After bidding farewell to Mu Xiaowan, Su Ren walked alone on the streets of Donghai City.

This place is still the same as before, basically nothing has changed.

The biggest change is probably that it has become a lot more prosperous.

It should be Lu Wenwen, the governor of Donghua State, who is allocating resources here.

In any case, he was once the lord of Donghai City.

Su Ren went to Jinxiu Street. It was afternoon and there were not many people here.

Only in the evening, after everyone gets off work, will they bring their families here for a walk to enjoy the night view and enjoy the rare leisure time of the day.

In a toy store, the owner was dozing off while leaning on the counter. The sound of someone entering the door woke him up.

After looking at the person, the boss rubbed his eyes, yawned and asked:

"Little brother, what should I buy? Tell me which one you like."

Su Ren nodded and began to choose toys.

The variety of toys here is quite complete. Su Ren bought several large teddy bears, as well as some building blocks, robots, etc.

"That's it. How much is it?"

The boss looked at it, a little surprised.

"Buy so much? Do you have many children at home?"

Su Ren smiled.

"Well, quite a lot."

The boss didn't ask any more questions, but picked up the calculator and started calculating.

"A total of 1,800 dragon coins."

"Do you need my help to find someone to transport you over?"

"Need not."

Su Ren finished paying and put all the toys into the system backpack.

"It turns out he is a professional."

Only then did the boss react. No wonder he didn't need his help.

After Su Ren left, the boss grabbed the few hairs on his head and said to himself:

"Why does this little brother look familiar?"

"I must have seen him somewhere, but I can't remember."

After leaving the toy store, Su Ren bought a lot of snacks and clothes on the street.

After buying everything, Su Ren slowly walked towards where he wanted to go.

This time, he did not use a wormhole, but walked slowly step by step.

Slowly look at the familiar things around you.

Half an hour later, Su Ren arrived in front of the Tomato Orphanage.

Looking at the orphanage in front of me, it looks like it has been renovated. It is now much prettier and larger than before.

Two gray-haired men at the door were playing chess and did not notice Su Ren coming over.

"Old Wangtou, have you thought about it? It's been a long time."

The man on the red side had a proud look on his face, as if he was sure of winning, and at the same time he kept urging the other party to hurry up.

"Don't rush me, let me think about it again."

The security guard Wang scratched his head and stared at the chessboard with a frown.

"Just think about it, I'm going home for dinner!"

"Hey, why are you in such a hurry? Don't go back tonight. Eat in our courtyard."

Su Ren glanced at the chessboard, and then said softly:

"The car goes from three to six."

Hearing Su Ren's words, Uncle Wang glanced at it, then his eyes lit up and he said happily:

"Hey, good move!"

When Uncle Wang was about to take this step, the uncle opposite said dissatisfied:

"You, a young man, do you understand that you watch the chess game without saying a word?"

"What you say doesn't count. You have to let him think for himself."

Uncle Wang said happily: "Fart, I also thought of this step, but he said it first."

After Uncle Wang finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Su Ren.

He originally wanted to see who was helping him, but after taking a look, he was surprised and said:

"Hey, Su Ren, when did you come back?"

"I just came back not long ago and came to see you."

Uncle Wang quickly stood up and introduced to the uncle sitting opposite:

"Old Li Tou, this is Su Ren, the genius who walked out of our orphanage!"

Old Li Tou was also looking at Su Ren at this time.

In Donghai City, there are very few people who don't know Su Ren's name.

Of course he knows.

"So this is the genius who came out of our Donghai City?"

"I heard that he won the national competition this year!"

"Amazing, really amazing!"

"Haha, yes, it's him."

Uncle Wang's face was red and he looked very proud.

Every time Su Ren's name is mentioned to other people, he can brag about it for a long time.

"Old Li Tou, we can't stand today, we will fight another day."

Uncle Wang took Su Ren's hand and walked into the courtyard, for fear that Su Ren would leave.

The orphanage has not changed much, but it can be seen that all the old items have been replaced with new ones.

And there is an extra playground in the yard.

"Governor Lu Wenlu arranged for people to repair these things. Every month he also sends people to send money, food, clothes and so on."

"Anyway, everything is fine in the orphanage. You don't have to worry."

Su Ren nodded.

"Governor Lu also hired a teacher to help us teach our children how to read and write."

"Look at the time, school will be over soon."

"The school is newly built, in the abandoned courtyard beyond where you used to sleep."

"When they get older, they will be sent to schools in the city."

Uncle Wang walked all the way and introduced what happened in the past few months.

"By the way, the big man you invited helped us a lot. We old guys can't do the hard work in the courtyard, so he is basically doing it."

The big man that Uncle Wang calls is naturally Xiong Da.

He asked Xiong Da to come here just to let him protect this place.

Now that he is back, it is actually to fulfill his original wish.

To avenge his fallen brothers.

The two of them walked all the way to the courtyard of the school, where the sound of reading could be heard.

Although it sounds a little childish and the enunciation is not very clear, you can still understand that the little guys are working hard to read aloud.

"Okay, that's it for today's class, get out of class is over."

"goodbye teacher!"

"goodbye students!"

The teacher's door opened, and a young girl in her twenties came out holding a book.

"Teacher Zhou, get out of class is over?"

"Well, Uncle Wang, I'm going back first and come back tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

When Teacher Zhou passed by the two of them, he suddenly looked at Su Ren in confusion, and then said in surprise:

"You...are you Su Ren?"

Su Ren nodded slightly towards her.

"Thank you, Teacher Zhou. If my younger brothers and sisters are naughty and disobedient, I hope you can discipline them patiently."

", they are all obedient and cute."

"I didn't expect... to really meet you here. I... I'm your fan."

Teacher Zhou is a little incoherent now, and it can be seen that he is a little panicked.

She also heard that this orphanage was where Su Ren grew up, and she applied for it because it was recruiting teachers.

She never expected to meet Su Ren here.

"It's brother Su Ren!"

"Brother Su Ren is back!"

At this time, the children also came out. The moment they saw Su Ren, they gathered around him and kept shouting around him.

"Su Ren... um, can I take a photo with you?"

Teacher Zhou asked with an anxious look.

Su Ren smiled and nodded.

"Okay, let's take a photo together."

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