After the Snow Clan interrogating several people left the cave, they came to the largest ice castle outside.

There are already more than thirty Snow tribesmen lying on the ground here, and everyone is wailing in pain.

Without exception, these Snow Tribe people are all young people.

A tall white-haired old man was currently casting spells to suppress the poison in their bodies.

"Great Elder, how are the clansmen?"

The great elder heard the sound and looked over and said softly:

"It will take another day for their poison to be discharged, and they will definitely have to suffer this crime, but..."

Speaking of this, the great elder sighed.

"'s just that a few children's training time was too short and they couldn't survive."

Hearing this, the Snow tribesman who was interrogating several people instantly became furious.


"I'm going to kill them, and I'm going to make these outsiders pay the price!"

"Avana, come back!"

The great elder stopped him sternly.

"We, the Snow Clan, have always made a distinction between public and private affairs. We will never wrongly accuse a good person, nor let a bad person go. Don't do anything until the matter is investigated clearly!"

"Great Elder, it was the poison they administered that caused what happened today. Isn't it right for me to kill them?"

Awana's eyes were red and his face was angry.

The great elder looked at him and shook his head.

"I didn't say you were wrong. Calm down first and tell me what happened to the matter I asked you to interrogate?"

Awana reluctantly replied:

"They have already recruited him. It was their people who did it. They also killed the Holy Dragon."

"The person who did this is called Su Ren!"

"They lied."

Just hearing these two sentences, the great elder denied the results of the interrogation brought by Awana.

"I have inspected the body of the Holy Dragon. There are scars all over the body. And judging from the wounds, they were not caused by the same person. At least they were caused by more than five people attacking the Holy Dragon together."

"Those people blamed the death of Shenglong on the Su Ren you mentioned, which means they lied."

"I think they are quite powerful. They must have a share in besieging the Holy Dragon."

After hearing this, Awana thought for a moment and said, "What does the great elder mean? The poison was not caused by Su Ren? Are they framing it?"

The great elder shook his head again.

"No, don't jump to conclusions before things are clear."

"Tomorrow you will come with me and lead people to arrest all the remaining people. It will be clear who the culprit is. In short, we, the Snow Clan, will not give up until this matter is investigated clearly."

"Yes, Great Elder, I, Avana, will never let them escape!"


Su Ren and his party were in the camp.

Su Ren let Nightmare go out to inspect the surroundings. It was impossible for him to keep vigil at night.

However, necessary safety precautions must still be taken.

As the night passed, the camp was very quiet and nothing happened.

At dawn the next day, Mordeceaser couldn't wait for everyone to pack up and prepare to set off.

He was only half a day away from his destination, and he was feeling three-part excitement, three-part fear, and three-part desire.

Whether we can find a way to extend our life depends on today.

The sun had just risen and the team had already set off.

The atmosphere in the team today is even more solemn, and it can be said that it has reached the point where everyone is in danger.

Every time you set off, it means someone will die. Rather than rushing, it is more like urging someone to die.

The disappearance of four rank 8 professionals last night also cast a layer of gloom on everyone's mind.

On the Snow Tribe side, Avana left the house early in the morning.

He didn't listen to the great elder's instructions. He only knew the principle of paying with blood.

If his tribe is dead, then he also wants those outsiders to die, preferably all of them.

So he went to the territory of the Snowfield Ice Wolf early in the morning and made a deal with their wolf king.

The two sides were originally hostile, but after the Wolf King knew that there were outsiders, and there were a lot of them, he immediately agreed to Avana's conditions.

Human meat is extremely tempting to the Snowfield Ice Wolf.

But they are no match for the great elder of the Snow Clan, so they rarely eat the meat of the Snow Clan. They are more often hunted by the Snow Clan.

This time I heard that there were hundreds of outsiders going deep into the snowfield, and they decided to give it a try no matter what.


After the team marched for half a day, it started to snow again.

It seems like it snows every day in this place, and it lasts for half a day.

Along with the snowflakes came the cold wind.

On the way, Zhou Zhang came over and walked side by side with Su Ren.

"Senior Su, are those dogs dead or missing?"

"I don't know. I didn't see their bodies, and I didn't see any signs of fighting at the scene."

That night, Zhou Zhangzheng found Su Ren and told him his identity and the identities of those people.

Only then did Su Ren know that Zhou Zhang was the leader of the international peacekeeping team.

The purpose of concealing their identity this time was to capture the four brothers and Bianhua.

But Su Ren could tell that he seemed to want to kill these people more.

Seeing that Su Ren didn't believe what he said, he admitted it on the spot.

Those four brothers killed his family, Yu Gong, he wanted to arrest them and then have the organization try and convict them.

Privately, he wanted to kill them immediately to avenge the bloodshed for his family.

So he was hesitant and confused about which choice to make.

The sudden disappearance of several people last night disrupted his thoughts. He hoped that several people were missing rather than dead.

Even if he died, he would kill them himself.

That's why Zhou Changzheng came to Su Ren to ask about news about several people.

While the two were talking, the team had already entered a valley.

There are tall rocks on both sides of the valley, and there is much less wind and snow here.

The snow in the valley is also obviously much shallower than outside.

"Almost there, finally almost there!"

"It's just a short walk through this valley and we'll be there!"

Mordekaiser was holding the map, his face was unusually flushed, and he was still mumbling.



Countless wolf howls sounded above the valley.

After echoing in the valley, these wolf howls became even louder.

Everyone looked up and saw countless snow-white giant wolves several meters high standing on the rocks above the valley, half of their bodies exposed and looking at everyone.

These snowfield ice wolves, with bursts of scarlet color in their eyes, looked at the people in the valley as if they were looking at delicious delicacies.

Everyone could even see saliva dripping from the corners of the mouths of several wolves at this time.

"They...they want to eat us!"

Everyone looked at the densely packed wolves above the valley, and their legs and feet felt weak for a moment.

Every wolf here is about the same strength as them.

If these giant wolves rushed down together, they might not be able to survive.

Just when everyone was in despair, something even more desperate happened.

A wolf king covered with silver mane and more than ten meters tall, accompanied by dozens of ice wolves, slowly appeared in the valley in front of the team, blocking everyone's way.

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