At the place where humans and the monster army were fighting, the monster army was briefly wiped out because of Michelle's sword before leaving.

This move gave the human army some breathing space.

There won't be any more monsters coming for at least ten minutes.

In front of the Michel Legion, Zhu Dayong watched a dozen brothers around him fall one after another, his eyes filled with anger.

They thought that the people from the Michel Legion would let them go after asking questions yesterday, but they did not expect that they would be escorted to the Abyss early this morning.

And they are still used as pathfinders.

A dozen of his brothers died in the hands of monsters one by one, and some even had their corpses dragged and eaten by monsters.

He wants revenge, but he doesn't have the strength.

Behind him were all the people of Michel's Legion. How could he take revenge on his own?

Zhu Dayong turned around and saw only the cold and ruthless faces of the people in Michelle's army.

"It seems that I, Zhu Dayong, will not survive today."

Zhu Dayong sighed in despair.

But at this moment, he spotted a familiar figure.

"Yan Kuan!!!"

"He is actually in the army formation!"

Zhu Dayong's eyes swept across again, not only Yan Kuan, but also everyone in Yan Kuan's team.

"It's because of this bitch that we were captured and used as cannon fodder to explore the path!"

"My brothers are all dead, but they are still alive and well. I won't give in. If I can't live, you can't live either!"

Zhu Dayong turned around and walked towards the person behind him who captured him and joined the army.

When the other party saw this, he said coldly: "Do you want to escape? Believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

Zhu Dayong hurriedly explained: "Sir, I saw the team of people who snatched your prey and killed your pet beasts."

"Huh? Where?"

"It's in the phalanx on the right side of the army."

Zhu Dayong raised his hand and pointed at the location.

The team leader looked in the direction he pointed, and then said excitedly:

"It's really them!"

"Finally I caught them!"

The squad leader looked at his elder brother. He didn't have enough power to command too many people.

And his eldest brother can command hundreds of people.

"Brother, hurry up, I'm going to kill them!"

The squad leader couldn't wait any longer.

When had he ever been wronged like that? Now was the time for revenge.

"No, the monster is about to launch a second round of attacks. If we bring people over to kill him now, we will mess up the formation."

"Find someone to keep an eye on them, don't alert them and let them run away."

"But, brother, I found them with great difficulty!"

"That's enough, do you want to die here, my dear brother?"

"Now, repel and destroy these monsters first, take revenge, there are plenty of opportunities!"

The eldest brother of this squad leader can command hundreds of people, he is indeed capable.

At least at this juncture he could calm down and think about the pros and cons instead of being dominated by emotions.

Seeing that he couldn't take revenge now, Zhu Dayong could only endure the anger in his heart.

He wants to get out of here alive, he can't die here.

Whether it was Su Ren and his party or the people who came here to capture him, he would kill them.


Three huge fireballs flew from the direction of the Abyss Forest and hit the three phalanxes respectively.

The three-headed dog jumped out in one step, and its body turned into a height of a hundred feet and landed in front of the human army.

"Humans, this is not where you should come, die!"

The flames all over the three-headed dog soared, making the air almost burn.

Along with it, there are hundreds of monsters of various kinds.

Including the iron beetle and giant eagle that appeared just now.

"All...all are boss-level monsters!!"

"Oh my god, there are hundreds of them!!"

"Now we are dead!"

When everyone saw this scene, they were scared to death.

No matter how many low-level abyss monsters there are, they can still rely on their numbers to fight against them.

At least there is hope of surviving and even winning.

But hundreds of boss-level monsters appeared at once, just like a group of ants encountering hundreds of elephants.

That feeling is nothing but despair.

And at this time, someone finally discovered that Michelle, who had just shown his power, was missing.

Also disappearing with him were six powerful generals.

"We...were fooled!"

“This is definitely a scam Michelle!!”

"He lured us here just to delay these monsters and buy him time to seize the treasure."

"Hahahaha, we are all his pawns. In order to make us believe, he gave up even tens of thousands of his own legions!"

"Michelle, you are so cruel, you have to die!!"

Professionals from all over the world who were deceived shouted in grief and anger.

Only now did they realize that they had been tricked by Michelle.

At this time, the people in the Michel Legion, who had been relatively calm before, began to become suspicious.

Their leader left with several generals. Originally, they thought that their leader was leading people to snipe the iron beetles and giant eagles just now.

But now the two monsters have appeared here, but their leader is nowhere to be seen.

Either his leader and the six people he brought there are dead, or he abandoned them and left.

The previous one is obviously unreasonable. My captain is still at the peak of rank 8, so he can't die without making a sound.

So, the results are already clear.

Few people who can reach rank 7 are fools. If you think about it for a moment, you will know that they are already abandoned.

At this moment, the military's morale was lost.

Everyone was only thinking about how to escape, and had no intention of fighting anymore.

The three-headed dog was not in a hurry to take action, it was just waiting for this moment.

If these people unite and work together to fight them to the death.

They will definitely have some casualties.

Now that humans have lost their fighting spirit, it will be much easier for them to kill them.

At this time, someone was already quietly fleeing back.

However, he had not run far before he was torn apart by the monsters that surrounded him.

How could a three-headed dog let these humans escape?

It did not order those low-level monsters to continue attacking, but instead let them slowly surround them from a distance.

The purpose is to annihilate all these humans here.

In this way, even if the four kings pursue it afterwards, it can use this credit to excuse itself.

Seeing the monsters surrounding them without attacking, the human army fell into despair.

They knew they were doomed.

Everyone's fate must be torn to pieces and eaten by these monsters.

"Haha, look how scared they are!"

"Commander, can you start enjoying the delicious food? I can't wait!"

The giant eagle spreads its wings and is ready to attack.

Although it was injured, it still had no problem dealing with these humans.

These humans are just delicious snacks in its eyes at this moment.

It can't wait to take a bite.

The three-headed dog looked at the fear and uneasiness on the faces of the human army, and the three heads laughed out loud at the same time:

"Start the hunt!"

"Kill them without leaving a single piece of armor behind!"

"I can not wait anymore!"


Dao Mang flashed past.


The left head of the three-headed dog fell off and hit the ground hard, causing dust to spread all over the ground.

Even the earth was shaken.

There was another "snap" sound.

The right head of the three-headed dog also fell off.

Then there is the head in the middle of it.

Immediately afterwards, its huge body also fell to pieces on the ground.

The smell of blood mixed with internal organs was disgusting.

The originally tense atmosphere between the two sides became quiet for a while.

The tens of thousands of people and monsters on the entire battlefield were all silent, and the silence was a bit scary.

After a while, the giant eagle calmed down and looked at the three-headed dog's torn body and said with a trembling voice:

"Fa...what happened?"

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