"Hey, ants, I want to ask you something."

"Do you know where the temple disappeared?"

These twelve people were from the Sky Survey Department and Supervision Department of the Northern Territory of the Sky Empire.

They came together to investigate the death of Patrol Angel Zhao Jin, and to investigate the reason why the Experimental Temple lost control.

"How dare you call me an ant? Today, I don't care whose heirs you are, I'm going to make you suffer!"

The blond old man roared angrily, and a golden spear appeared in his hand.

The powerful force erupted with bursts of sonic booms as the spear was thrust out.

"Oh, I don't know how high the sky is!"

A young man among the twelve people stepped forward, and the spear thrust out by the blond old man was easily blocked with his palm.

"With this little strength, you dare to take action against me?"

The young man smiled disdainfully, then slapped him casually.


The spear shattered inch by inch.

The blond old man was also knocked upside down by this force.

"Lao Jin!!"

Several other rank 9 old men hurriedly flew over to check on his injuries.

"It's too weak. Isn't there a stronger ant?"

The young man stood in the sky, his eyes full of arrogance.

Listen to these extremely arrogant words.

All the people guarding the city were silent.

Jin Lao, who was invincible to them, was defeated by this young man so easily.

And even the weapons were shattered.

Who is this young man?

Moreover, there are eleven others like him.

If everyone had the strength of this young man, it would be too terrifying.

"This is too much!"

Seeing that his old friend was seriously injured and vomiting blood, an old man roared and went to kill him.

"Ant, no matter how angry you are, you are still an ant!"

The young man stretched out his palm, and a white laser shot out. In just a moment, it pierced the heart of the old man who came to kill him.

"Old Lin!!"

The remaining two rank-9 old men looked at the corpse of their friend and suddenly became angry.

"What? You also want to come here and die?"

The young man sneered and looked at the two of them.

The two rank-9 old men held back the anger in their hearts and did not step forward rashly.

They know that the gap between the two sides is too big. Even if everyone comes together, they will not be their opponents.

At this time, a girl among the twelve people frowned and said:

"Okay, we're here to investigate. Don't get too involved with these criminals."

Hearing this, the young man shrugged and said, "It's boring, just for fun."

Just for fun, it was so easy to hear this person say it.

Everyone present was filled with anger.

Just for fun, he casually broke the barrier against the extraterrestrial demons.

Just for fun, he seriously injured Mr. Jin and killed Mr. Lin.

These people are like ants and criminals, and they don't regard them as human beings at all.

They only hated their lack of strength, and no matter how angry they were, they did not dare to take action against these twelve people.

"Oh, it's really boring. Let's go and go to the blue planet below to see if there is anything interesting."

After the young man finished speaking, he took the lead and flew towards the blue planet below.

But halfway through the flight, a halo of light stopped him outside.

Even with his strength, he couldn't break through this barrier.

"Huh? You forgot, this is the place of exile, there is a sky-locking formation!"

"It's really troublesome, having to sit in the teleportation array."

The young man flew back, looked at the two rank 9 old men and said:

"Where is the teleportation array to this planet? Take us there!"

The two old men originally felt that the identities of these people were suspicious, but when they heard the other party calling their world this planet.

A terrible thought came to both of them at the same time. These people were not from the Blue Star.

"I ask you, what are you thinking about? Do you want to die like him?"

"Aaron, take them there!"

The two old men did not dare to stop them anymore. If they died, no one would be able to hold the gate.

If the demon from outside the territory takes the opportunity to attack, Blue Star will be in danger.

Aaron was the captain of a team guarding the city here. After hearing the order, he could only step forward to lead the way.

"You... follow... follow me."

The young man saw this and smiled: "Haha, that's right. I still prefer obedient ants."


Dragon Kingdom, Mobei City.

The cold wind is howling and snow is drifting thousands of miles away.

Outside the north gate of Mobei City, six young men and women in armor looked at the snowstorm in the sky quietly.

This scene attracted countless people in Mobei City to stop and watch.

"Who are these people?"

"Isn't it cold to wear so little?"

"It doesn't look like we are from the Dragon Kingdom."

"Are they going to the Snowy Restricted Area? I heard that the hundreds of people who went to the Snowy Restricted Area last time haven't come back yet."

"I think the whole army has been wiped out. Is it possible to enter and leave the snowfield restricted area at will?"

Behind the crowd, an old man carrying a gourd frowned and stared at the six people.

"I didn't expect people from the Sky Empire to come so quickly."

"These six people all wear sky armor, and their strength is definitely not comparable to that of the dead patrol angel."

"These six people have joined forces. I'm afraid I'm no match for them. I hope they don't find out anything."

After thinking for a moment, the old man silently turned around and left.

He couldn't stay in this place any longer, and if his strength was exposed, he wouldn't be able to escape.

"Guys, do you have any information?"

These six people are from the Sky Patrol Department. They came here after being separated from the people from the Supervision Department.

Six people from the Supervision Department went to the Dragon Kingdom's Far West Prefecture to investigate the Experimental Temple.

"I can't find it. There is something wrong with this snowfield. It can block our signal!"

"But Zhao Jin's life light was extinguished inside."

"Let's go in and investigate."

Several people nodded and flew into the snowfield.

There is a temple located halfway in the snowfield.

Governor Zhou was heading back with about a hundred people.

The three brothers and Bianhua had their strength sealed by the Snow Clan's elder, and could only let Zhou Zhangzheng hold them away.

The journey back was much easier than when we came here, at least there weren't so many monsters attacking everyone along the way.

"There's still one day to go, and we can return to Mobei City."

"Everyone, cheer up and be careful tonight!"

Zhou Zhang looked at everyone and shouted loudly.


"Thank you, Brother Zhou. If it weren't for you this time, we wouldn't know how to get out."

"Yeah, I thought I was going to die in the snowfield this time."

Everyone is still a little scared when they think about it now.

This trip to the snowfield allowed them to see the cruelty of the snowfield and what it means that there is a world outside the sky and there are people outside the world.

It was getting late now, and the wind and snow were getting heavier and heavier.

"Hey, there are actually quite a few people."

Six figures descended from the sky, and everyone stood up in shock and looked at these six people warily.

"Who are you?"

Zhou Zhang was walking over, looking at these mysterious people and asked.

The six of them looked around and then looked at Zhou Changzheng.

"You are the strongest here. Let me ask you something."

A blue light curtain was projected in front of the six people, and then Zhao Jin's figure appeared on it.

"Have you seen this person?"

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