have only one mission, which is to hold these monsters back. Whether they live or die depends entirely on God's will.

Michelle seemed to be sure that those leader-level monsters would not chase him.

I have to say that he considered it very comprehensively.

Only in this way can he lead his powerful generals through the Forest of the Abyss unscathed to snatch the mysterious energy.

"It's so cruel. I won't let go of the legion that I single-handedly brought up. That's tens of thousands of lives."

Su Ren shook his head and said to himself.

"Master Su, what are you talking about?"

Yan Kuan and others looked at Su Ren suspiciously.

Su Ren looked at the hundreds of giant figures gradually emerging in the direction of the Jiyuan Forest, and said with a smile:


"Didn't I promise Lord Zhao to kill more monsters before setting off to protect Windless City from monsters?"

"Then, let's start fulfilling my promise now."

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