
The Wolf King raised his head and roared.

The other ice wolves also howled again.

The snow above the valley was shaken off a lot by this shock.

The Wolf King glanced at the crowd at this time, focusing on Su Ren in the center of the crowd, and then roared again.

Many snowfield ice wolves heard this roar and immediately began to attack.

However, their attack method was different from that of ordinary wolves, and they did not charge down.

Instead, he stood above the valley and began to spit out ice blades towards the valley.

"Fuck, there are still wolves that can attack from a distance!"

Everyone cursed angrily and had to pick up their armor to resist.

In this place, they have no place to go except to defend in place.

The wolf king has blocked the way in front, and there are also wolves blocking the way behind.

The key is that these wolves are very smart and will not jump up to fight you head-on. Instead, they will use this condescending advantage to consume everyone.

They are waiting for everyone to be exhausted.

After the first wave of wolves finished spitting out their ice blades, they retreated to the back to rest and replenish their energy. The second wave of wolves came forward and continued to deal damage to everyone.

Looking at these well-coordinated and intelligent wolves, everyone was really desperate.

Don’t be afraid of the monster being powerful, but be afraid of the monster’s terrible intelligence.

"Senior Su, the boss is in your hands. No matter what happens, I hope you can save his life."

A Biao bowed to Su Ren.

"A Biao, what are you doing?"

Mordekaiser frowned.

"Boss, we can't leave here unless we kill the Wolf King. I'm going to kill him!"

After A Biao finished speaking, he turned towards the Wolf King and killed him.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhangzheng also said loudly:

"I'm here to help you!"

The two of them attacked the Wolf King one after the other.

When the Wolf King saw this, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

In the entire snowfield, few people dared to rush in front of it.

Even if the Snow Clan's great elder wanted to kill it, it wouldn't be that easy.

Not to mention these weak humans.


The Ice Wolf King roared violently, and hundreds of ice blades flew towards A Biao and Zhou Zhangzheng who were rushing over.

The two wanted to defend themselves, but found that they couldn't stop them at all.

The ice blades issued by the Ice Wolf King are completely different from those of ordinary wolves.

"Poof!" "Poof!"

The two of them flew back, and their chests were pierced by the ice blade.

With just one blow, the two lost the ability to fight again.

"Young ones, catch them alive, they won't taste good if they die for too long."

The Wolf King spoke human words, his tone full of arrogance.

If it weren't for this reason, A Biao and Zhou Zhang would have died here in one blow.

The gap between the two sides is too big.

Perhaps after hearing the Wolf King's order, the ice blade slowly stopped at this time.

This group of snowfield ice wolves also discovered that these people were much weaker than the Snow Tribe people.

It can't stand their torment at all.

They prefer to capture such weak prey alive and raise it to eat slowly.

Above the valley, the howls sounded again.

This is the carnival moment when the wolves are about to catch their prey.

"It's over. I never thought that one day I would become a monster's food."

"If I had known, I shouldn't have come here because I was greedy for money."

Everyone can already imagine the scene of being captured by wolves and being slowly raised to die.

That would be even scarier than killing them directly.

"Senior Su...how..."

Mordekaiser was trembling all over. He turned his head and looked at Su Ren standing next to him, wanting to ask him what to do.

As a result, he didn't see Su Ren.

When he thought Su Ren had run away, he found Su Ren's voice coming from the front of the valley.

"Puppy, I'll give you a minute to keep you wolf cubs away from the crowd."

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee whether my knife will split your head open."

Mordekaiser followed the sound and saw Su Ren squatting on top of the Wolf King at some point, holding a knife to the Wolf King's forehead.

When everyone saw this scene, their jaws almost dropped in shock.

Seeing this scene, the wolves stopped howling and became quiet.

Su Ren didn't want to interfere with these people's affairs. If they dared to come here for money, they had to be prepared to die at any time.

Everything has nothing to do with others.

But, after all, Su Ren couldn't just watch so many people die here and become food for the ice wolves.

"you wanna die!!"

The Ice Wolf King roared angrily and prepared to stand up and resist.

Even if this human stepped on its head, he still dared to call it a puppy.

This is the greatest insult to it.

Just when the Ice Wolf King was about to take action, he found that his body suddenly stiffened and his limbs were completely frozen to the ground.

At this time, the Ice Wolf King's heart was already filled with huge waves.

It cannot see clearly the strength of this human being.

It didn't notice when the opponent appeared above its head, and it couldn't break away from the power that controlled it.

Facing this human being, he felt like facing the great elder of the Snow Clan again.

Moreover, this human seems to be stronger!

At least it can still run under the hands of the great elder of the Snow Clan.

But facing this human being, all its escape powers failed.

"What? Didn't you hear what I said clearly?"

Su Ren plucked its big furry ears with his left hand, thinking that it would taste good if marinated in cold dishes.

"Don't... don't do anything. You have something to say."

The Ice Wolf King is also a master who can bend and stretch. If it cannot be beaten, it will surrender.

This is also the reason why it has reached its current status.

The other more unruly wolf kings had long been killed by the Snow Clan's elder, and it was the only one that had survived for so long.

Just because it was more sensible, it was spared its life.

Otherwise, if the Snow Clan's great elder really wants to kill it, its escape powers will be useless.

"Get your wolves out of here."

"Yes, yes, I will let them go immediately."

The Ice Wolf King roared, and after hesitating for a moment, the wolves all quickly evacuated from here.

"My lord, are you satisfied?"

"Also, I'm tired of walking. You stay and be my mount. I'll let you go when I leave the snowfield."

"What!? As your mount?"

The Ice Wolf King was extremely angry. How could it have the dignity to continue to rule the wolves like this?

"Human, don't bully the wolf too..."

"Huh? What's too much?"

Su Ren asked, tapping its forehead with the back of the knife.

The Ice Wolf King, who was originally extremely angry, suddenly stopped and said softly:

"Don't... don't ride the wolf for too long. I also want to have dignity."

After speaking, the Ice Wolf King lowered his head and moved a little further away from Su Ren's blade.

Su Ren sat directly on its head and said:

"Don't talk nonsense. Since you are an aboriginal here, you must be very familiar with this place. Next, you will lead the way."

"I wonder where you are going, sir? There is no place here that I cannot find."

The Ice Wolf King said with some pride.

"That's good. It will save us the trouble of not being familiar with the road. You can take us to the place where the Snow people live."

This is also where Mordekaiser originally planned to go. He said that this is where he can find the leader of the Snow Clan who has disappeared for hundreds of years.

Although Su Ren didn't know why Caesar was so sure.

But his goal is also his own goal, so the only place he wants to go is here.

However, after hearing Su Ren's words, the Ice Wolf King was instantly furious.

"What did you say!??"

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