"Hahaha, Qi Tianhao, with the Ice Crystal Pendant, you are nothing more than this!"

Qi Tianjie wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He won this battle.

"With your timid and cowardly heart, what does it matter if you have the Ice Crystal Pendant? You simply can't use it to gain stronger power and further improve your strength!"


Qi Tianhao spit out a mouthful of blood and looked at his brother in disbelief.

I never thought he could become so powerful by practicing alone.

If he had the help of the Ice Crystal Pendant, he could indeed far surpass himself.

However, he still couldn't give him this thing.

"Tianjie, I told you, you have no idea how terrifying the Sky Empire is. If you rush into the outside world, it will only lead to your premature death!"

"Do you really think you can get out with this strength?"

When Su Ren heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

These two brothers seemed to know about the Sky and Sky Empire.

How did they know?

"Humph, Qi Tianhao, you are afraid of death. You can hide here for the rest of your life and they won't find you, but..."

"Just because you're afraid of death, doesn't mean I'm afraid of death too!"

"What's the point of living in this cage and living an ignoble existence? It's better to boldly go out and break into a new world!"

Qi Tianjie stretched out his hand and said coldly: "Hand over the Ice Crystal Pendant. For the sake of brother, I can spare your life!"

"My patience is running out. Don't challenge my patience again and again!"

Qi Tianhao sighed softly after hearing this.

Then he reached for his arms.

When Qi Tianjie saw his movements, he held his breath and stared at him.

What he had dreamed of for many years was finally coming to him.

His heart was beating wildly at this moment.

I saw Qi Tianhao reaching out and groping for a moment, and he took out a palm-sized, crystal clear white jade pendant.

Inside the jade pendant, you can faintly see traces of purple gas flowing inside.

"Ice Crystal Pendant!!"

Qi Tianjie roared and said urgently:

"Give it to me now!!"

Qi Tianhao glanced at his brother and sighed again.

"Sorry Tianjie, I won't give it to you this time either."

"Huh? What did you say?"

Qi Tianjie was about to get angry.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

Qi Tianhao recited quietly.

I saw the Ice Crystal God falling into Qi Tianhao's hand and emitting a white light that could penetrate the heaven and the earth.

Then, with Qi Tianhao as the center, the entire world was frozen by the power of extreme ice.

Everything in the world stopped, and everything was sealed by extreme ice, including the wind that was blowing just now.

Su Ren, who was watching the battle from a distance, shook his head. The power of extreme ice melted around him instantly, and one man and one wolf were freed from control in just an instant.


The Ice Wolf King looked at the frozen world in shock, and then glanced up with two eyes.

This human boy actually resolved such a terrifying move in an instant.

It didn't seem to have any effect on him at all.

The Ice Wolf King looked in the direction of the Snow Tribe people.

Including the elder of the Snow Clan, everyone in the Snow Clan was also frozen.

Qi Tianjie, who had the upper hand just now, was also sealed in the air by this move and could not move.

Seeing this scene, the Ice Wolf King became even more afraid of the boy above him.

Where did this god come from? Is there anyone who can cure him?

However, the Ice Wolf King then thought about it, and it seemed that it was not a shameful thing to serve as a mount for such a strong man for a period of time.

After returning to the pack, it decided to write this incident of honoring its ancestors into the wolf tree.

He has thought of all the words.

"I was ridden by an extremely strong man!"


Here on the battlefield, Qi Tianhao didn't notice the situation on Su Ren's side.

He cannot fully control this move. Once used, everything within ten thousand miles around him will be frozen.

However, this move does no harm. Except for being unable to move, all other senses are unaffected. It can only be regarded as a group control skill.

The time of freezing is also decided by him.

"Tianjie, forget it, stop being obsessed with it, can you just practice with me in the snowfield?"

Qi Tianhao knew that his brother could hear it.

Ever since he knew that there was a queen outside the world, he did not dare to reveal his strength.

He has been hiding in this snowy field with his younger brother to practice.

Because he heard that people from the Sky and Sky Empire would regularly send people to this world to eliminate those who had broken through the ninth rank.

If they were to discover him, his brother would definitely die.

Only the snowfield can shield the Sky Empire's exploration for some unknown reason.

But after staying in this place for a long time, Qi Tianjie could no longer bear this feeling of loneliness.

He wants to go out and see the outside world, and he is not afraid even if he dies.

The two got into a quarrel and finally couldn't help but start a fight.

Qi Tianhao melted away the ice power around Qi Tianjie's head and originally wanted to dissuade him.

Unexpectedly, Qi Tianjie roared angrily:

"Qi Tianhao, you are the one who is so stubborn!"

"You coward!!"

"If everyone in the world is like you, then everyone will be trapped in this world their whole lives, and they will never know the truth of this world!"


Qi Tianhao's originally kind face also showed a trace of anger.

"The truth! The truth?"

"Does the truth really matter?"

"Being alive is the most important thing!"

"Since you are unwilling to listen to me, then I will let you stay with me forever, so that you will not think of running away!"

A long sword suddenly appeared in Qi Tianhao's hand.

Qi Tianjie laughed loudly when he saw this.

"Hahaha, even if you kill me, I won't agree with your idea!"

"You coward!"

Qi Tianhao closed his eyes, raised his sword and stabbed. He didn't want to kill Qi Tianjie, but wanted to destroy his strength.

This way he won't clamor to leave her, and their brothers can stay together again.


The long sword pierced the Qi sea in Qi Tianjie's abdomen.

This is a new cultivation method that they have discovered by themselves.

Their bodies are no longer digitized, but have advanced to another level.

The gathering of energy in the sea of ​​qi is their new way of cultivation.

Now that Qi Tianjie's Qi sea has been broken, his strength is reduced to ten percent, and he is no longer his opponent.

"Brother, now we will never be separated!"

"Ahhhhhhh, Qi Tianhao!!!"

"You bastard, coward!! I don't have a big brother like you!"

Qi Tianjie roared hysterically.

But at this point he was powerless and everything was doomed.

Qi Tianhao looked at his brother with a smile.

"Say whatever you want about me, as long as you are happy, I don't care."

Su Ren looked at the two brothers. For some reason, he always felt that both of them were extremely sick, and both of them were seriously ill.

When Su Ren was about to snatch the Ice Crystal Pendant, among the people invited by Morde Caesar, a middle-aged man broke the ice in front of him with a punch.

In an instant, he killed the Qi Tianhao brothers.

"Haha, the empire has slipped through the cracks, I didn't expect to find you here!"

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