Early the next morning, a team of hundreds of people gathered at the entrance of Mobei Hotel, attracting countless passers-by to stop and watch.

"I heard that seven 8th-turn masters came yesterday. I don't know what they want to do."

"They don't want to go deep into the snowfield to hunt for treasure, do they?"

"It is not impossible. It is said that there are countless treasures buried deep in the snowfield, but no one has dared to explore deeply."

While the onlookers were talking, Su Ren and others walked out of their respective rooms.

This was also the first time Su Ren saw the other six people invited by Mordekaiser, and his bodyguard Su Ren knew them.

In the lobby on the first floor, Bianhua looked panicked for a moment when she saw Su Ren, and then quickly calmed down.

In order to get Su Ren's $5 billion reward, she sent dozens of people to capture Su Ren.

As a result, all those dozens of people died in Sin City, and none of them could return alive.

Later, she originally wanted to do it herself, but then she heard the news from Liuli Island.

This made her unable to sit still. She didn't expect that Su Ren, an eighteen-year-old boy, could already kill a blood demon in an instant.

Therefore, she completely gave up on Su Ren's reward.

Unexpectedly, the person Mordekaiser invited was Su Ren, which made her a little scared.

Fortunately, Su Ren didn't seem to recognize her, he just glanced at her and then looked away.

This calmed her down.

As for the rest of the people, the man with the flat head flashed when he saw Su Ren, and he seemed to have recognized Su Ren's identity.

The flat-headed man nodded slightly towards Su Ren and stopped looking at him.

"Boss Caesar, where is the person you invited? It can't be this guy, right?"

The third among the four brothers glanced at the hall. Apart from a few people they knew, Su Ren was the only one left.

Mordekaiser coughed twice and pointed at Su Ren.

"Ahem... Let me introduce to you, this is senior Su Ren."

"Haha, a little kid with all his hair, you still call him senior?"

"Boss Caesar, are you sick and confused?"

The third child laughed and slapped his thigh.

As a result, he found that except for him who was smiling, everyone else in the hall looked at him with strange expressions.

His three brothers looked even more terrified.

"Third brother, shut up!"

The eldest of the four shouted.

My third brother usually only cares about eating, drinking and having fun, and does not read the news to understand world events.

They had seen the news about what happened in Sakura Country not long ago.

Originally, they were prepared to laugh at and make things difficult for the newcomer, but the moment they saw Su Ren's face, they gave in.

How could this ruthless man be invited by Mordekaiser?

What frightened them even more was that their third brother, who spoke freely, had already offended others.

"Brother, why are you looking like this?"

The third child asked a little strangely.

"Hurry up and apologize to Senior Su Ren!"

The boss pulled him over, forced his head down and bowed to Su Ren.

"My brother is too blind to see Taishan. Please forgive me, Senior Su Ren."

Su Ren glanced at a few people casually and said calmly:

"Okay, let's go quickly, I don't have time to hang around here with you."

"Ahem... Let's go."

Mordekaiser said softly when he saw this, and then walked out of the hotel with the support of his personal bodyguards.

He spent a lot of money to invite these people, and he didn't want to see them start fighting among themselves before they even got on the road.

Now that Su Ren can scare them, Caesar is relieved a lot.

After the group followed, only the four brothers were left behind.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"You asked me to apologize to that kid!? Did you make a mistake?"

The boss roared in a low voice:

"If you don't want to die, just shut up. I usually tell you to watch more international news, but you don't listen. Do you know who he is?"

The third child seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and frowned:

"Is he famous?"

"Nonsense, do you know why the Emperor of Sakura Kingdom was replaced by the Queen? He did it all!"

"You killed a rank 9 expert with just one strike. If I hadn't caught you, you would have been a corpse!"

Hearing this, the third child started to get scared.

International thieves like them, even if they don't watch the news, they will still hear about some major international events happening in the world.

Naturally, he also heard about the change of queen in Sakura Kingdom.

"But how can he be so strong when he is so young?"

"How the hell do I know? Anyway, don't mess with him."

Outside the hotel, a logistics team of hundreds of people was already ready.

They were also all paid by Mordekaiser, but they also knew that this trip was dangerous.

Therefore, they had already given all their money to their families. During this trip, they regarded themselves as dead soldiers.

Several hundred people organized their teams and headed towards the north gate of Mocheng.

Behind the team, there were also many onlookers.

After seeing that the team was really heading towards the snowfield, everyone immediately exploded and informed their relatives and friends.

There is no shortage of people in this world who take risks for money.

Not to mention there are so many people taking the lead.

The wages of avarice is death.

This is an eternal truth.

So as soon as the team left the city, someone followed them quietly.

Moreover, there are quite a few.

"Oh... I'm all crazy for money!"

Many people stood at the city gate and sighed as they watched the people leaving the city disappearing into the wind and snow.

"Don't go to the snowfield, there is a great terror in the snowfield!"

"Don't go, don't go!"

An old man with gray hair and red cheeks, holding a gourd of wine in his hand, was shouting at the city gate to stop everyone.

People who have lived in Mocheng for a long time have become accustomed to him.

No one knows where this old man lives, and no one knows his name.

All I know is that he has been wandering around Mocheng holding a wine gourd for a long time.

Whenever someone leaves the city, he will come to warn those who leave the city.

But no one would listen to him.

At this time someone joked:

"Hey, crazy old man, you said there is a great terror in the snowfield. What is that great terror? Can you tell me what it is?"

"I don't know, I don't know, there's great horror anyway."

"Don't go...don't go..."

The old man shook his head, raised his head and took a sip of wine, then stared straight out of the city.

It was as if something outside the city caught his eye.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw nothing except the snow and wind in the sky.

When everyone turned back, the old man had disappeared.

Everyone was shocked.

"Damn it, this old man is so elusive!"

"Isn't he some kind of master?"

"Did he go out of town or somewhere?"

Everyone looked around and found nothing.

To be able to disappear under the eyes of so many people, everyone understood to some extent that this old man was no ordinary person.

Then the horror he said may be true!

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