The team set off again and began to climb the snow-capped mountains.

For professionals, snow-capped mountains of this height are nothing at all.

Not to mention there is a safe road to travel on.

So the team moved very quickly.

Half an hour later, the team was already halfway up the mountain. As the altitude climbed, the temperature also dropped a lot.

The cold wind seemed more severe.

Apart from the vast expanse of white snow, there is basically nothing else to be seen around.


A scream sounded from behind the crowd who were immersed in climbing the mountain.

Everyone suddenly looked back.

There are so many things that have happened today, and even the slightest movement can make everyone nervous.

"What happened? What happened again?"

No one saw anything at all, but the screams just now were real.

"There's... there's a monster, and it's very fast!"

Someone pointed to the sky with a trembling voice.

"The man just now was caught in the sky in an instant!"

After hearing this, everyone looked up to the sky.

A black spot got farther and farther away from them until it disappeared.

After a while, a few drops of bright red blood floated down from the sky, and a few plum blossoms fell on the white snow beside the road.

No one expected that they would encounter so many monsters on the second day, and each monster's methods were very strange.

This person must be in serious danger if he is captured.

"Be careful with your head and keep on going!"

The team moved much slower. Every time they took a step, everyone had to look above their heads from time to time to prevent sudden attacks by monsters.

I don’t know what the reason was because there weren’t many monsters, but when the team approached the top of the mountain, they didn’t encounter another monster coming out to attack anyone.

Just when everyone was thankful that only one person died in exchange for everyone's safety, dozens of screams piercing the air were heard in the sky.

I saw dozens of black dots flying quickly towards the crowd from the horizon from far to near.

"Fuck, I thought it was gone, but it turns out it went back to call for help!"

"They treat us like a buffet!"

Everyone realized that the first monster must have caught people too easily, making these things think that the humans in front of them were easy to bully.

Now I called so many helpers to prepare for the feast.

"Everyone prepare to fight!"

A Biao frowned and looked at these monsters that were flying quickly.

As they got closer, everyone could clearly see that these monsters were like eagles, with a pair of hook-like iron claws and a metallic beak.

There are two pairs of wings flapping rapidly on its back.

Each monster is at least ten meters long with its wings spread out.

This is absolutely huge for humans.

And it seems that their IQ is not low. Seeing that humans are on guard, they do not swoop down to attack immediately, but hover and scream at high places.

It seemed like they were discussing some tactics.

After a while, all the strange birds dispersed and disappeared above everyone's heads.

"Huh? What happened? Did they get scared and run away?"

Everyone looked at the sky in confusion.

"Don't take it lightly, they can't retreat so easily."

As the leader of the team, A Biao obviously has more considerations.

With Su Ren by Mordekaiser's side, he doesn't have to consider the safety of his boss. All he has to do is ensure that the team can survive for a few more people.

Sure enough, as soon as A Biao finished speaking, the strange birds that had just disappeared flew back again, and each one seemed to have grabbed a huge thing on its iron claws. Judging from the shape, it was much larger than their bodies.

"It's rocks, they caught a lot of rocks!"

"They want to crush us!"

This group of strange birds grabbed so many boulders from nowhere. After flying over the crowd, dozens of rocks measuring tens of meters in size fell from the sky.

Seeing the boulders roaring towards them, everyone wanted to escape, but found that the road was only for two people to walk side by side, with cliffs on both sides, and they had no room to move.


Someone was squeezed off the cliff and disappeared before everyone's eyes in the blink of an eye.

"Stop squeezing, I'm going to fall!"

A Biao roared angrily when he saw this:

"Don't run around, defend where you are!"

If he didn't say anything to stop everyone from escaping, I don't know how many people would be pushed off the cliff.

But it was still a little late, and a few more people were squeezed out.

Without flying skills, even if you don't fall to death, you will be seriously injured if you fall.

It is even less likely that anyone will save them.

Therefore, there is no difference between falling and dying on the spot.


The first boulder fell and hit the crowd.

If this were an ordinary person, he would probably become a meat pie immediately if he was hit.

Fortunately, professionals have equipment and defensive skills, so they can barely resist.

But some people were injured.

As the first boulder fell, dozens of boulders followed.

Several more screams rang out from the crowd.

But this is just the beginning. The real danger is not these boulders, but the strange birds waiting for opportunities in the sky.

Almost as soon as the boulder fell, they launched an attack.

Dozens of strange birds swooped towards the crowd at extremely fast speeds.

The people who were still dealing with the boulder were caught off guard, and a dozen more people were arrested.

"Beast, seeking death!"

Zhou Changzheng was the first to take action, punching a strange bird from the air.

The powerful force directly penetrated the body of this strange bird.

The strange bird just flapped its wings a few times before falling to the bottom of the cliff.

Several other 8-turns also took action one after another.

However, after realizing something was wrong, the strange bird took advantage of its speed and quickly evaded it.

They are fast, but their only attack method is their pair of iron claws.

The strength seems to be limited, and it does not pose a threat to the 8th level professional.

These strange birds are not stupid either. After returning to the air and circling for a circle, they bend over and fly down the cliff.

A lot of people fell down there just now. This is much safer than catching people alive directly.

After paying the price of eight or nine lives, these strange birds grabbed one person and left here.

After A Biao counted the number of people, his expression was not very good.

This time the damage was greater than the damage in the lake.

A total of forty-seven people died.

Most of them squeezed to the bottom of the cliff and fell to death.

Some were captured and others were crushed to death by boulders.

Not only were so many people dead, but more than a dozen people in the crowd were seriously injured.

After Abiao finished reporting to Mordekaiser, Mordekaiser just said lightly:

"The wages of avarice is death."

"There's nothing to be sad about, just keep going and don't let these little things delay the process."

Looking at his boss's indifferent look, A Biao couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart.

If one day I become an outcast and sacrifice myself for his purpose, I wonder if my boss will be sad for me even for a moment?

At this time, the team was filled with gloom and gloom in everyone's heart.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer companions around them, many people actually regret coming to this snowfield.

However, they have no way out, and their only hope is that they will not die next time.

I hope I am lucky enough to get out of this snowfield alive.

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