"Lord Commander, die...die..."

Although the three-headed dog is not the strongest among these monsters, it can still be ranked in the top five.

Otherwise, it would not be able to become the confidant of the evil king, nor could it be the commander-in-chief.

But such a powerful monster died so bizarrely.

He didn't even see who the other party was.

The leader monsters immediately panicked and kept looking around to find out where the enemy was.

The humans, on the other hand, were completely confused.

The monster commander who was so arrogant just now died like this?

Are there any masters hiding among the crowd?

But no one knew who had done it. They only saw a flash of knife light.

Only Yan Kuan and the others saw it clearly. They gathered around Su Ren and naturally saw Su Ren draw his sword.

"Master Su...is this your true strength?"

"It's really just a knife!"

Xiaodao's eyes were full of admiration at this time.

No wonder Su Ren refused to teach him sword skills. He originally thought that Su Ren didn't want to teach him.

Now it seems that Su Ren didn't want to teach him, but that Su Ren didn't have any extra skills at all.

He just pulled out the knife casually.

Just so simple and unpretentious.

"This is the way of swordsmanship I pursue!"

"When will I be able to master such peerless sword skills with my little knife!"

Xiaodao was very excited at this moment, and all he could think about was the scene when Su Ren took out the knife just now.


"Here you are, come out if you have the ability!"

"Don't think you can scare us."

A black giant bear stood up and glared at the crowd.

"I have the ability to come out, but I'm afraid you don't have the ability to take a stab at me."

Su Ren took one step forward, and the next moment he appeared in the air.

Although there is a huge difference in size from that giant bear, its domineering attitude makes people dare not look directly at it.

When the monsters saw Su Ren, they couldn't help but take a step back.

This human gives them a very scary feeling.

That's their instinct as ferocious beasts.

"Did you kill the three-headed dog?"

The giant bear pretended to be calm and did not retreat, but his voice was much softer than before.

"It's him, the human being that the Evil King wants to hunt down. His name is Su Ren!"

exclaimed an old dog.

It led the monsters to kill Su Ren last night, but was killed by a monster and fled back.

It naturally knew Su Ren.

"What? Is it him?"

All the monsters were shocked at this time.

No wonder the evil king wants to hunt down this human being and says that this human being will be the enemy of the abyss in the future.

There is no need for the future. The opponent's current strength seems to be beyond their ability to deal with.

"It seems you know me?"

"I just wanted to catch up with your Evil King and borrow something from him."

"Borrow... what to borrow?"

The giant bear asked out of nowhere.

Su Ren smiled lightly and said:

"Lend him his life."

As soon as these words came out, everyone took a few steps back in shock.

Even the giant bear's legs were shaking a little.

It is the strongest one among all the monsters, but this human being is not astonishing and will never stop dying.

If he opens his mouth, he will kill their king.

Who is not afraid after hearing this?

As for the human army watching below, they were already stunned.

Especially the people around Yan Kuan, they laughed at Su Ren when Su Ren and others entered the team.

At this time, he lowered his head in fear for fear of being recognized.

As for Smithwell, he had followed Michelle to the deepest part of the Abyss, but he did not see this scene.

However, who has the best expression, it must be Zhu Dayong.

This young man was the person he wanted to kill.

But why is he so strong?

Killed the three-headed dog with one knife.

Now those powerful monsters were even more trembling when facing him.

Just when Zhu Dayong was thinking wildly.


The sound of a dagger being inserted into the body was heard.

Zhu Dayong felt his heart go cold, and he turned his head to look at the past with difficulty.

He found that his captor was holding a dagger and stabbing him through the body.

The other party was afraid that he would not die, so he took two more stabs.


Zhu Dayong's eyes showed unwillingness, and he soon lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

"Brother...this is?"

The team leader was puzzled.

"Brother, keep this matter buried in my heart and never dig it out again. We cannot afford to offend this man."

The squad leader raised his head and glanced at Su Ren standing in the sky, and immediately understood something.

