Such a big living person, and not just an ordinary person, at least a fifth-level professional.

Was he killed by the other party so easily?

There were so many experts there who were stunned and didn't see how the other party did it.

The only thing he saw was the figure getting into his body.

Could it be that the devil is really seeking his life?

They did it just because this person had attacked them just now.

So what should they do next?

The opponent's direction of travel is obviously towards them, and if they attack them, they may encounter the same process as the person just now.

If they don't attack, no one knows what will happen if these figures float over.

Even Su Ren is not sure what these are now.

His methods seemed to be ineffective against them.

"You guys, attack me!"

Mordekaiser casually pointed at a few people in the hundreds of people in the logistics team.

When these people come to this snowy restricted area, they must be prepared to die at any time.

Although they were afraid, they had to obey Mordekaiser's orders.

If they dare to refuse, A Biao will be the first to kill them.

The people who were pointed out swallowed nervously, and after looking at each other, they all started to kill the rows of figures.

The result was no surprise, their attack was ineffective.

Moreover, there were two melee fighters who had not yet come into contact with them. They were possessed by them and took away their lives just after getting close to them for a certain distance.

This scene made everyone feel scared again.

It turns out that attacking them will only result in early counterattack, but as long as you get close to them, you will be possessed immediately.

Judging from the number of opponents, there are countless more figures floating towards them.

The temple covers only such a large space, and they will be killed by nightmares if they leave the temple's protection.

Without leaving the protection area of ​​​​the temple, these strange figures will fill the entire area protected by the temple sooner or later tonight.

It was only a matter of time before they were approached, and in this case, they also had no way to survive.

This seems to be a dead end.

Thinking of this, panic spread among the crowd.

No wonder people say that the snowfield is a forbidden area. During the day, they don't take it seriously, thinking that this so-called forbidden area of ​​life is nothing more than that.

But at night, so many of them were at risk of being wiped out.

They couldn't even make it through the first night and were going to die here.

Su Ren leaned against the tent, touching his chin and thinking.

He didn't panic. If it didn't work, he would just run outside.

Anyway, I don’t have nightmares chasing me.

And if he wanted, he could even send everyone back to Desert City through the wormhole.

Just encountering such a strange thing, Su Ren wanted to know what was behind it.

He didn't really believe in ghosts. With the weird means the other party had, if he didn't attack human cities, what was he doing in this snowy field?

Just to wait for a few people who are not afraid of death to explore?

Obviously it doesn't make sense.

Unless the other party can only stay here and cannot go anywhere else.

"Hey, how about we make a deal?"

"With your current ability, it is impossible to find it."

"Even if this thing appears in the sky, it will be a difficult opponent."

A light voice sounded in Su Ren's mind.

No need to guess, Su Ren also knew that it was the phantom of the innate treasure.

This guy is like a dog-skin plaster, sticking to Su Ren.

Su Ren could not get rid of her no matter where he went.

"What's your deal?"

Su Ren asked.

"I want that purple energy..."

"No need to talk!"

Su Ren rejected her directly.

Are you kidding? Su Ren would give away something as powerful as Hongmeng Ziqi just out of curiosity?

This is impossible.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Didn't you take that purple energy somewhere? I want to stay there for two days, just two days. Do you think that's okay?"

Xuying rubbed his hands and looked at Su Ren expectantly.

"You're not thinking of anything bad, are you?"

Su Ren had reason to suspect that she was thinking of some bad idea to steal his Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Xuying became anxious upon hearing this.

"What bad thoughts can I have? Can I still eat your food in front of you?"

"Okay, but as agreed, you can only stay there for two days, and come out immediately when the time is up."

In order to get the Ice Crystal Pendant, Su Ren had no choice but to agree to her.

Mordekaiser only has a few days left to live. Once he dies, the Ice Crystal Pendant will be found for who knows how long.

It is true that he can send everyone back to Mocheng, but after two more days of tossing, who knows if Mordekaiser can still hold on.

Compared to Hongmeng Ziqi, Su Ren still cares more about his own upgrade and career change.

Seeing Su Ren's promise, Xuying quickly nodded and promised:

"Okay, okay, don't worry!"

"If I have any bad intentions, you can chop me with a knife."

"Okay, let's talk about it, who is this person's background?"

Su Ren did not continue to talk to her.

"Let me tell you, this thing is not simple. This thing is called a resentful spirit. It can only appear in places where many people have died."

"It is formed by the resentment of a person after death. It has basically no attack power, but his resentment is its strongest attack method."

"As long as they come into contact with its resentment, people at a low level will basically die."

"Back then, a powerful resentful spirit appeared in the hell battlefield of the Heavenly Domain. Several medium-sized sects encountered it and were all destroyed. In the end, it was only the Wandao Immortal Palace who sent people to eliminate it."

"So, this guy is very difficult to deal with. If I don't break his illusion, you won't be able to see his true form."

Su Ren nodded after listening to Xuying's explanation.

"It turns out it's still an illusion. It would be great if Cai'er was here. She can break the illusion."

"Who is Cai'er?"

Xuying asked curiously.

"Is there anyone besides me who can break the illusion of a resentful spirit?"

"Don't care who she is, break the illusion quickly."

Su Ren glanced at the floating figures, they were almost in front of everyone. If they were not broken, half of these people would die soon.

"Okay, okay, look at me!"

The shadow appeared in its true form, a cracked glass shard, currently floating in front of Su Ren, glowing with seven colors of light.

When everyone saw this scene, they thought it was Su Ren who had taken action, and they all left Su Ren's surroundings to leave an open space for him, so as not to hinder Su Ren from casting spells.

"Senior Su is still reliable!"

The fear on Mordekaiser's face also relaxed at this moment.

I saw the fragment on Su Ren's chest emitting a soaring light, piercing the dark night sky in one fell swoop.


Countless painful sounds sounded.

The groups of strange figures that were originally in groups instantly shattered and disappeared completely.

While everyone was still surprised, a monster with human faces all over its body appeared in front of everyone.

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