The dragon ignored other people's attacks on him and opened his bloody mouth to bite the third child in one bite.

The third child couldn't avoid it and was bitten by it.

"Brother, save me!!"

The third child wanted to break free, but Jiaolong was determined to kill him and would not let go.

Others frantically threw their skills at the dragon to no avail.


The dragon broke through the ice and plunged into the lake.

The third child was also bitten by it and got into the lake.

This scene happened so fast, no one expected that the dragon would use such a fearless fighting method at the last moment.

"Third brother!!"

"Third brother!"

The other brothers lay down in the hole in the ice and looked into the lake. Apart from a pool of dragon's blood floating on the lake, there was no trace of the dragon anywhere.

Everyone knew that the third child was dead.

A Biao walked to the ice cave and took a look, then quickly returned to Mordekaiser.

"Boss, the third child probably won't survive."

"Where's the dragon?"

Mordekaiser asked.

Even though so many people didn't take it down, it even bit one person away.

"If the dragon hadn't received timely treatment, he probably wouldn't have survived."

"At the last moment, it was heading for the third child. It was completely undefended against us, so it must have been extremely seriously injured."

Mordekaiser nodded upon hearing this.

"Is it seriously injured? That's fine, as long as it doesn't come out to cause trouble during this period."

Mordekaiser obviously didn't care about the death of the third child.

As long as the dragon doesn't come out to hinder the team's progress, this is a good thing for him.

He had no time to waste here.

"Bitch, why don't you come here, why don't you help!?"

"You have to come here to help as soon as possible, and my third brother will not die!"

The three brothers walked straight towards Zhou Zhangzheng with anger in their eyes.

As for Su Ren, they haven't tested Su Ren's strength yet and don't dare to provoke him yet.

Zhou Changzheng laughed when he heard this and said: "What a joke, what does your brother's life and death have to do with me?"

"I'm not employed by you, why should I help you?"

"I'm not clapping my hands, it's already pretty good."

What happened last night, he has not forgotten how these people targeted him.

What's more, he wished all these brothers would die in this snowy field.

"I'll kill you!!"

The fourth of the four brothers picked up the weapon in his hand and rushed forward to kill Zhou Changzheng.

A Biao frowned and said, "Stop!"

"The boss invited you here not to let you fight among yourself. Don't forget what your mission is!"

"This is a snowfield, and anyone can die here. Since you dare to come, you must be prepared to die at any time!"

"If you want to fight, you can do whatever you want when you get out, but, here, you can't!"

A Biao also means Mordeceaser.

"Hahaha, okay!"

The brothers gave Zhou Zhangzheng and A Biao a sinister look.

"You can watch our brothers suffer, okay? Just wait for us."

"Don't let us get the chance!"

After all, a few people still didn't dare to take action.

Bianhua, Zhou Changzheng and A Biao are definitely one.

Plus the logistics team of nearly two hundred people.

If they really had to fight, they wouldn't have much chance of winning.

The most important thing is that there is Su Ren watching next to him.

This person is what they are worried about.

They didn't know what conditions Mordekaiser gave to invite Su Ren.

If Mordekaiser asked Su Ren to take action, maybe Su Ren would really take action against them.

"Ahem...I feel sad about your brother's death, but we can't linger here any longer."

Mordekaiser finally spoke at this time:

"There is still a mountain to climb ahead. If we continue to waste time here, we will not be able to reach the location of the next temple tonight, and none of us will survive."


The brothers snorted coldly and did not continue talking.

The smile on Zhou Zhangzheng's face became even stronger when he saw this.

If there weren't so many people watching here, he would have laughed out loud.

After this dragon made a fuss, the originally uneven people became even more dispersed.

The team was divided into several camps, with three brothers in one camp.

Higanbana and Perimeter are on their own camp, and will listen to Mordekaiser when necessary.

A Biao was sincerely devoted to Morde Caesar and obeyed his words.

Su Ren didn't care about anything, he just needed to ensure that Mordekaiser didn't die.

After the team organized themselves, they continued to set off.

After another half hour, the time was approaching noon.

The team then landed ashore and crossed the Bell Lake.

However, the thrills along the way did make everyone aware of the horror of this snowfield.

Even level 8 professionals who are usually aloof can die here if they are not careful.

Not to mention pawns like them.

"A Biao, you first send people to explore a passable mountain road ahead, and the others will arrange their positions and wait when they reach the foot of the mountain."

Mordekaiser poked his head out of the sedan and glanced at the snow-capped mountains in front of him, and then gave instructions to A Biao.

"Okay, boss."

A Biao took the order and left.

After another half hour, the team arrived at the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

The mountain is not high, maybe less than a thousand meters.

Now there is no wind or snow blocking the view, and you can even see a few black figures flashing in the sky.

These things are extremely fast and can disappear into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Ahem... If I could take a flying pet over there, I wouldn't have to suffer these consequences."

Mordekaiser looked at the ancient map in his hand. It clearly stated that you should never ride on a flying beast.

There is mysterious energy interference in this snowy forbidden area, and the flying pet beasts will rebel against the Devourer after being disturbed.

Coupled with the blizzard that could appear at any time, Mordekaiser could only choose to walk to his destination.

After the team waited at the foot of the mountain for almost an hour, the explorers finally returned.

If he doesn't come back, they can't wait any longer.

It was only five hours before dark.

"How about it?"

A Biao asked.

"Back to my lord, the mountain road ahead has been identified, but it's just a little strange."

"Strange? What a strange method?"

The explorer thought for a while and replied: "There is a road for two people to walk side by side up and down the mountain, but there is no snow on this road."

"And there are still footprints on the roadside!"

A Biao was shocked when he heard this, and then looked at Mordekaiser.

"It's the Snow Clan, it must be the Snow Clan!"

Mordekaiser looked very excited at this time.

"Looks like I'm not going the wrong way, hurry up, set off quickly, just follow that road!"

A Biao nodded after hearing this and shouted to everyone:

"Everyone, get ready and get ready to climb the mountain!"

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