"I'm talking to you nicely but you won't listen and you insist on taking action?"

"Then don't blame me."

Su Ren stretched out his right hand and shook it casually.

The water vapor in the sky and the earth quickly condensed into a huge water palm.

With a gentle grasp of the water palm, the two kings who came to kill were imprisoned in place and unable to move.


A gasp came from the ground below, and then he quickly closed his mouth.

Su Ren looked down.

He explained that there were four kings plus Michelle and seven other people here, but when he arrived, he only saw two kings.

It turned out that he was hiding to reap the benefits.

"Oh my god, he...he, he actually captured two kings alive!!"

The giant eagle was almost scared to death.

At this time, its whole body was stiff, its wings refused to control, and it fell straight down.

The King of Evil and the King of Desire now had frightened expressions on their faces.

How could this human being, who was only seventeen or eighteen years old, be able to immobilize them with just one move?

You must know that they are two top level 900 kings!

"This is impossible!!"

"It's only been so long, how could you have become so powerful!?"

The evil king struggled unwillingly, but to no avail.

It clearly remembered that this human being was participating in their awakening assessment a few months ago.

And at that time, it could feel that this human being was very weak. Even a weak human being would think that it could kill him just by spitting.

However, it failed that time.

This time, after it broke through level 900, it thought it could kill this human easily, but it failed again.

The defeat was even more complete than the last time, with no power to fight back.

It's as if his own strength is fake.

"Old ghost, what kind of existence did you mess with?"

The King of Desire was also panicked.

Human beings who can manipulate them at will are considered to be among the strongest among human beings.

It has just broken through level 900, and it doesn't want to die here.

"stop fighting!"

Su Ren shouted coldly, making the world completely quiet.

The two kings stopped talking, but still tried to break free.

Su Ren held up the purple energy ball with his hand, looked around it up, down, left and right, and found that there was nothing special about it except that it kept spinning and releasing traces of purple energy.

"Omniscient and omnipotent, identify it."

Since he couldn't see anything, Su Ren had no choice but to use his skills to investigate.

Omniscient and omnipotent can now know information about all inanimate objects, and this energy group should also be able to identify it.

[Hongmeng Purple Qi]: "The first ray of life generated in the early days of the universe has the supreme power to change the world and create a new universe!"

"The creatures in the universe can use its power to cultivate."

After reading the introduction, Su Ren was slightly shocked.

This ball of purple energy turned out to be Hongmeng Purple Qi!

No wonder just a little leak can make the two kings break through level 900.

Su Ren tried to absorb the energy it leaked.

After a long time, Su Ren frowned.

Nothing works.

"Why is this? Why can't I absorb it?"

"Even if I traveled through time, even if I belong to a different universe, the original owner's body still belongs to this universe. Why can't I absorb it?"

Su Ren was puzzled and stared at the Hongmeng purple energy in a daze.

After thinking for a long time, Su Ren still didn't understand.

At this time, a light voice sounded in Su Ren's ears.

"Hey, give it to me. I don't want you to help me find the remaining body parts."

The phantom of the innate treasure that had not appeared for a long time appeared in front of Su Ren again.

This guy will never come out unless he sees something good.


Su Ren wouldn't give it to her. Even if he couldn't use the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he could give it to her after he rescued Ling Qingxue.

Just how to save it?

The system backpack cannot be put in, and it is impossible to just hold it like this.

Su Ren thought for a while and tried to put it into the pet space.

Today's pet space can no longer be described as space.

It's so big that it can be considered a small world.

When Su Ren is bored, he will grab some flowers, plants and trees and put them in.

At this time it is beginning to take shape.

"Huh? It can actually be put into the pet space."

Su Ren just thought, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi entered his pet space.

And as soon as the Hongmeng Purple Qi entered, it flew to the top of the space and started spinning on its own.

As it rotates, traces of purple energy are released outward.

At this time, the Hongmeng Purple Qi is like a purple sun releasing its light, illuminating the entire pet space.

Shika, Steele and other pet beasts looked curiously at the swirling purple energy in the air.

They can feel that this thing is releasing energy outwards.

This is an energy that makes them feel physically and mentally happy.

"I feel like I'm getting stronger!"

Shika glanced at her body with a confused expression.

Her level is very low, the lowest among all thoughtful beasts.

So she was the first pet beast to feel the change.


Shika looked at the colorful phoenix eggs she placed in her carefully designed nest.

At this time, traces of purple energy are being absorbed by the phoenix egg.

Cai'er's hatching time seems to be coming forward.

And the pet space is slowly expanding due to the addition of Hongmeng Ziqi...

Outside, the phantom transformed into the appearance of a little girl, pouting with an unhappy look on her face.

Although she didn't know what the purple energy group was, she could feel the huge energy contained in it.

With this thing, she can just find some body fragments and directly use its energy to repair itself.

Unfortunately, Su Ren did not agree to her conditions.

She had no choice but to give up on Su Ren.

After receiving the Hongmeng Purple Qi, Su Ren looked at the two kings and asked:

"Where did you get this?"

"Whoever speaks out, I will spare his life."

Seeing that the purple energy group had been taken away by Su Ren, the two kings looked desperate.

Judging from the confrontation between humans and abyss monsters, their fate is foreseeable.

After hearing this, the two kings regained hope.

"Is everything you said true?"

Su Ren nodded.

"Of course, I never lie."

"I said, I know!"

The King of Desire spoke first.

"Slutty fox, I discovered that!"

"If I hadn't told you this, you would have known nothing!"

"Besides, how do you know I didn't lie to you?"

After the Evil King's words, he directly became the one worthy of Su Ren's trust.

He believed that as long as Su Ren was not stupid, he would choose to believe in himself instead of believing in the King of Desire.

Su Ren looked at the two kings and smiled:

"I don't care who of you is right or wrong. Let's talk about it first and I will naturally be able to tell the truth from the lies."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he looked down again.

"Also, the guy below, how long are you going to hide? If you don't come out, don't blame me for taking action!"

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