When the two kings heard this, they both looked down.

I saw Michelle emerging from the ground bathed in holy light.

Not only did he not die in the explosion just now, but he was also a blessing in disguise and broke through to level 9.

This is the state he has wanted to achieve throughout his life.

He had worked hard for decades for this moment.

At the 9th turn, he was extremely excited, but he found that there were still two kings alive, and they had also reached level 900.

One against two, in the same realm, he has no chance of winning.

In the beginning, he was able to suppress the Four Kings just by relying on the power of 9th rotation to bully them.

So he could only hide, waiting for an opportunity where both kings would lose.

However, the opportunity did not come, but a young man waited.

It was Su Ren's casual move that made him take a breath of cold air.

He made so many preparations and arrangements, but the result was not as good as others.

The 9 turns that I have been thinking about so much are really nothing in front of others.

This kind of blow is really too heavy.

"Senior, we all belong to the human race. Please be kind and let me go."

"It was also because I was afraid of being attacked that I hid."

Michelle behaved very humbly in front of Su Ren.

He no longer had the arrogance that dominated the world when he fought against the four kings just now.

Su Ren looked at him and smiled: "It's true that we are the same human race."

"However, I hate your disgusting methods, and I hate the white guy even more."

Su Ren saw him and remembered his methods, sacrificing tens of thousands of people just for him to break through 9 turns.

If you don't kill this kind of person, what else will you do?

Although Su Ren never claimed to be a good person, he would not kill tens of thousands of people for his own benefit.

This most basic bottom line is what he has always adhered to.

"Senior, I have something to discuss, and I want to..."

Michelle knew something was wrong and wanted to try her best to explain.

But Su Ren didn't want to hear too many excuses from him.


Without waiting for him to say anything, he slashed out with a single slash.

Michelle was shocked when she saw this, and hurriedly waved her scepter and holy sword to resist.

However, no one can stop Su Ren's sword.

The scepter broke and the holy sword shattered.

Michelle opened her eyes wide, with fear and unwillingness on her face.

For all this, he planned for so long, and in the end, he died here.

The 9th rotation he dreamed of could not even block the opponent's sword.

This is so sad.

The sound of Michelle's body falling hit the hearts of the two kings heavily.

They... may also end up like this soon.

"lead the way."

Su Ren put away his sword and looked at the two kings, while also taking back the restraint on them.

The two kings naturally knew what Su Ren meant by leading the way.

"Come with me, I know where that place is."

The King of Desire quickly flew in one direction.

The King of Evil quickly followed after seeing this, he didn't want to die.

And now the two kings don't dare to escape at all.

The human's strength just now was similar to theirs, but he was killed with just one blow.

It’s no different than killing a chicken.

The strength of the young man in front of them has far exceeded their imagination.

If they were struck by him, they would definitely die.

Therefore, they have no idea of ​​escaping and only hope that the other party will keep their promise and let them go.

Su Ren flew over with the two kings.

About tens of minutes later, a huge white wall stretching from heaven to earth appeared in front of Su Ren.

He had seen this scene before. It was similar to the teleportation array entering the abyss. There was also no end in sight.

But this one is white, and the teleportation array is black.

"That energy is squeezed out of this nameless white wall."

The King of Evil explained honestly.

Su Ren walked under the white wall and reached out to touch it.

The whole body was as smooth as jade, and there was a biting cold feeling coming from it.

This thing is not made of stones, it looks more like it is cast from bones.

Su Ren used his omniscience and omnipotence to check it out.

The result turned out to be that it could not be viewed.

"Huh? Is it possible to survive?"

Su Ren looked up curiously.

This obviously looks like a dead thing, so why is there life?

The two kings just watched Su Ren groping there, not daring to move.

Until they saw Su Ren take out the knife, the nerves of the two kings instantly became tense.

However, Su Ren's knife did not slash towards them, but towards the white wall.

Since you have life, if this knife goes down, you should at least move.

Anyway, that's what Su Ren thought.

However, the results surprised him.

The sword light sank into the white wall, leaving no trace behind.

"What? How is this possible?"

This time it was Su Ren's turn to be completely shocked.

The invincible draw of the sword failed.

"This thing obviously has a physical body, why can't it be cut?"

Su Ren didn't believe in evil, so this time he didn't draw his sword to kill, but punched him with a punch.


The fist was knocked back.

It proves that the opponent is real, but why does drawing the sword have no effect?

This made Su Ren confused.

This white wall denied two of his skills one after another.

This made him doubt his life.

"Do you know what this is?"

Su Ren looked at the two kings and asked.

The two kings looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I don't know, it's been here since we were conscious."

Su Ren looked at the giant wall again, with even more doubts in his eyes.

"It seems this abyss is not that simple."

"The giant black wall, the giant white wall, the endless sea, and the so-called boundless abyss are all full of secrets."

"The four kings of the abyss probably just circled four seemingly large territories and dominated them. They don't understand the real abyss."

"Forget it, no matter what the secret is, I'll complete my job transfer mission first."

Thinking of this, Su Ren no longer thought about the secret of the abyss, but looked at the King of Evil.

He must kill this old guy.

Seeing Su Ren staring at him, the Evil King suddenly panicked.

This kind of look, it knows too well, it is this kind of look when it wants to kill others.

"No, you can't kill me, you promised not to kill me!"

"Haha, what I said is that I never lie to others. Do you think you are a human being?"


The evil king was furious.

"You despicable human being!!"

"I will fight with you!"

The evil king rushed towards Su Ren angrily, but was struck by Su Ren's sword.

If I can’t cut the wall, I can’t cut you?

It dared to rush over to die, Su Ren easily killed it with a knife.

The evil king who had dominated the abyss for many years fell here.

Su Ren put away the knife and muttered to himself: "It looks like I am some kind of villain."

"Oh, right!"

Su Ren raised his head and looked at the King of Desire who was so frightened that his face turned pale.


Before Su Ren finished speaking, the King of Desire fell to the ground and knelt down with a plop.

"Don't kill me. I am willing to be a slave. Please let me go!"

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