Su Ren returned through the wormhole to outside the job transfer temple in Donghai City.

Enter the temple as soon as possible to change jobs.

"Welcome, professional Su Ren!"

"You have met the conditions for job transfer. Do you want to transfer?"


"Job transfer begins, please wait..."

Golden light enveloped Su Ren, bathing him in a golden ocean.

After a few minutes, the light disappears and 5 turns are completed.

"Congratulations, you completed the fifth turn and gained a skill point."

Su Ren looked at the two skill points he had gained from his two job transfers, and without hesitation added them to the skill "Speaking and Following the Law".

[Words come true]: "Within the rules of the world, you can do whatever you want."

"This skill cannot be upgraded through proficiency and requires two character skill points to upgrade!"

[Skilled speaking skills]: "You can already reverse the rules of the world and do whatever you want."

"Upgrading this skill to perfection requires a godhead!"

[Perfect words are followed]: "You are the incarnation of rules. You can create all things and destroy all things with one word."

"Your verbal skills have been upgraded to proficient!"

Su Ren looked at the skilled words, and after a moment of silence, he used the wormhole to enter the abyss again.

The moment Su Ren appeared, a group of low-level abyss monsters saw him and rushed towards him.

"You are already dead."

Su Ren spoke softly, and the abyss monster that rushed over stiffened and fell straight to the ground.

There were no wounds on their bodies or any other reactions, and they just died in front of Su Ren.

"What is the reversal rule?"

Su Ren thought about these words.

Everyone knows that water flows downwards because of gravity.

Reversal of the rule means can I make water flow upward in the presence of gravity?

No matter what a species is, after it is born, it is destined that the species will not change. It will remain this species until it dies.

Is this an established rule?

Su Ren looked at the many monsters lying on the ground, pointed at a monster at random and said softly:

"Now, you're a dog."

As Su Ren finished speaking, the monster's corpse actually turned into a dog's corpse.

Seeing this amazing thing, Su Ren was silent for a long time before he came back to his senses.

"Can it really change species!?"

"Isn't this a method that only true gods can possess?"

Su Ren thought of an idea again, and then slowly said to the dog:

"Now, you live!"

Su Ren stared at the dog's body without blinking.

After a long time, it didn't get up.

"Isn't life and death a rule?"

"I can let it die, why can't I let it live?"

Su Ren stood there and thought for a while, then guessed:

"There are countless ways to make you a living creature die, but if you want to bring it back to life, no one can do it."

"Dead, just dead, no one can reverse it."

"Unless I can advance my speech to perfection, one thought will lead to life and one thought will lead to death."

"This is the real God!"

I took a look at my level. I had just killed so many abyss monsters, and my level had once again reached the limit level of 5.

"Forget it, let's go back and take over the sixth mission first. Damn it, we'll talk about it later."

Now that he has become proficient in speaking and speaking, Su Ren has finally met the conditions to enter the heavenly realm.

After dealing with the things around me, it's time to go to the outer world.

After Su Ren left, a fiery red fox floated over.

Looking at the corpses of many monsters on the ground, the fox spoke in human words:

"You are such a powerful person, why do you always come to the abyss to kill these low-level monsters?"

"Doesn't he have some bad taste?"

"Huh? Where did this strange dog come from? It's really strange. Are there such low-level monsters in the abyss?"

The King of Desire shook his head in confusion, turned and left here.


Inside the job transfer temple.

"Welcome, professional Su Ren. You have met the conditions for accepting the 6th job transfer mission. Do you want to accept the job transfer mission?"


"The 6th job transfer task has been delivered, please check it."

Su Ren looked at the message sent.

"Submit inferior blood stones x 100!"

Like the 5th turn mission, there is only one condition.

But Su Ren knew that there was only one condition, which meant that this was a very difficult task.

This time, in order to get the Ice Crystal Pendant, people from the previous level or even the second level have appeared.

This low-grade blood stone is definitely not a common thing.

"Jingling, what is the blood stone?"

Su Ren asked as he looked at the fragments of the innate treasure in the beast's space.

"Humph, I won't tell you!"

Jing Ling was obviously still angry.

"You really don't want to tell me?"

"If you don't tell me, you just won't tell me. You don't want me to answer your question!"

Su Ren pretended to sigh when he heard this:

"Sigh... I originally wanted you to stay in there for two more days, but it seems like you don't really want to stay in there."

"In that case... let's forget it."

"Wait a moment!!"

The mirror spirit turned into a phantom and shouted loudly:

"Bloodstone is a stone collected from the blood-colored river that can be used for cultivation. Its function is equivalent to the energy raw stone in your world."

"But the blood stone has much more energy, which is far beyond what the garbage energy raw stones in your world can compare with."

"Furthermore, it is very difficult to collect blood stones. Even forces like the Sky and Sky Empire cannot possess many blood stones."

Su Ren heard this and asked again: "Then you mean that I have to leave this planet if I want to get the blood stone?"

Jingling nodded.

"Yes, no one on this planet has a blood stone. If you kill that patrol angel today, he won't even have a chance to use the blood stone."

"This thing is also a real high-grade hard currency in the Tianyu. Most sects only use spiritual stones that are lower than blood stones."

Su Ren frowned after hearing this.

"I knew it wasn't easy."

"It seems this thing is still scarce."

At this time Jing Ling spoke again:

"Hey, I've told you everything I know. Does what you just said count?"

Su Ren nodded.

"Of course, I never break my word."

"Hehe, that's good."

No longer looking at her, Su Ren was thinking about another question.

"The blood stone can only be obtained outside. After I go out and complete the task, can I come back and change my job?"

Su Ren thought about it and felt it was too troublesome. Although he had a wormhole, the distance was too far and it would take a long time to cross the wormhole.

"It's better to grab a job-changing temple and put it in the pet space. Then take it out and use it when you need to use it later."

Su Ren did what he thought of and opened the wormhole directly to an uninhabited desert in the far west. He had been here before, so he had the coordinates here.

There are temples at regular intervals in this place.

Su Ren chose a temple that no one would pass by and arrested him.

After several failures, there was finally a sound of success.

"Successful arrest, congratulations on obtaining Experimental Temple No. 9527 of the Sky Empire!"

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