On the first night, after the incident with the resentful ghost, the whole night was peaceful and nothing else happened.

Early the next morning, everyone got ready and set off. It was snowing again, but fortunately there was no wind.

As the night passed, there were several more corpses on the ground, and they would remain here forever until they were permanently buried and covered by ice and snow.

After what happened last night, the atmosphere became much more solemn the next day.

Everyone is also aware of the danger and cruelty of this snowy restricted area.

Maybe at any moment, someone will lose their life.

After passing through the big city and walking for more than two hours, the large army arrived at a bright and wide area.

To be precise, it is an ice surface with no end in sight.

"Lake Bell, this map didn't lie to me!"

Mordekaiser stretched his head out of his sedan chair and took a look before saying excitedly.

"Bell Lake, in this ancient Chinese language, represents a holy lake. After passing through this lake and climbing over a mountain, half of the journey has been completed."

After Mordekaiser finished talking to himself, he ordered his bodyguard:

"A Biao, let the large army pass through this lake!"

"Yes, boss."

A Biao began to organize everyone to cross the big lake.

No one is worried about whether the ice on the lake is strong enough. After all, this place has been frozen for hundreds of years, and the ice may be as hard as iron.

At this time, the wind picked up and the snow changed from light snow to moderate snow.

On the holy lake, a team of hundreds of people walked in an orderly manner.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear someone whispering in the wind and snow.

"It seems that there is no danger in this snowfield restricted area during the day. It is mainly scary at night."

"Yeah, that evil spirit last night scared me so much that I couldn't sleep well all night. This was the first time I saw that kind of monster."

"Sigh, I don't know what kind of monsters I will encounter tonight. I hope I can reach my destination safely and go home safely."

Although this is very unrealistic, everyone will feel that they are the lucky one.

However, the restricted area of ​​life is no joke...

After ten minutes of walking, the large group could no longer see the shadow of land in front, left, and right, and they had already walked to the center of the lake.

At this time, someone in the team said strangely:

"The ice surface here looks much thinner than other locations. I seem to be able to see the lake below."


Some people looked at the ice under their feet in confusion.

"I can't see anything."

"You have to squat on the ice to see the lake below. I just discovered that when I was tying my shoes."

The man squatted on the ground and looked at it curiously.


After just one glance, the man was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

"Damn it, you scared me so much, what's the ghost's name?"

The people next to him were also frightened.

At this time A Biao heard the sound and looked over, saying coldly:

"What are you calling?"

The man pointed down in shock and said in a trembling voice:

"Down there...there's something down there!"

Hearing this, everyone who was still on their way suddenly stopped and looked under the ice.

"It looks like a fish."

Someone lying on the ice took a look and said.

"Fish? Can any fish survive in this lake?"

Everyone crouched down and looked under the ice in a strange way.

"Okay, don't worry so much, hurry up and hurry up, don't waste time here!"

A Biao shouted and asked everyone to continue on their way.

They come here to find a way to extend their life, not to visit and travel.

Everyone set off again, but the man who was scared just did not move. He was sure that what he saw just now was definitely not a fish, but a monster with a bloody mouth.

He lay on the ice again and looked down.

I saw a black spot at the bottom of the lake getting bigger and bigger, and its speed was getting faster and faster.



The ice surface was shaken by the impact, and then this part of the ice surface quickly cracked.

I saw a strange fish with a huge mouth full of inverted cone-shaped sharp teeth rushing out of the ice, biting the man and dragging him into the water.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and the other person was dragged down before anyone else could react.

The crowd that had become quiet suddenly became chaotic.

"There are really monsters in the water!"

Everyone quickly took out their weapons and were on guard.

Seeing this, Su Ren also moved closer to Mordekaiser's sedan.

He doesn't care about the life or death of others, he just needs to keep Mordekaiser alive.

"Senior Su, you must protect me!"

Mordekaiser raised his head and glanced.

A generation of shopping mall tycoons, when facing death, no longer have the domineering and domineering attitude they once had.

All that is left now is an old man who is dying and may die at any time.

I have to say that time is fair to everyone. No matter how much money you have, you will never be able to escape the erosion of time.

Su Ren didn't reply to his words, just looked at the lake at his feet quietly.

At this time, there was another vibration on the ice.

And not once, but continuously.

The ice surface cracked, and then countless strange fish jumped up from under the cracked ice surface.

Everywhere they attack, there is a person standing there.

Now everyone could see the true face of these strange fishes.

They are all black, each one is three meters long, and the scales on the surface are shining with a metallic luster. The hardness is probably about the same as black gold.

Someone stabbed their bodies with a sword, which only caused a burst of sparks.

The strange thing is that these strange fish can't see the data information like the wraiths.

In just a moment, screams started one after another, and countless people were dragged into the water by these strange fish.

A piece of flesh also sprang out from Su Ren's feet, but he pinched it and turned it into blood mist.

But the ice cracked, and we couldn't stand in this place.

Su Ren grabbed Mordekaiser's sedan with one hand, lifted it up, and then flew into the air to look at the situation below.

Seeing that Mordekaiser was protected by Su Ren, Abiao no longer came closer, but joined the large force fighting against the strange fish.

The actual strength of these strange fish is estimated to be less than 5 turns, so they took advantage of the sudden attack from the front.

If they are not dragged into the water, they are no match for everyone on the ice.

Although their scales are strong, fragile parts such as the eyes and belly are easily penetrated.

"Damn, I was so scared that I thought it was some kind of monster."

"Why don't I just put poison into the lake and kill these strange fish?"

The third of the four brothers, codenamed Plague, spat and cursed downwards.

After the scolding, the more the third child thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was good.

So he grabbed a strange fish corpse, put his palm against the strange fish's wound, and then countless gray gases went into the strange fish corpse.

After doing all this, Lao San looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, then found a crevice in the ice and threw the strange fish body down.

With a "plop" sound.

The body of the strange fish slowly sank into the lake.

"Hey, I just saw it. These strange fish eat the corpses of their own kind."

"If they dare to eat the fish carcass I poisoned, they will also be poisoned and die."

"When the time comes, one pass to ten, ten to a hundred, no matter how many strange fish there are, they will all be killed by me!"

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