The monster in front of him was five to six meters tall and looked like a man without clothes.

The most disgusting and frightening thing is the faces that are crowded all over.

Each person's face has a different expression, including pain, resentment, wailing, unwillingness, ferocity, etc.

If you have trypophobia, you will go into shock right here.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"I've never seen such a disgusting monster before!"

Everyone looked at the monster in front of them and started talking.

"Strange, why can't I see its level information? Can you see it?"

"I can't see it either."

"Me too, no information."

Su Ren glanced at the monster, but he also couldn't see any information about it.

But he knew that maybe it was because this thing was not in the experimental data of the Sky Empire.

This world is a place of exile, a place of experimentation.

The birth of the wraith is like a sudden bug that has not been included in the database.

Therefore, no one can check the information of the resentful spirit.

"This monster is called Wraith. We were under its illusion just now, and now the illusion has been broken."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he had no intention of taking action.

I was invited but didn't receive a penny. I already worked and you still think that I can't contribute. You have received so much money from others. You can't just watch.

"Senior Su, attacking it now won't be the same as before, right?"

Everyone was still a little scared, and not being able to see the opponent's skills made them feel uneasy.

The terrible scene just now stimulated many people.

"Don't worry, its damage will be reduced a lot after breaking the illusion. Just be careful about the resentment it spews."

"Oh, and its life may be relatively tenacious."

Su Ren heard these things from Xu Ying, and he just repeated them.

As for whether it is true or false, they have to test it themselves.


Everyone, look at me and I look at you, no one has any intention of making the first move.

Who spares his life?

"I'm going to test its strength first!"

The crew-cut man who had been silent stood up first.

Mordekaiser invited the six of them here to protect him and clear away the monsters on the road.

The main function of the other hundreds of people is not to fight, but to be responsible for logistics, vigil and other work.

So when it comes to places that really require fighting, it is the six people who take action.

As for Su Ren, who joins temporarily, he is only responsible for protecting Mordekaiser and ensuring that he does not die. Everything else basically has nothing to do with him.

The flat-headed man first put a golden shield on himself, and then killed the resentful spirit.

Everyone stared at him intently, mainly because they wanted to see what skills the resentful spirit had.

In fact, as Su Ren said, the attack power of the resentful spirit at this time has dropped significantly, and it no longer poses much of a threat to everyone.

Although its resentment can be spit out from the mouth of every face, the speed is very slow and the distance is very short. As long as it does not get close, it is basically impossible to cause harm to people.

The flat-headed man easily punched the wraith's head, and then quickly retreated back.

Seeing the resentful spirit falling to the ground so easily, everyone had not yet reacted. This was completely different from the desperate scene just now.

"It's... so easy to kill?"

This contrast made everyone unable to accept it for a while, and they all thought they were dreaming.

Just when everyone was surprised, the head of the resentful spirit recovered and stood up again.

"It's not dead yet!"

Someone shouted softly.

But no one seemed surprised, it seemed like it should be like this.

If the other party died so easily, wouldn't it mean that they were embarrassed by being forced into a desperate situation just now?

"There is one less face on it!!"

At this time someone discovered the problem.

"I see. No wonder Senior Su said he has tenacious vitality. If a human face can be resurrected once, then..."

"How many times do I have to kill it?"

Seeing the densely packed human faces on the resentful spirit, everyone also became numb.

"Let's take action together, otherwise none of us will be able to sleep well tonight."

After speaking, the flat-headed man rushed forward again.

When the other people saw this, they also killed him.

Since there wasn't much of a threat, they were happy to take action.

But despite the ease with which they fought, those from the logistics team did not dare to step forward.

The faces on the resentful spirits spit out resentment from time to time, and even these 8th-level masters were almost hit by it.

No one knows what the consequences of being hit by that resentment will be.

Anyway, it's not pleasant to think about it. Those Rank 5s will probably die there if they take just one bite.

While they were attacking the resentful spirits, Su Ren returned to his tent. This matter had nothing to do with him anymore. Let them do the hard work.

"Hey, is it time to fulfill your promise?"

The phantom's voice came again.

"May I have your name?"

Su Ren hadn't heard her introduce herself yet, so she asked casually.

"What's your name? Just call me Jingling."

"Well, two days, you can come out when the time is up."

Su Ren opened the pet space, and a beam of light shone on the cracked fragments.

The next second, the mirror spirit had arrived in Su Ren's pet space.


"How come you have such a big portable world?"

Jing Ling looked around, amazed.

"Oh my God, it's still growing!"

Jing Ling was even more surprised, a small world where he could grow.

If this continues to grow, this can be considered a groundbreaking method.

Su Ren really surprised her.

"Tsk, looking at your unseen look, are you the only one who still has an innate treasure? I think it's more like a country bumpkin entering the city."

After hearing this, Jing Ling immediately retorted:

"You're a rube, you have no idea what this means!"

"There are many capable people who have such a big portable world. Even if they have a small world as big as a small town, they can jump up and down with joy."

"I'm too lazy to tell you. I don't understand anything. I'll go get some energy first."

After speaking, Jing Ling flew straight towards the Hongmeng Purple Qi hanging high in the sky.

After reaching a certain distance, she stopped and hung there quietly without moving.

Su Ren observed for a while, and she could only absorb a little of the energy leaked from the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

As for swallowing the Hongmeng Purple Qi in one gulp, she probably wouldn't be able to do it.

Even if she did, she would explode.

Outside, after hours of fighting, the sounds finally subsided.

However, the crowd did not erupt in cheers, but in a chaotic quarrel.

Su Ren was not asleep yet, so he went out to take a look.

"what happened?"

Su Ren randomly asked someone from the logistics team.

"Senior Su, the monster was beaten away and is not dead."

"Those seniors are quarreling now."

The seniors this person was talking about were naturally the four brothers and Bian Hua.

"Huh? Why are you arguing?"

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