"I know, brother."

in the air.

The giant bear asked in a deep voice: "Human, what do you want?"

"You didn't kill us directly, which means you still have a purpose, right?"

Su Ren smiled when he heard this.

"They say stupid bears are stupid bears, but I think you are quite smart."

Su Ren said the last sentence with a smile, but the next sentence turned cold.

"The hundreds of monsters you have here can only live half of them. You decide who can live."

The reason why they are not killed is because the abyss needs these monsters.

If we kill them all, how will the human race be upgraded in the future?

Su Ren's idea is to kill half of them and leave the other half that will not threaten humans and can also serve as experience babies for humans.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

Maybe the Sword God didn't destroy all the monsters back then because of this consideration.

However, the Sword God's idea may be more extreme. He has never taken action against the high-level monsters in the abyss. He wants humans to break through themselves in a cruel environment, rather than enjoy the comfort of being a flower in a greenhouse.

"Human, who do you think you are?"

"Don't think that killing the three-headed dog will scare us!"

The giant bear couldn't stand it anymore.

This human being actually wants them to kill each other, which is simply a dream.

"All monsters, listen to your orders, I am your commander now, come with me and kill him!"

The giant bear raised his fist and punched Su Ren.

Compared with its fist, Su Ren was not even as long as one of the opponent's fingers.

But facing such a big fist, Su Ren still didn't panic.

He just shook his head and said:

"With your strength, you had a chance to be half of the survivors, but it's a pity..."

"I gave you a chance but you didn't use it!"

After Su Ren finished speaking, he struck down with a knife.

The unparalleled Dao Mang split the giant bear in two from his fist.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The two halves of the corpse fell to the ground, and rumbles filled the sky above the battlefield.

The scene fell silent again.

"Since you don't want to kill each other, then I will make the decision for you!"

Su Ren stopped talking nonsense with the remaining monster leaders.

He raised his sword again and slashed out.

Hundreds of monsters were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

But no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't run faster than Su Ren's knife.

Only dozens of screams were heard.

Dozens of monster corpses fell to the ground, and the roaring sound was endless.

"He's not dead, come here!"

Su Ren shouted, and the remaining dozens of monster leaders who had escaped half alive had to walk back obediently.

Escape, there is no way to escape.

It is not easy for humans to kill them.

Su Ren waved his hand and gathered all the remaining evil heart materials.

He had a target in mind just now, and he basically chose the Evil King's subordinates.

After all, job transfer materials are still required.

"I'll give you a mission."

"Brother, big brother, whatever you say, little brother, I will listen to you!"

"Please, don't kill me. I still have an elder and a younger child at home!"

The giant eagle was lucky not to be selected by Su Ren.

Now his body was weak and he stood in front of Su Ren, crying with snot and tears.

If it weren't for the fact that it was a monster, Suren would have suspected that there was a human being hidden in it.

"I think you are good. You fly very fast. I want to go to the deepest part of the Abyss. You can lead the way!"


The giant eagle was so frightened that it fell to the ground.

This human being lets him lead the way to find his king. Isn't this a complete act of adultery?

If it dares to lead the way, will it still hang out in the abyss in the future?

"If you keep pretending to be dead, believe it or not, I will let you die here?"

When the giant eagle heard this, its plummeting body turned around and immediately flapped its wings and flew back.

Then he smiled at Su Ren and explained:

"I'm not pretending to be dead, I'm not pretending to be dead, I'm anemic and I was a little dizzy just now."

"If you listen to me, you can still get dizzy. If you dare to disobey me..."

"Don't worry, be obedient, I'm the most obedient."

The giant eagle nodded repeatedly with a grimace.

Unless this human can kill the Four Kings, it's game over.

Su Ren no longer looked at it, but called out the Ice Dragon King and asked him to protect Yan Kuan and the others.

As for the situation here, we will deal with it after he comes back.

After explaining everything, Su Ren looked at the giant eagle.

"Change the original body and take me to the deepest part of the Abyss."

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