Early the next morning.

Today was originally the first day of the World Championship.

However, the entire South Island is under martial law and closed.

For no other reason than that, all five contestants from the beautiful country died in the private room of the South Island bar.

The news soon spread throughout the South Island.

Even major media outlets have reported on this matter.

The case was soon resolved.

Kill each other!

Several people's bodies were covered with wounds caused by each other, and the last one was also a peak level 8 expert.

After he killed everyone, he committed suicide at the scene.

No one knows why he did this.

Because one of the deceased, Weir, had a special status, and this place was within the boundaries of the beautiful country.

Therefore, the United States officials requested that the first round of the World Championship be postponed to the afternoon, and they needed to find out the truth of the case.

Inside the hotel.

Su Ren had breakfast leisurely with a few of his colleagues.

"Tell me, who killed those contestants from the beautiful country last night?"

"I have long heard that there will be assassinations of players during the World Championships. I didn't expect that we would meet on the first day!"

"Haha, now we have lost another strong competitor!"

"Okay, eat your food honestly and don't talk nonsense!"

Wu Zhengyang glanced at several people and stopped allowing them to discuss.

The matter has not yet been investigated clearly, and random remarks can easily lead to misunderstandings.

In the morning, people from the World Committee came to the hotel twice to investigate. Participants from each country were asked twice what they were doing last night and whether they had gone out.

By the afternoon, there was still no result.

The surveillance near the bar was also operating normally, but no suspicious figures were captured entering the bar.

The World Championship cannot be postponed, so the World Committee can only announce the official start of this World Championship.

This time the World Championship was held early for unknown reasons, and it seemed that the World Committee did not have time to prepare.

Even the opening ceremony simply went through a formality before entering the official competition.

Under the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people in the stadium, the representative teams from all countries entered the portal that had been prepared in the stadium.

Here, it leads to a small world full of monsters.

Each time you kill a monster of a corresponding level, you will receive corresponding points.

Since there is only half a day left, this will test the coordination of a team.

"Within 6 hours, the top 50 teams with points will advance to the second round of tomorrow's competition!"

After the host shouted loudly, cheers erupted in the arena.

Four large projection screens also slowly rose from the center of the arena at this time.

On this projection screen, the audience can clearly see every move of each team.

The team's points will also appear in the upper right corner of the screen for viewers to check in real time.


Beautiful capital city.

In a huge white manor.

After Grand Duke Kibo heard the news from the South Island, he slumped in his chair.

"how so!?"

"You told me that Underworld Warrior killed my son and then committed suicide?"

"How could he do this?"

After having followed him for so many years, he didn't believe that Underworld Warrior would do such a thing.

"Someone must be causing trouble, send someone to investigate for me immediately!"

"If we can't find out who did it!"

Speaking of this, Grand Duke Jibo showed a sinister look on his face.

"Then sink the entire South Island for me!!"

"I want them all to be buried with my son!"

After hearing this order, the steward who reported the matter couldn't help but remind him with a look of horror:

"Grand Duke, there are not only people from the World Committee on the South Island, but there are also teams from hundreds of countries and hundreds of thousands of spectators from all over the world!"

"If we sink the South Island, we will definitely be punished by everyone in the world. Please consider this matter carefully!"

"Huh, no need to think about it, let them be buried with you!"

"If they use that secret weapon, they may not be able to find me!"

Hearing the secret weapon, cold sweat broke out on the butler's forehead.

This is something developed from the design drawings that Archduke Gibbert got from somewhere. It took decades just to study this stuff.

After the successful development, they conducted a total of three experiments.

He was very satisfied with the results every time.

Even mortals can use this weapon.

It is not impossible to kill gods with a mortal body.

Seeing that his master had made up his mind, the butler said nothing more and immediately sent someone to investigate the cause of His Highness Weir's death.


Beyond the sky, on the wall of Xitianguan.

"What it is?"

The soldiers guarding the city couldn't help but feel curious as they watched the twelve points of light flashing in the dark night sky.

It was impossible for the demon from outside the territory to fly towards them so blatantly.

"Don't worry about anything, sound the alarm first!!"

After the soldiers guarding the city sounded the alarm, everyone in Xitian Pass rushed to the city wall to prepare for the battle.

Every time the alarm sounds, it means that the extraterrestrial demons have begun to attack Tianguan again.

But this time it seems a little different.

When the twelve light spots got closer, everyone could see their appearance clearly.

They saw twelve humanoid armors over one meter tall, like Iron Man, flying towards them.

The defensive shield of Xitianguan was originally able to resist the attacks of extraterrestrial demons, but when it encountered these humanoid armors, it was broken instantly.

Twelve humanoid battle armors instantly appeared on top of the Xitianguan city wall.

The defenders of the city were suddenly startled. They held their weapons but did not dare to take action.

"What the hell is this?"

At this time, the helmets of the twelve armors were opened one by one. Under the helmets, there were handsome men and women.

"It's human!"

Everyone looked at these people in surprise, and they all guessed which country they were from.

"Be bold!"

A cold drink sounded.

"Which country are you from that dares to destroy our Xitianguan defensive shield at will?"

"Don't you know this is a barrier against the demons outside the territory?"

A blond old man flew over from the city and stared at the twelve people with an unkind expression.

He didn't care whose descendants these people were, he had to teach them a lesson today.

"Haha, you guys, when did someone from the Lower Ninth Realm dare to yell at us?"

"Haha, these ignorant sinners have never seen the world, maybe they think that the Lower Ninth Realm is already great, right?"

"He seemed to be saying that we broke the broken barrier they made."

Several people were talking to themselves, ignoring the old man and the city defenders.

The barrier here was destroyed, which naturally alerted more city defenders.

After a while, several old men flew in from a distance.

These old men are all ninth-level professionals.

"Who are these people?"

"Did they destroy the barrier?"

After several people arrived, they looked at the armors on the twelve people in confusion.

With their knowledge, they didn't even know what materials these people's armors were made of.

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