
Shortly after Bianhua and the others walked out of the temple, a loud noise came from the city.

Everyone near the temple looked up in the direction of the explosion at the same time, wondering what happened.

Legend has it that there are many dangers in this restricted area of ​​​​the snowfield. Could it be that they met them on the first day?

"A Biao!"

Mordekaiser hid next to Su Ren, not forgetting to call A Biao who was directing everyone to build the camp.

"Boss, the noise should be from those people destroying the frozen building. Don't be afraid."


Mordekaiser was still a little worried.

"Boss, you are weak. Go to the tent and rest for a while. The fire has been lit for you."

"Okay, if anything happens, come over and protect me in time."

Mordekaiser's nerves are now in a tense state, and the slightest disturbance can make him extremely frightened.

No one cherishes life more than him now.

Su Ren glanced at Mordekaiser, who was helped into the tent by A Biao, and then at the crew-cut man sitting alone in the corner.

When the explosion sounded just now, this man also opened his eyes and looked at it.

But everyone else's eyes were filled with curiosity and fear, but his eyes were full of... anger?

It's just that this look goes away as quickly as it comes.

This made Su Ren a little confused. Why was he so angry when the four brothers went to cause destruction?

Is this still his home?

This is obviously impossible. After all, this city has been frozen for hundreds of years, so it cannot have anything to do with him.

Su Ren couldn't understand and didn't bother to look. Instead, he stood outside the temple and looked at the ice sculpture city from a distance.

In the evening, a red figure came from the city and saw Su Ren standing at the intersection.

Bianhua panicked.

But after thinking about it, Su Ren probably didn't know him. After all, his subordinates didn't identify themselves at all.

What's more, Su Ren won't remember that little miscellaneous fish.

Thinking of this, Bianhua no longer panicked, but walked up to Su Ren with cat steps and said charmingly:

"Little brother, are you waiting for me?"

Su Ren turned his head and glanced at her, then said coldly:


Bianhua suddenly felt deflated and waved her hand with an unhappy look on her face.

"Tch, that's really boring."

After a while, when it was getting dark, the four brothers came back.

Seeing the excitement on their faces, you knew that they should have gained a lot from this trip.

In such a big city, as long as you find a big business, you can provide equipment and materials by yourself, which is no different from picking up money.

However, whether you can take it away depends on whether you have the ability.

As night falls, the temperature plummets.

A logistics team of hundreds of people was preparing dinner at this time, while others gathered in the main tent to discuss tomorrow's action plan.

To cross the city, they needed to cross a huge lake.

But there is no need to wade into the water, because the lake has long been frozen into ice.

After crossing the big lake and climbing over a mountain, you can reach the next city.

After passing this city, you can reach the destination Mordekaiser wants to go to.

It may seem like a short journey, but no one knows how many dangers there are.

"Okay, I have worked hard for you all these past two days. When the work is completed, I promise that your reward will not be less."

After Mordekaiser finished speaking, everyone stood up and prepared to go back to their respective tents.

At this moment, there was a sudden strong wind outside, and there were sounds that sounded like human beings wailing in pain.

Everyone was startled, and then quickly walked out of the tent and looked outside.

At this time, the logistics team of several hundred people had already retreated to their side.


"There's a ghost!!"

Someone pointed in the direction of the big city and screamed.

"What nonsense are you talking about!?"

A Biao roared angrily, shocking these people.

"How can that thing exist in this world? It must be some kind of monster playing tricks!"

At this time, the wailing became louder.

Everyone in the camp heard it clearly.

Everyone stretched their necks and looked towards the dark city.

I saw rows of neat figures in white clothes floating towards the direction of the temple.

That's right, they use floating ones.

It's no wonder that the people guarding the outside of the temple just now were so frightened that they screamed.

These people just floated towards them with their heads lowered.

This scene is really weird.

"Su...Senior Su, these, what are these?"

Mordekaiser hid behind everyone, looking at the slowly approaching figures with a look of fear on his face.

Not to mention that he was scared, even Bianhua and other 8th-level professionals felt chills on their backs after seeing it.

If the opponent is a monster, they have no idea yet, and if the monster dares to enter the temple, they will kill it on the spot.

But these things don't look like monsters, nor do they look like people.

Is it really...

No one continued to think about it because they had not seen that thing before.

Among everyone at the moment, Su Ren was the strongest, so everyone looked at Su Ren and wanted to hear what he had to say.

Su Ren glanced at these people and tried to use the River God's skills to control them, but found that there was no response.

This means that the other party is either not an entity or an illusion.

Everyone unknowingly fell into the illusion created by the other party.

At this time, someone in front of the crowd roared.

"No matter who you are, just give me a lightning strike first!"

"My lightning strikes are designed to destroy evil spirits like you!"

"Zi la!"

A thunderball the size of a basketball was condensed in the man's hand, and then he pushed it towards the rows of figures.

However, the thunderball did not hit those figures, but passed through their bodies and hit the snow.


The thunderball exploded, splashing countless ice and snow.

Just when everyone was wondering what these things were, the rows of figures who had been relatively calm suddenly raised their heads.

The white and terrifying cheeks all stared at the person who just threw the thunderball.

Then I saw a figure flying towards the person who pushed out the thunder ball, piercing into his body and disappearing.



"don't want!!"

The man covered his neck with his hands and rolled on the ground, looking very painful.

His wailing sound perfectly overlapped with the sound of the wind just now.

The people who were closer to him were frightened and took four or five steps back, looking at the person rolling on the ground with fear on their faces.

After a few breaths, the man stopped wailing and just lay straight on the ground, his face completely losing color and turning pale.

Two figures floated out of his body, one was himself, and the other was the figure that had just entered his body.

The two figures returned to the team and floated towards the crowd again.

During the whole process, no one made a sound, and everyone watched this happen with chills down their spines.

"This... what kind of weird killing method is this?"

The crew-cut man was the first to make a confused sound.

Judging from his appearance, he was quite calm.

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