"Who is this person?"

If Su Ren heard it right, he just said that the two brothers Qi Tianhao had slipped through the trap of the empire.

"Is he from the Sky Empire?"

Su Ren quietly stared at the center of the battlefield.

This middle-aged man was extremely fast, breaking through the layers of ice and arriving in front of Qi Tianhao in just the blink of an eye.

Qi Tianhao stabbed him with a sword. The middle-aged man did not dodge, and did not see him using a weapon. He just punched Qi Tianhao's long sword with his fist.

The fist and the tip of the sword touched together, and powerful power burst out instantly.


There was a loud noise, and all the surrounding ice was shattered.

The other people who were frozen were freed because of their duel.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

The strength of the two brothers has exceeded their imagination, and they did not expect that there would be masters present.

After the loud noise, the sword in Qi Tianhao's hand seemed unable to withstand the force of the opponent's bombardment, and it collapsed into pieces on the ground.

And he himself was so shocked that he spit out a mouthful of blood and flew out again.

Qi Tianjie, who was close, was even worse. His Qi sea was broken, and now he had no strength to withstand such a close impact.

The impact instantly cut off his head and shattered his body.

Qi Tianjie never imagined that he would die in this way.

The middle-aged man took two steps back and shook his hand that was numb from the shock.

Compared to Qi Tianhao, he was basically fine.



Seeing that his brother was dead, Qi Tianhao stood up and roared and rushed over again.

The middle-aged man smiled lightly when he saw this.

"You don't have to be sad, because you can't run away. I will send you to the underground to accompany him right away."

The middle-aged man punched again.

This may seem like an ordinary punch, but the power contained in it is extremely terrifying.

Qi Tianhao clenched the ice crystal pendant in his hand, and a trace of purple energy overflowed from it into his palm.

This time fist to palm.

However, Qi Tianhao's palm borrowed the power of the Ice Crystal Pendant.


There was another loud noise.

The place where the two fought was shrouded in bright light and thick smoke, and the situation inside could no longer be seen clearly.

Everyone was far away at this time, but they were knocked to the ground again by the shock wave.

The one with low strength was still shocked to the point of vomiting blood despite being so far away, and was almost killed by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Su Ren squinted at the center of the battle and asked the mirror spirit in the pet space:

"What kind of strength does this person have?"

Jing Ling replied:

"At the early stage of the Upper Second Realm, he is stronger than those two brothers."

"How about it, are you sure you can handle him?"

"If you can't do it, I can help you, but I have to charge a fee. After all, one action consumes a lot of money on me."

Su Ren rolled his eyes at her when he heard this.

"Do you think I need your help? When the time is up tonight, come out and don't stay in there anymore."

Su Ren still didn't know what she was thinking. She must have enjoyed the benefits in the beast space and wanted to hang on.

"Oh, just let me stay for one more day, just one day, okay?"

Jing Ling pleaded softly.

"Don't act coquettishly for me, it's useless."

"Humph, you're so stingy. Don't ask me questions anymore. I won't tell you even if I know!"

Su Ren no longer looked at her, but looked at the area where the two were fighting.

If he had read correctly just now, a trace of purple energy overflowed from the ice crystal pendant.

Could it be that the Ice Crystal Divine Pendant also contains Hongmeng Purple Qi?

Did the two brothers break through their limits with this thing?

Before Su Ren could think about it, the smoke and dust from the place where the two sides fought slowly dispersed.

Qi Tianhao fell to the ground covered in blood. Although he was not dead, he still had more air coming out and less air coming in.

The middle-aged man looked at his shattered sleeves and bleeding fists with an angry expression.

He was actually injured by a criminal.

This was a great shame to him.

"You...who are you?"

Qi Tianhao looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, his eyes full of despair.

Gou Huo has been hiding for so many years, and he never thought it would end like this.

He didn't expect that even if he used the power of the Ice Crystal Pendant, he would still be no match for this person.

"Haha, since you are going to die, then I will tell you with great mercy, so that you can die knowingly!"

The middle-aged man walked up to him step by step and said condescendingly:

"I am the patrolling angel of the Northern Territory of the Sky and Sky Empire. I am responsible for killing and cleaning up those of you who break through the restrictions!"

Hearing this, Qi Tianhao's pupils shook strongly.

"Air and Sky Empire!"

"You are from the Sky and Sky Empire!!"

Qi Tianhao didn't expect that he had been hiding for his whole life, but he still hadn't escaped.

The middle-aged man walked up to him and looked at him indifferently.

"Yes, I heard hundreds of years ago that people who broke the restrictions appeared in this area. You hid it well."


The middle-aged man bent down and took away the ice crystal pendant from Qi Tianhao's hand. After looking at it carefully, he said in wonder:

"It seems that this thing allows you to break through the shackles and restrictions imposed on you by the empire."

"You can hurt me with it. It seems like a good thing. Now, it belongs to me!"

Qi Tianhao was unable to resist at this time and could only watch helplessly as he took away the Ice Crystal Pendant.

"Okay, you can die."

The middle-aged man casually punched Qi Tianhao's head.

The two brothers fought back and forth, but both died at the hands of outsiders.

"Clan leader!!"

The great elder of the Snow Clan looked here tremblingly.

"Oh, by the way, you guys too."

The middle-aged man looked at everyone watching, his face full of indifference.

"Now that you know something you shouldn't know, you criminals can go die!"

Anyone who knows the truth will also be obliterated. This is also the duty of his patrol angel.

"Wait a moment."

Su Ren took one step forward and was in front of this person the next second.

"The Ice Crystal Pendant, it's mine, you can't take it away."


The middle-aged man frowned and looked at Su Ren.

"I know you have some strength. Logically speaking, you shouldn't have that kind of strength at your age."

"However, with your little strength, you dare to stand in front of me and ask for something from me. You are still too naive!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he punched Su Ren.

When this unparalleled punch, mixed with the strong wind, struck Su Ren, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

If Su Ren loses, then they will also die.

This man was not prepared to let them go.

Seeing the opponent's punch, Su Ren stood there without moving at all, but said lightly:

"What you said also applies to you."


The imagined scene of Su Ren being knocked away did not appear. Instead, the middle-aged man's punch was easily caught by Su Ren.

With the blocking skill, no matter how powerful the attack was, it would be ineffective against Su Ren.


The middle-aged man looked at Su Ren in disbelief.

"How can this be!?"

He is a person from the Upper Second Realm, how could he be easily caught by someone in this place of exile?

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