Su Ren didn't understand.

"It seems like the monster has been let go. The seniors feel that several hours of hard work have been in vain, so they are blaming each other."

Now Su Ren understood.

Monsters usually drop equipment materials and other items when they die.

Stronger monsters drop better stuff.

However, this is the rule after digitization of this planet.

Even if the resentful spirit is killed, it will not drop anything because it is not included in the database at all.

These people don't understand the truth of the world, so no wonder they are quarreling.

After all, this was the monster that once put them in dire straits.

If we kill him, how many priceless things will be revealed?

At this time, the quarrel became louder, and Su Ren could hear the angry voices of the four brothers.

"Boy, do you still dare to say that you didn't let the resentful spirit go on purpose?"

"I asked you to block the southeast corner and stop moving. Why are you attacking it?"

"Should I let it go? I was the first one to get on it. I don't know who was like a coward who didn't dare to get on it."

This is the voice of a man with a crew cut.

"Who the hell are you calling a turtle? Can you tell me again?"

"Okay, cough cough... don't make any noise. Don't forget the purpose of this trip."

Mordekaiser spoke up to stop the quarrel between several people.

But his voice clearly wasn't working.

The four brothers determined that it was the crew-headed man who let the monster go, and they would demand compensation from him no matter what they said today.

The four of them relied on their strength due to their numbers, so they did not take Mordekaiser's words seriously at this time.

If the crew-cut men don't compensate them for their losses today, they will never give up.

Four against one, they had an absolute advantage.

Even with Mordekaiser's bodyguards and Higanbana together, they were still four against three.

So they are not afraid at all.

Just when the brothers were about to attack again, Su Ren came over.

The originally noisy crowd immediately fell silent.

The crowd took the initiative to make way for Su Ren.

"Senior Su, you are here, please say a few words quickly."

Mordekaiser said quickly as if he saw a savior.

He didn't want the team to fall apart on the first day. This was a major issue related to whether he could continue to survive.

Su Ren glanced at the scene. The four brothers and the flat-headed man were standing opposite each other, while Bianhua was watching the show.

A Biao always stood by Mordekaiser's side to protect him.

Others gathered in a circle and also watched the show.

Su Ren scanned the crowd and said calmly:

"Let's all go away. Don't disturb my sleep anymore."

"Of course, you don't have to listen. I don't mind throwing you outside the temple's light barrier."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he no longer looked at the crowd, but turned around and walked towards his tent.

As soon as Su Ren left, the four brothers who originally wanted to retaliate could only hold back.

"Oh, there is no show to watch, what a pity~"

Bianhua walked back to her tent with enchanting steps.

She knew that now that Su Ren had spoken, the matter was over.

No one present, as long as they knew Su Ren, dared to offend him.

Although this boy is young, he has a domineering spirit that can overwhelm the world.

"Let's all disperse, everyone goes back to their respective areas of responsibility!"

A Biao shouted at the crowd.

Hundreds of people dispersed and returned to their posts.

"Humph, you're lucky!"

The four brothers glanced coldly at the flat-headed man, snorted coldly, and then returned to their tent.

The four people live in a large tent, and they will not live separately for safety.

Back in the tent, the boss immediately set up a soundproof shield.

"Boss, is this the end of the matter?"

"That bitch definitely let the resentful spirit go on purpose!"

"This monster is so strong, it will definitely be able to produce a lot of good things."

The third child cursed and complained, and then looked at his brothers.

"Forget it? Huh, with Su Ren here this time, it's hard for us to take action. Once we get out of the snowfield, I'll kill him first!"

The boss’s voice was cold.

They are all international thieves and are used to coming and going freely. When have they ever suffered such injustice?

"Boss, and that boy Su Ren, what nonsense is disturbing his sleep? I think he is deliberately going against us!"

"Do you think he really has the strength to kill 9th ​​level?"

"Today the resentful spirit didn't seem to be strong after breaking the illusion, but he stopped."

"And I feel that his aura is not the aura that an extremely powerful person should have."

"And at his age, why can he compete with a rank-9 expert?"

After hearing this, several people began to think deeply.

"But what happened in Sakura Country was actually recorded on video, and the emperor was indeed forced to abdicate."

The second among the four also spoke:

"I've seen the video, and there's no trace of modification. But the strange thing is that Su Ren just pulled out the knife, and the Rank 9 expert from Sakura Kingdom died."

"Have you ever seen this kind of killing method? I suspect someone is secretly helping him!"

"We haven't seen it with our own eyes, so there is a possibility of fraud."

"Furthermore, since that kid has the ability to kill nine times instantly, why can Mordekaiser invite him? This is unreasonable!"

After hearing this, the third child said excitedly:

"Second brother, what do you mean, is it possible that he is just pretending? In fact, he doesn't have the strength to turn 9 at all?"

The second child nodded.

"It's possible."

"However, we can't offend him rashly. Judging from tonight's situation, the road ahead will definitely be dangerous. We have plenty of opportunities to test his true strength."

"If he doesn't have the strength to kill the ninth rank, then we can..."

After the second child finished speaking, there was a sinister look in his eyes.

On the other side, outside Su Ren's tent, a figure stood outside and said softly:

"Senior Su Ren, are you asleep?"

This is the voice of the man with the crew cut.

"What's up?"

"Can I come in and talk?"

The flat-headed man asked again in a low voice.

"come in!"

Su Ren sat up and looked at the man who bowed and walked in.

"Thank you, Senior Su, for helping me just now. Junior Zhou Zhangzheng has met the senior!"

"No need to call me senior, I'm not as old as you think."


Zhou Zhangzheng paused after hearing this.

"A master is a teacher. You are stronger than me, so naturally I have to call you senior!"

In fact, this is a common rule among professionals, but Su Ren doesn't like this title very much.

It feels like I am very old.

"It's up to you. If you have anything to say, tell me."

Su Ren didn't bother to worry about his title.

"Senior, do you know the identities of those people invited by Mordekaiser?"

"One of them may have some involvement with you."

"have no idea."

Su Ren shook his head.

He had never paid attention to those people, and Su Ren didn't bother to pay attention to them regardless of their identities.

However, Su Ren was a little curious when he heard that someone was slightly involved with him.

Seeing that Su Ren was interested, Zhou Changzheng said a few words softly.

Su Ren was a little surprised after hearing this and said:

"I see."

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