Sky Empire, Northern Galaxy, a huge city in the center of a big star.

The place is dotted with metallic skyscrapers.

Each building is thousands of meters high.

Countless small airships shuttled between the buildings, and everything seemed orderly.

You can even see many humanoid aircraft similar to Gundam flying in mid-air.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can still see a faint blue energy shield wrapping this huge city.

In the room at the top of a towering building in the center of the city, this is the experimental temple control center of many exiles in the northern galaxy.

On a ten-meter-high black wall, densely packed light spots are arranged in sequence.

Every spot of light on this represents an experimental temple.

Just when Su Ren captured a temple, one of the light spots went out.

"Attention! Blue Star Experimental Temple No. 9527 is out of control, please send someone to investigate!"

A mechanical sound echoed throughout the building.

After a while, the person in charge here knew it.

"Blue Star again?"

"Sir, what's the problem?"

his men asked.

"The Sky Patrol Division just sent news that the life light of the patrol angel they sent to Blue Star went out. I was asked to check the location of the patrol angel when he died."

"It's just that the area where the inquiry needs to be made is subject to signal interference, so in-depth inquiry cannot be made."

"How could a patrol angel die in a place like that? Isn't every patrol angel at least above the second level?"

The subordinates felt a little weird after hearing this.

A place of exile like Blue Star has strength limitations.

The highest strength of the creatures in that world cannot break through the previous level.

"Have you forgotten the sinner who killed the Emperor Star with one man and one sword decades ago?"

"Restrictions exist, but there is no guarantee that there will be no problems 100%. Otherwise, what else would the Sky Survey Department do?"

Hearing this, his men fell silent.

Blue Star is indeed a strange place.

The man who killed Blue Star with a sword had cost the empire a lot of time and energy to capture and imprison him.

Even if the empire personally sent people to take action, countless powerful generals were lost.

The appearance of this person once led the empire to order that all places of exile should be strictly guarded so that nothing like this would happen again.


"Now there is a problem in the Experimental Temple, and we have to send people to investigate."

"Let's do this. Send a small team to go to Blue Star with the people from the Sky Survey Department."

"We must investigate the matter clearly. If those criminals dare to stop us, they will be killed without mercy!"

"It's sir, I'll immediately organize people to investigate!"


Donghai City.

After Su Ren captured the temple, he returned here again.

He wants to wait for Xiong Da and the others to come back.

Two days passed quickly, and Su Ren was not idle these two days.

Jing Ling said that outside, all food, drink, housing and transportation cost money.

The money from the outside world needs to be exchanged with spiritual stones and so on.

So Su Ren went to Kyoto these days to find Xiao Ding and sell all the things he had on him.

All the money was also given to him and he asked him to exchange it for raw energy stones.

Blue Star's money, which is just waste paper outside, can be exchanged for raw energy stones, which can then be exchanged for higher-level spiritual stones.

When Xiao Ding saw Su Ren, he immediately asked about Mordekaiser.

After learning that Mordekaiser was dead, Xiao Ding was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

With Mordekaiser dead, Dingsheng Group might be able to compete for the throne of the world's largest equipment dealer.

This is good news for him.

Su Ren didn't care how he worked, he only wanted the raw energy stone now.

After hearing this, Xiao Ding naturally agreed wholeheartedly, but Su Ren needed a lot of raw energy stones, and he couldn't get so many in a short time.

But Xiao Ding promised to collect everything Su Ren needed within a week.

Two days later, Xiong Da and Ice Dragon King returned to Donghai City.

"How's your revenge going?"

Su Ren looked at Xiong Da and asked.

Xiong Da shook his head.

"Sigh... Young Master, I thought I could kill all the people related to them, but I saw a lot of children."

"Seeing their innocent eyes reminded me of the children in the orphanage again. I couldn't bear it..."

"So, you didn't do anything?"

Xiong Da shook his head again.

"No, I just warned them not to do evil things like Atta and Sompa, and to be good people."

"Sir, am I too kind?"

Su Ren patted his shoulder and said with a smile:

"Everyone has compassion. It's not your fault."

"What do you want to do next?"

Su Ren asked.

"I...I don't know either."

"I think, if possible, I would like to go back to the orphanage. I feel like I can't leave there. I like the carefree life with those children where I don't have to think too much."

"Well, just follow your inner thoughts. I will come back to see you when I have time in the future."

"Goodbye, sir."

Su Ren nodded, took back the Ice Dragon King and the Poison Dragon Queen and left here through the wormhole.

Xiong Da looked at Su Ren leaving, then turned around and walked towards the orphanage with long strides.

Kyoto, Dragon Warrior Guild.

After hearing that Su Ren was back, Wu Zhengyang came to the door quickly.

"President, why are you so anxious to see me?"

"Do you remember the World Championship?"

After hearing this, to be honest, Su Ren almost forgot about it.

He originally decided to go to the headquarters of the Night God Sect and dig out the leader of the Night God Sect after getting the raw energy stone.

Then he left Blue Star and headed to the outer world.

As for the World Championship, he only thought about it when he heard Wu Zhengyang talking about it.

"What happened to the World Championship? Isn't it held next month?"

Wu Zhengyang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"No, the World Committee has been moved up a month and will be held in two days!"

"Well, you also know that you are still among the top three people who can participate in the World Championship. Mu Hongxia was taken away, and the third person is pretending to be someone from the Night God Cult."

"With the strength of the following players, it would be difficult for them to even rank among the top five in the World Championships!"

"So, I can only ask you to go."

After Su Ren heard this, to be honest, he didn't really want to go.

I'm almost invincible. You want me to play house with a group of young people around age 5?

Although he was only eighteen years old, his state of mind was already different from theirs.

Going to participate in the World Championship by yourself is not a dimensionality reduction attack.

"We also know that with your ability, it is indeed a bit boring to participate in this kind of competition, but we really don't have any suitable candidates."

Su Ren thought for a while and asked:

"Are there any energy raw stone rewards?"


"Do you need the energy stone?"

Su Ren nodded.

"If necessary, the more the better!"

"Here... just wait for me and I'll ask."

Wu Zhengyang walked aside and made a phone call.

Su Ren saw that he seemed to be quarreling with someone on the phone, and his face turned red, but in the end it seemed that he had won the quarrel.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Zhengyang walked over and grinned:

"Half a million pieces, is that enough?"

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