In Su Ren's opinion, the environment in the snowfield was more cruel than the abyss.

There is nothing but wind and snow here. Looking around, you can only see a vast expanse of white and nothing else.

Although the environment of the abyss is dark, at least it is not as boring as the snowfield.

There is quite a lot of vegetation in the abyss, including mountains and water, and more importantly, there are signs of life activity.

The large army walked for several hours without seeing a single living thing.

The snow on the ground has reached the top of my thighs, and every step I take seems very difficult.

But Su Ren was okay, he walked on the snow like walking on flat ground.

Snow is essentially water.

Suren can control them very well.

But others didn't have it so well.

Although the few people Mordekaiser invited were also level 8 masters, they did not dare to use abilities such as flying for a long time.

This is a skill that consumes a lot of energy and mana.

As for the hundreds of people, they could only move forward step by step.

But everyone is a professional, so this obstruction is not a big problem.

Among all the people, only Mordekaiser was sitting in a specially made sleigh that was like a sedan, and someone was pulling him in front. He was relatively leisurely.

"A Biao, let me tell you that if we walk about ten kilometers further, we will reach our destination today, so let everyone work harder."

Mordekaiser ordered to his personal bodyguard walking beside him.

"Yes, boss."

Su Ren glanced at Mordekaiser in the sedan in surprise.

If he had read correctly, Mordekaiser had an ancient-looking sheepskin map in his hand.

Mordekaiser actually has a map of the restricted area of ​​​​the snowfield.

This is a restricted area of ​​life. Who would come here to draw a map and take the map out alive?

In the sedan, Mordekaiser looked at the red circled place on the map, a longing light flashing in his eyes.

He received this map a few years ago, and along with it, there was an ancient hand-scrolled note.

It is clearly recorded above that in the deepest part of the restricted area of ​​​​the snowfield, there is a hidden race called the Snow Clan.

They live a life without any competition from the world, and most importantly, they can live a long, long time.

According to hand scroll records, even the first leader of the Snow Clan lived for more than three hundred years.

You know, humans in this world can only live up to 150 years old, and no one can exceed this limit.

But the Snow people did it.

This is what Mordekaiser is pursuing. He doesn't want to die like this. He wants to find the Snow Clan and find a way to extend his life.


Mordekaiser covered his mouth and coughed twice, and a bright red color appeared in his palm.

He took out a piece of paper and wiped the blood on his palms and corners of his mouth, the desire in his eyes becoming more intense.

There isn't much time left for him.

The team continued to move forward, and everyone was silent along the way, going their separate ways.

Su Ren took advantage of the time he was on his way to look at the pet space.

It was discovered that the pet space was expanding faster and faster with the addition of the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and now it had become quite huge.

The entire small world now seems to be about the same size as a small state in Dragon Kingdom.

It won’t be a problem to put tens of millions of people in it.

Moreover, Su Ren also discovered that he could put natural things into the pet space at will.

For example, right now, it is snowing in the pet space.

Shika and the others were bored and piled snowmen there.

"Is it really going to be its own world?"

Su Ren looked at his pet's space and was a little stunned.

Although the Hongmeng Purple Qi is releasing energy all the time, its volume is still so large and has no intention of getting smaller.

"There's a city ahead!!"

At this time, the person walking in the front of the team exclaimed.

A city covered in ice and snow slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Although the snow is heavy, you can tell from the outline that this is a big city.

The tall buildings in the city are connected together. Even after hundreds of years of wind and snow, many tall buildings are still standing.

"Don't stay too long, go in the direction of the temple!"

Bodyguard A Biao shouted.

Without the protection of the temple, they would not be able to survive at night.

Moreover, the protection range of the temple is related to the number of people nearby. Although they have entered the city, they are not within the protection range of the temple.

After entering the city, you can still see the hoods of cars jammed together on the road.

Heavy snow covered their bodies, leaving only a bit of the roof barely visible.

However, they and their owners were frozen into ice sculptures and stayed here forever.

Walking on the road, if you are not careful, you may walk over the head of a frozen person.

In that moment, the extreme low temperature froze everyone in the city to the spot.

Only the eternal ice sculptures were left buried under the snow.

"The snow has stopped!"

"I thought the snow would keep falling, but it turns out it stops sometimes."

At this time, everyone looked at the sky. Not only had the snow stopped, but the dark clouds in the sky were slowly dispersing, and a faint ray of sunshine slowly shone on the earth.

Although there is no temperature, at least it makes people feel a lot warmer inside.

When everyone came to the temple, they thought that the temple would also be submerged in the snow. Unexpectedly, the temple was not affected in any way and still stood there emitting its unique light.

When someone approaches, the temple's light curtain automatically expands to a certain area to cover everyone.

Su Ren looked at the temple and thought to himself, apart from anything else, the Sky and Sky Empire's technological power is indeed powerful.

I don’t know what kind of world the other party is in.

Are they doing all this just for experimentation?

At this time, a logistics team of hundreds of people began to set up tents and other camping facilities.

The whole team seems to be very smooth, and it seems that Mordekaiser is not someone who just hires people randomly.

"Let's hang out."

The four brothers spoke to Mordekaiser and walked out of the protection of the temple towards the city.

"I'll go out and take a look too."

Bianhua said and left here.

The flat-headed man didn't move, he just sat there and closed his eyes to relax.

A Biao has been following Mordekaiser and it is impossible to move.

"Senior Su, why don't you go out and take a look?"

Mordekaiser asked Su Ren.

"Not interested in."

Su Ren knew that these people were not as simple as just going to see them.

The aboriginal people in the entire big city have all turned into ice sculptures, and their money and other things will naturally be left behind.

These people were most likely going treasure hunting.

Mordekaiser asked again:

"Senior Su, they say that snowfields are forbidden areas for life, but I don't think there is anything particularly dangerous except for the wind and snow. What do you think is going on?"

"have no idea."

Su Ren shook his head and looked at the sun that was about to set.

"Maybe the real source of danger is not during the day, but the coming night."

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