Five hundred thousand raw energy stones, this is a huge amount of wealth.

You must know that if Su Ren took out the hundreds of billions he had and asked Xiao Ding to exchange them for raw energy stones, he would only be able to exchange them for about 1.5 million.

"President, are you selling yourself out?"

Su Ren was a little curious.

"What are you talking about? I just had a cordial exchange with the Minister of Finance."

"If he dares not to agree to the conditions I mentioned, I will go to the king of the country immediately for comment!"

"The old guy readily agreed upon hearing this."

Su Ren nodded. He knew that the other party would not readily agree to this matter. Maybe Wu Zhengyang used some method to get the other party to agree.

Su Ren stopped talking about this topic and asked:

"How long does the World Championship usually take?"

Wu Zhengyang thought for a while and replied:

"Three days, that should be enough."

"However, if you start faster, you can even advance this time to two days."

"Ahead of time? How to do it in advance?"

Wu Zhengyang smiled and said: "You didn't read the rules at first glance."

"A total of 120 countries are participating in this world championship. Each country sends 5 people to participate in the competition, which means a total of 600 people."

"On the first day, a team points system will be used. Each country will form a group and enter the small world to farm monsters. The top 50 teams with points will enter the second round, which is the second day of the competition."

"The second round adopts the team elimination mode, and all teams gather in a large arena to attack each other."

"Until there are eight teams left!"

"These eight teams entered the final day of competition."

After Su Ren heard this, he understood immediately.

"You mean I just need to eliminate them all the next day?"

Wu Zhengyang nodded.

"Yes, with your strength, you can probably send them all to the ring without any effort, so that there will be no need for the third day of the competition."

"Just think of it as a trip."

"Okay, when will we leave?"

This matter is not difficult for Su Ren, and it is not bad to get 500,000 raw energy stones.

The most important thing is that it takes time for Xiao Ding to collect raw energy stones.

After returning from participating in the World Championship, Xiao Ding should have collected almost everything.

"Tomorrow morning, I will be the leader of the team this time. I will call you."



Kyoto, in a courtyard.

The Minister of Finance of Longguo is asking about something.

"Master, Wu Zhengyang said that it was you who approved giving Su Ren 500,000 raw energy stones as a reward for the World Championship. Is this true?"

The king was stunned when he heard this.

When did he give the instruction?

But thinking that this was for Su Ren, the king nodded slightly and said:

"It's true."

"Let's do this. I'll give him another five hundred thousand when the time comes."


The Minister of Finance turned green after hearing this, and couldn't help but said anxiously:

"Master, that's one million raw energy stones. If I give this to Su Ren, there won't be much left in the treasury."

"You must consider it carefully!"

"Okay, okay, I know, give it to him, he is leaving here, this is the last place I can help him."

The king looked up at the sky, his thoughts already flying to the sky.

He knew that Su Ren asked Xiao Ding to collect raw energy stones.

Now Wu Zhengyang also needs energy raw stones for Su Ren.

He heard a drunken old man say more than ten years ago that money spent by the outside world needs to be exchanged for raw energy stones.

Combined with Su Ren's recent actions.

How could he not guess that Su Ren was going to leave this world and go to the outer world.

That was also the place he yearned for.

"Oh, okay, I'll take care of it right away."

The Minister of Finance left, but the king was still looking at the sky in concentration.


Early the next morning, Wu Zhengyang found Su Ren and took him and the other four people participating in the world championship with him.

Among the few people, he only knew Xu Xiao, who also belonged to the Longwu Guild.

Several people could see that they were very excited.

This is their first time representing Dragon Kingdom in the World Championship.

Originally, they had no chance except Xu Xiao.

But Su Ren got rid of several major families and moved them up several places in the rankings.

Coupled with the disappearance of the Ye Shen Cult troublemaker and Mu Hongxia, they were able to advance two more.

This allowed them to represent the Dragon Kingdom in the World Championship as substitutes.

"Senior Brother Su Ren!"

"I've met Senior Brother Su Ren!"

After seeing Su Ren, several people greeted him one after another.

Although they are older than Su Ren, in terms of strength, it is not an exaggeration to call them senior brothers.

Moreover, the affairs of Sakura Country have been widely reported in China.

As long as everyone is online, everyone knows about this.

In the past, Long Guo tried his best to conceal Su Ren's matters, but Long Guo seemed to have deliberately publicized this matter.

It’s hard for everyone even if they don’t know.

Su Ren's status in the Dragon Kingdom now has a vague tendency to surpass that of the Sword God.

Su Ren nodded slightly towards several people.

"The World Championship will be held on Arachijanan Island. After we pass through the teleportation array, I will take you to check in first."

Alaqijia is a large state in the northernmost part of the beautiful country, far away from the mainland of the beautiful country, and is famous for its gambling in the world.

Some people reveled and sang here, while others were forced to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

This is heaven and hell.

South Island is not far from the mainland of Alacjia. It is better to say that it is an island than a small continent.

The entire island covers an area of ​​tens of thousands square kilometers and is dominated by plains.

The island has all kinds of facilities and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people at the same time.

It is also often used for various events.

When Su Ren and his party came here, the island was already crowded with people and very lively.

People of all colors gather here to witness which country will win the final championship in this year's World Championship.

Wu Zhengyang took a few people and the accompanying team to the hotel to check in, and then had something to eat.

"This time the time is quite short. I know you haven't had time to prepare yet."

"However, with Su Ren here, you don't have to worry or feel pressure. Just do it to the best of your ability."

"Fight until you have no regrets, do you understand?"


Wu Zhengyang nodded.

"You guys go to bed early today and try not to go out. Even if you have to go out, tell me and I will take you to the competition venue early tomorrow morning."

South Island is now crowded with hundreds of thousands of people, and it is inevitable that there will be a mixture of good and bad.

There have been cases of players being attacked and killed in World Championships before.

Therefore, Wu Zhengyang did not let a few people move around at will to avoid any accidents.

When Su Ren and his party checked in, they were in a luxurious private room in the largest bar in South Island.

Several blond beauties were drinking wine with the teenagers in front of them.

At this time, an attendant opened the door and walked up to a handsome and enchanting young man and said softly:

"Your Highness Weir, the people from the Dragon Kingdom have arrived."

"Oh, very good!"

"You guys go out first."

Several blond beauties bowed and retreated after hearing this.

There were only a few teenagers and the attendant left in the room.

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