After the team tidied up, they continued on their way.

Nothing else happened during the rest of the journey.

If something else happened, many people would probably collapse on the spot.

The atmosphere in the team was very solemn along the way, and everyone was thinking about their future.

After climbing over the snowy mountaintop, a majestic city suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

After descending the snow-capped mountains and entering the city, everyone's anxious hearts relaxed a little.

This big city is bigger than the one yesterday.

“There are footprints of someone walking here!!”

Someone shouted. Others followed the sound and saw several rows of clear footprints at the entrance of a frozen shopping mall.

They entered the city from the south gate and found these rows of footprints at the central intersection of the city.

The footprints go all the way north, and I don't know where they extend.

"The footprints were not covered by heavy snow, indicating that these people had been here not long ago."

"I heard from the big boss that this is a member of the Snow Tribe who lives in the restricted area of ​​the snowfield."

"Didn't you say this is a restricted area of ​​life? Why are there so many monsters and even humans surviving?"

"It's a restricted area for us, and so many people have died."

Speaking of this, everyone was silent for a while.

Nearly a hundred people died. This was only the second day, and the second day had not yet passed.

Who knows if something strange will happen at night.

"Stop looking, go and camp near the temple first. Be careful and don't wander around!"

Abiao drew everyone's attention back and began to move in the direction of the temple.

A few minutes later.

Everyone had already set up camp near the temple, and it was still two hours before dark.

The three brothers looked at each other and walked straight to the center of the city.

Even if one brother is missing, they still don't forget to hunt for treasures. This has basically been engraved in their DNA and is almost functional.

Seeing this, Higanbana left the camp and followed.

Zhou Zhangzheng looked at a few people with disdain, set up his tent, got in and started to rest.

Mordekaiser would have nothing to say about their actions.

They'll be back before dark anyway.

Su Ren waited until his tent was set up, then got in, and took a look at the pet space.

Jing Ling has been staying quietly next to Hongmeng Ziqi. Looking at her fragmented body, several cracks have been repaired.

Although she still looks like a piece of broken glass overall, she looks much rounder and smoother today.

No wonder she keeps thinking about Hongmeng Ziqi.

The other pet beasts were also practicing under the light of Hongmeng purple energy.

It seems that Xika has almost reached level 800, and her whole person has become more charming and charming.

Even though she was sitting there without any expression, she had an indescribable aura flowing around her.

I don’t know if it’s because of Hongmeng’s purple energy or other reasons.

"Ah~ Master, why are you secretly peeking at others while they are practicing?"

Shika suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the sky of the small world with a smile.

From this perspective, the two of them were just looking at each other.

"Ahem... don't talk nonsense, I just want to see how the small world is developing."

Su Ren quickly denied it.

Shika stood up and turned around in a circle, showing off her perfect figure. Then she deliberately raised her chest and said in a low voice:

"Master, do you think I look good?"

"Okay... no, you should practice well on your own and don't act like a monster!"

Su Ren quickly retreated and stopped looking at the pet space.

Seeing this, a smile appeared in Shika's eyes.

"You also said I didn't peek, and I didn't peek to see if you feel guilty."

But she didn't care. She was very happy knowing that Su Ren was peeking at her.

This at least proves that he is still very attractive.

However, when she thought of the increasing number of memory fragments in her mind, Shika's face suddenly darkened.

She knew that Sooner or later, Su Ren would leave this world and go to the heaven.

If so, we will definitely pass through that star field on the way.

At that time, maybe she can no longer follow Su Ren.

In the tent, Su Ren shook his head.

Faced with such temptation, who can resist it?

Fortunately, he exited quickly, otherwise he would have fallen.

It was getting dark, and as darkness approached, smoke rose from the camp.

But the strange thing is that the three brothers and Bianhua who went to the city to hunt for treasure have not returned yet.

A Biao glanced at the time and suddenly felt bad.

"Five minutes left!"

Time passed minute by minute, and still the four people were nowhere to be seen.

Until it gets completely dark.

A Biao's face darkened, thinking something bad was wrong, and then quickly walked to Mordekaiser's tent.

"What's wrong A Biao?"

Seeing his bad expression, Mordekaiser said doubtfully.

"Boss, those three brothers and Bianhua didn't come back even after dark."

Upon hearing this, Mordekaiser's expression also changed suddenly.

"you sure?"

"Boss, I'm sure. I searched all around the camp, but I didn't see them anywhere. The people on duty at the intersection also said they didn't see them coming back."

Mordekaiser panicked, and the four level 8 professionals disappeared without a word.

The temple was not far from the city center, so it was impossible for them to rush back without checking the time.

The only possibility is that something unexpected happened.

"Didn't you hear anything?"

Mordekaiser asked again.

A Biao shook his head.

This was what he felt was strange. No matter how strong the opponent was, it would be impossible for so many level 8 professionals to be unable to even shout.

There were a total of seven 8th-level professionals in the team, and one died in the dragon's mouth.

Now four more are missing in town.

Now he is the only one left with the flat-headed man Zhou Changzheng.

The tent fell into silence for a moment, and both of them understood that there was no difference between them and the dead before they returned to the protection of the temple at night.

Even if their strength is as high as 8 turns, it is useless.

Because there is only this temple nearby.

"Wait a minute, Su Ren seems to be able to come and go freely in the wild at night. Go and ask Su Ren to come over to discuss this matter!"

Mordekaiser suddenly thought of this matter, and he sent someone to check Su Ren's information.

Although this information was once hidden by Longguo officials, he bought some at a high price.

A Biao felt a little unbelievable after hearing this, but since his boss was so sure, he naturally would not doubt it.

A Biao walked out of the tent, came to the tent where Su Ren was, and told the whole story.

Su Ren also frowned after hearing this.

It seems that this city is not peaceful. It can swallow four level 8 professionals silently. The monsters here are not simple.

Su Ren came to Mordekaiser's tent with A Biao.

"Senior Su, A Biao must have told you about the matter."

"Look...can you go to the city and check it out?"

Mordekaiser was not worried about the lives of those people, he was afraid of the unknown creature that had killed several people.

Only with Su Ren personally taking action could he feel at ease tonight.

"Haha, Boss Caesar, I shouldn't have that obligation, right?"

"Senior Su, don't refuse in a hurry. I can tell you the news about the Ice Crystal Pendant right away. What do you think?"

The destination is so close that Mordekaiser is ready to risk his life.

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