"Your Highness Weir, I have been waiting for this day for a long time, and I can finally take revenge myself!"

In the corner of the room, a young man with black hair and yellow skin spoke coldly.

If Su Ren were here, he would be able to recognize at a glance that this person was Li Wanqing, who lost to him in the big exam.

Unexpectedly, he would go to the beautiful country and represent the beautiful country in this world championship.

I don’t know what opportunities Li Wanqing got, and he was able to represent the beautiful country in the competition at a young age.

"Haha, don't worry, I will never let you down."

"However, Su Ren is rumored to be able to kill 9th ​​level professional with his sword. Why is he here to participate in the World Championship?"

Li Wanqing sneered:

"Your Highness Weir, you don't know something. This Su Ren is so proud of his achievements and prides himself on being aloof. How could he let go of this opportunity to become famous all over the world?"

"I know this person very well."


Weir glanced at Li Wanqing, still worried and said:

"Are you sure your time blockade can really control him? I saw the video of your last battle, and you lost!"

Facing a person who could cut nine times with a sword, he didn't dare to be careless.

Li Wanqing heard this and said hurriedly:

"Your Highness, last time I dealt with him alone, and his strange knife led to my failure."

"This time, you and a few others will take action personally. When the time comes, I will use time blockade to control him. One of you will take action to stop his knife, and the rest of you will take action to kill him."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, Su Ren's own strength is definitely not higher than level 8. He relies on his few weird skills and the knife in his hand."

"As long as we don't give him a chance to react, it will be absolutely easy to kill him!"

Weir thought for a moment, looked at the attendant standing beside him and asked:

"Servant of the Underworld, do you see what kind of strength Su Ren is?"

He, a squire, has a special skill, which is to be able to see through the strength of opponents who are no more than two levels above his own.

"Back to Your Highness, I have seen it. Among the five people from the Dragon Kingdom participating in the World Championship, the strongest one is Nasu Ren, but his strength does not seem to have reached level 8."

"It's only about 6 turns at most, or less than 6 turns."

"But... for a moment, I suddenly couldn't see through his strength, and I don't know why."

Ming Shi didn't say a word, and at that moment, he even felt fear.

And he was extremely frightened. When he looked at Su Ren at that moment, he felt like he was being sucked into an invisible vortex, and his body seemed to be torn apart.

If he hadn't withdrawn his eyes quickly, he might have died there.

He didn't say anything about this, because when he looked at Su Ren again, he no longer had this feeling, so he thought it was just an illusion.

"Is it only 6 turns?"

"He can kill at 9 turns at 6 turns. It seems that his skills are really abnormal."

"If it weren't for keeping him in trouble, I would like to see what kind of skills he has."

Weir still believed in Underworld's ability, because even his own strength would be easily seen by Underworld, and it was useless to hide it in front of him.

However, Weir was still a little worried, and immediately ordered the underworld attendant:

"Send a few Rank 7s tonight to test his strength. Don't alert others."

"Li Wanqing."

"Your Highness, what are your orders?"

"You go too!"

"Wha...what? Your Highness, what should I do?"

Li Wanqing was a little puzzled.

"Why don't you try your time blockade? You don't have to enter his room in person, just control it nearby."

"After success, let those assassins go in and assassinate him."

"This way I can roughly see what methods he has."

"This... well, Your Highness is wise!"

Li Wanqing bowed and said yes.

"Okay, you can go out and prepare with the Underworld Warrior now. I'm waiting for your good news. I hope that Su Ren will die in the hotel tonight."

After Li Wanqing left, the three people around Weir whispered:

"Your Highness, do you really believe this Li Wanqing?"

"He is a dragon countryman after all."

"There is a saying in the Dragon Kingdom that people who are not from my race will have different hearts."

"I think this Li Wanqing is an ambitious person. Your Highness must be on guard against him."

Weir smiled disdainfully after hearing this.

"Do you really think that His Highness completely trusts him? If it weren't for the fact that his skills are not bad and there is some use in keeping him, I would have killed him long ago."

"His skills are also a threat to His Highness!"

After speaking, Weir's eyes became fierce.

"If I can kill Nasu Ren this time, I will get rid of him next time."

What Weir didn't know was that in an inconspicuous corner of the room, inside a jack, a listener the size of a thin needle was slowly working.

On the other end, Li Wanqing's headset was wirelessly connected.

Li Wanqing followed Ming Shi silently out of the bar with his head lowered, his face already covered with frost.

"Want to get rid of me? Weir, do you really think that I, Li Wanqing, didn't guard against you?"

"After killing Su Ren, I will kill you again. Then I only need to say that you two will kill each other. In the end, I will be the ultimate winner!"

In Li Wanqing's mind, he had already sorted out all the plans in detail.


Su Ren is in the hotel room.

At this time, Su Ren was urging Jing Ling to come out of his pet space.

This guy stayed inside and refused to leave. Two days had already passed. Su Ren was busy and did not see her, so she just chose to pretend to be dead inside.

"I kept you for one more day, can you come out now?"

Upon hearing this, Jing Ling acted coquettishly and started bargaining.

"No, let's stay for two more days~"

"Don't you have a lot of questions to ask? Just ask, and I'll tell you everything I know."

"You are about to go out. Your first stop is the Northern Galaxy under the control of the Sky and Sky Empire. When the time comes, your eyes will darken. Don't you have to rely on me?"

"Am I right?"

"Besides, my space ability is very strong. If you accidentally fall into some space turbulence while walking in the universe, I can still save you~"

"Do you think I need you to save me? Who doesn't have space skills?"

But it is true that there are many questions to ask.

"Forget it, how about we make a deal?"

"you say."

Su Ren thought for a while and said: "As long as you know the questions I ask in the future, you must answer me and you can't lie."

"What you get in exchange is the permanent right to live in my pet's space. What do you think of this deal?"

"Okay, deal!"

Jing Ling agreed without even thinking.

This is simply not a good deal for her.

Seeing her agree, Su Ren also smiled secretly.

I make you greedy, and when the time comes, I will make you mine too.

This guy is very clever and usually hides his true body in the void. She knows that Su Ren has arresting skills and can catch anything.

So every time he speaks, he appears as a ghost.

Su Ren couldn't catch her at all.

But Su Ren is not in a hurry, one day he will let her fall into his hands.

Just as Su Ren was secretly planning, he suddenly felt that time around him was stagnant.

Su Ren was stunned for a moment, and then said with some doubts in his heart:

"Huh? I seem to have encountered this feeling somewhere before!"

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