When Su Ren returned to the camp, everyone looked at him in surprise, as if they had seen something magical.

Ignoring these looks, Su Ren came to Mordekaiser's tent and briefly explained the situation to him.

After hearing this, Mordekaiser said worriedly:

"Senior Su, you must protect me tonight."

"Let me tell you another news. I have a way to find the leader of the Snow Clan. If I die, you won't be able to find him."

The four 8-turners were all taken away instantly. At this time, Mordekaiser no longer believed that his bodyguard A Biao could protect him.

The only one he can trust now is Su Ren.

After hearing this, Su Ren thought that it was indeed the case.

These big businessmen will keep everything in reserve to prepare a way out for themselves.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can touch you."

After speaking, Su Ren turned and left.


Under a snow cave deep in the snowfield.

The three missing brothers and Hibiscus Flower were chained and hung on the cross.

Although the four people were conscious, their bodies were weak and they could not use their skills.

At this time, they are no different from ordinary people.

So it's impossible to break free.

"Brother, where are we?"

The fourth child looked weakly at the dark caves around him.

He remembered that they were excitedly smashing the display cases to get the equipment inside.

As a result, a figure suddenly appeared in the hall, and before they could take action, they were already controlled by the opponent.

I was tied here when I woke up.

"Who captured us?"

The more they thought about it, the more frightened they became.

How could a few of them be considered to be rank 8 masters, yet they were so inexplicably caught with one move?

The opponent's strength is a bit too terrifying.

While several people were discussing, a group of people wearing snow-white plush coats and holding spears walked in.

The leader glanced at the four people, sat down on a stone bench in front of the four people, sat down, looked at the four people and said:

"What do outsiders do in our snowfield?"

The four of them looked at each other, looked at the person in front of them and asked tentatively:

"Are you from the Snow Tribe?"

"Do you know our Snow Clan?"

"know a little."

In fact, they also learned from Mordekaiser that such a race lived here.

Most of them don't know anything.

The leader heard this and said coldly:

"It seems that you are still well prepared. No wonder the Holy Dragon will die in your hands!"

"Holy dragon?"

Several people were a little confused. When did they kill the holy dragons of these Snow tribesmen?

"Humph, you still don't admit it!"

"We pulled out a corpse from the holy dragon's mouth, dressed in the same clothes as you!"

Hearing this, the three brothers immediately cried out in grief.

"Third brother!!"

Now they knew who the holy dragon was, it was the dragon they met today.

It looked like the dragon wouldn't survive either.

"I didn't expect that he is still your brother. Very good. It seems that you have admitted it."

"In that case, tell me, who poisoned the holy lake?"

The water of the Holy Lake has always been the upstream water source for the Snow Clan.

After the lake water was polluted, many low-strength people in the Snow tribe became sick and bedridden after drinking the lake water.

If the great elder's strength had not temporarily suppressed the poison in their bodies, these tribesmen would have died long ago.

But these poisons are not their common types, and even the Great Elder cannot completely eliminate them.

So the great elder followed him all the way, and then arrested a few outsiders for interrogation.

As for the others, the great elder saw that there were many people on the other side and was not in a hurry to take action.

Hearing the word "poison", the three brothers were speechless for a moment.

The poisoner was none other than Lao San, who died in the dragon's mouth.

"I know who poisoned you."

At this time, Bianhua raised her head and said.

When the three brothers heard this, they immediately became anxious.

The other party obviously wanted to find the culprit and punish him. If Bianhua said that it was their third brother who did it, then the three of them would not be able to escape the involvement.

"Bianhuahua, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. You must not talk nonsense."

"Shut up, did I let you speak?"

The Snow tribesman looked at Bianhua and said coldly:

"If you tell the truth, we can spare your life. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you now!"

"Don't worry, everything I say is true."

A smile of unknown meaning appeared in Bianhua's eyes.

The three brothers turned to look at her nervously, despairing in their hearts.

They have no friendship with Bianhua, and it is impossible for the other party to speak for them.

Once this was revealed, they were afraid they would die here.

"The person who poisoned us is still in the team we came with at this time. He is an 18-year-old boy named Su Ren. Although he looks young, he is cunning and cunning and does all kinds of evil."

"He was the one who administered the poison, and he was the one who killed your holy dragon!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an obvious silence in the cave. The most shocked person was the three brothers.

They never expected that Bianhua would throw the blame on Su Ren.

Little did they know that Bianhua had been worried in her heart for the past two days, worried that Su Ren would take revenge on her after knowing her identity.

She sent dozens of people to capture Su Ren and collect the reward, which was a big revenge.

In her opinion, there are definitely powerful masters in the Snow Clan, otherwise it would not be possible to capture the four of them so easily.

If the Snow Clan can take action against Su Ren, then she can solve the serious problem in her heart.

This can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

"Is what she said true?"

The leader of the Snow Clan looked at the three brothers.

The three brothers were already at odds with Su Ren. If they were not afraid of Su Ren's strength, they would have fallen out with Su Ren long ago.

Now hearing Bianhua's answer, they will naturally not say that what she said is false.

What's more, it was his brother who did it, so he couldn't tell the truth.

"That's right, sir, all of this was done by the man named Su Ren. He is so powerful that we...we don't dare to go against his decision."

After hearing this, the Snow tribesman suddenly laughed and said:

"Haha, do you think I'm an idiot?"

"The Su Ren you are talking about is only eighteen years old? Then why can he kill the Holy Dragon?"

"Why is he stronger than you?"

"This... everything we say is true. Even though he is young, he is extremely powerful. If you don't believe it, send someone to test him and you will know whether what we are saying is true."

Seeing that the four people still did not change their words, the Snow tribesman also hesitated.

Logically speaking, the explanations given by these people are all fake.

However, they still insist on this statement even though they know that lying will cost their lives, which shows that it is really possible.

"Give them something to eat, and I'll report it to the great elder."

After saying this, the snow tribesman turned around and left the cave.

When the four of them heard this, they knew it was safe.

When something that sounds outrageous is proven to be true, the Snow Tribe people will no longer doubt who they were talking about poisoning.

At this moment, the four of them all hoped that Su Ren's strength would pass the test of the Snow Tribe people.

(Thank you all for your power for love, thank you very much~)

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