"tell me the story."

When Su Ren heard this, he nodded slightly in agreement.

"A Biao, go guard outside the tent and don't let anyone get close."

A Biao nodded and walked out of the tent.

Mordekaiser saw this and said slowly:

"In fact, I also learned about the ice crystal divine pendant through this sheepskin handbook."

After Mordekaiser finished speaking, he took out the ancient sheepskin codex.

"It records where the Snow people live and their living habits."

"The Ice Crystal Pendant is a token worn by the leader of the Snow Clan. Whoever has the Ice Crystal Pendant is the patriarch."

"You mean the Ice Crystal God fell on the leader of the Snow Clan? Then I can just go find him."

Mordekaiser smiled when he heard this and said: "Although you are powerful, if you want to take other people's clan chief tokens, it would be strange if they don't fight for you."

"Desperately? They can't catch me."

Su Ren is very confident about this.

Even if they can catch up with me, it's useless. Do you really think they can beat me with all their strength?

Mordekaiser shook his head and said:

"What if I say that their clan leader has disappeared?"

"At least judging from the records in the sheepskin manuscript, their clan leader has been missing for hundreds of years."

"If you want to get the Ice Crystal Pendant, you must find the leader of the Snow Clan, and I have to find him too."

As for why Mordekaiser wanted the leader of the Snow Clan, he didn't say why.

Su Ren felt a little strange when he heard this. What's the use of Mordekaiser finding someone who has been dead for hundreds of years?

It has been missing for hundreds of years. If you are lucky, you can find a frozen corpse. If you are not lucky, there may not be any corpse left.

But what Mordekaiser was looking for had nothing to do with Su Ren, and he didn't bother to ask.

Mordekaiser continued:

"So, I said it from the beginning, you and I have the same purpose. You want the ice crystal pendant on him, and I want his people!"

"I have already told you the news and asked Senior Su to help."


After speaking, Su Ren walked out of the tent.

At this time, the campground was brightly lit, but everyone's faces were full of worry.

Four level 8 professionals disappeared in the city, which in itself was an extremely terrifying thing.

Monsters that can make them disappear without saying a word can easily kill them.

Almost everyone in the camp was talking about it now.

Su Ren walked out of the tent without looking at anyone else, and walked straight towards the center of the city.

The others immediately looked at him with wide eyes and unblinking eyes.

"Fuck, what is he doing?"

"He's going out of the temple's protection! Doesn't he want to go out and die?"

The moment Su Ren stepped out of the protection area of ​​the temple, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

But nothing happened.

No nightmares appeared, and no other monsters attacked Suren.

Mordekaiser, supported by A Biao, was shocked when he saw this scene.

It's one thing to hear about it, but it's another thing to see it with your own eyes.


"How could he be okay??"

Everyone in the camp stood up and watched this scene.

This somewhat impacts their cognition.

If you go out at night outside the protection area of ​​the temple, you will definitely die. This is common sense that humans in this world have to know from birth.

"Could it be...that it's already safe outside?"

someone whispered.

However, no one dared to take even a step out.

Once the attempt fails, it is death.

No one would play with their own lives.

Amid everyone's shocked and confused gazes, Su Ren followed the footsteps of several people and slowly walked towards the center of the city.

It didn't snow in the afternoon, so the footprints on the snow were still clear.

Not long after walking, three rows of footprints and another row of footprints left in two directions.

This is a crossroads, and it seems to be the place where Bibihua and the three brothers walked separately.

After thinking for a while, Su Ren chose to follow the direction where the three brothers were walking.

A few minutes later, Su Ren followed the footprints and came to a large commercial building.

Since the first floor was covered with ice and snow, the three brothers probably chose to break a hole in the wall of the second floor and walked in.

Bricks discarded by the roadside still look new.

After confirming that there were no further footprints around, Su Ren walked in along the hole in the wall.

The second floor looked like a large exhibition hall. With the light source in his hand, Su Ren took a look at the layout of the entire hall.

There are many equipment display cabinets in the center of the hall, and the surrounding walls are also covered with various weapons and armors.

Several display cabinets were smashed open, and the equipment inside had been taken away. It seemed that it was also the work of the three brothers.

What's a little strange is that they only broke open a few display cabinets, and there were obviously several pieces of equipment that looked pretty good next to them.

According to their greedy character, it is impossible for them to let go of these equipment.

In other words, the three brothers were attacked after smashing open several display cabinets to obtain equipment.

Su Ren glanced at the scene, and there was no sign of any battle.

Except for some human-shaped ice sculptures that have been frozen for who knows how many hundreds of years, there is nothing else.

The bodies of the three brothers were not seen on the ground.

"It's strange. There are no other footprints of living monsters around. How could these three people suddenly disappear out of thin air?"

Based on his observations over the past few days, Su Ren determined that the three of them did not have space skills.

This makes Su Ren somewhat unpredictable.

Moreover, three level 8 professionals are already considered powerful in this world.

To disappear so easily shows that the opponent's strength far exceeds theirs.

Just don’t know if the other person is a monster or a human?

Su Ren exited the trading house and looked around to make sure there were no other footprints. Then he returned to the intersection and followed Bianhua in the direction.

Su Ren originally thought that Bianhua also came to the city to hunt for treasures, but she didn't expect that she actually walked into a shopping mall selling clothes and jewelry.

Looking at the clothes on the shelves, there are a lot of them missing, probably taken away by Bianhua.

The result of Hibiscus Flower was the same as that of the three brothers, disappearing into the mall out of thin air.

Both clues were broken. Su Ren stood there and waited for a while, trying to lure the other party out to attack him.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

"Have you left already?"

Seeing that there was really no way to lure the other party out, Su Ren could only return to the camp first.

If the other party captures people in the camp while he is away, that will be troublesome.

Although Mordekaiser did not say that he could find the leader of the Snow Clan, Su Ren guessed that Mordekaiser must have a way to find him.

Because he only has a few days left to live, he is not sure and will not come here to waste time.

So Su Ren couldn't let anything happen to Mordekaiser.

Only through Mordekaiser can Su Ren get the Ice Crystal Pendant, which is why Mordekaiser is not afraid of Suren leaving alone.

This kind of person who has been a businessman all his life has every step carefully calculated, and it is basically impossible for him to leave any loopholes.

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