Zhou Changzheng looked at the projected photo given by the other party and was suddenly shocked.

"Isn't this the person who was killed by Senior Su?"

"What are these people doing looking for him? Are they together?"

Zhou Changzheng looked at the people in front of him again. He couldn't see through the strength of these people.

No, I can't expose Senior Su's identity.

Zhou Zhangzheng thought for a while and shook his head: "I haven't seen it before."

"Oh, is it so?"

"If you dare to lie to us, do you know the consequences?"

"I...I really haven't seen it."

After hearing this, several people no longer looked at him, but looked at others and asked:

"Have you seen him?"

"Who the hell are you? You little brats, don't you have any manners? You ask questions when you get here. What do you think we are?"

"Brother Zhou is polite. He spoils you, but we don't spoil you!"

Everyone looked at these young men and women with some displeasure.

This time he acted very arrogantly, and he really thought of himself as a person, and they were not willing to serve him.

After hearing these words, Zhou Zhang was trying to stop everyone from speaking before it was too late.

"Oh, sinners are sinners, and they dare to speak rudely to us!"

"Okay, let me teach you what to do when you see the master in the future!"

One of the six people raised his finger, and a laser shot out, heading straight towards the people who had just spoken.



Several sounds of piercing the body were heard, and the people who had just spoken all fell to the ground without making a sound.

The whole place fell silent.

After this person killed someone, he looked at everyone with cold eyes.

"Kneel down, all of them, or die!!"

When many people saw this scene, their legs weakened and they knelt down.

A few people could not bear the humiliation and did not kneel down immediately.

"Don't kneel? Then die!"

This person did not give them any extra chance and carried out the massacre again without saying a word.

A dozen more figures fell on the snow.

The bright red blood dyed the snowflakes on the ground red, which looked a bit shocking.

Everyone in the camp fell to their knees, and no one dared to resist their orders.

"I won't shed tears until I see the coffin. Now, can you answer my question?"

"Whoever dares to lie will end up in the same fate as them!"

"Tell me, has anyone seen him?"

The crowd was silent for a while. They had seen this man before and were almost killed by him.

If Su Ren hadn't taken action, they would be dead now.

Zhou Zhangzheng didn't say they knew each other just now, and they didn't dare to say that they knew each other.

If they knew each other, it would not only harm Zhou Changzheng, but also Su Ren.

Without these two people, they would not have been able to get out of the snowfield alive. They were all lifesavers.

Although they were desperadoes who came to the snowy plains for money, they also knew that their savior could not betray them.

Therefore, no one spoke, everyone lowered their heads and remained silent.

"Several adults, I... we might know each other!"

At this time, the three brothers who were tied next to the camp spoke loudly.

This might be their only chance to escape.

"Are you looking for another person named Patrol Angel? I heard them mention it on the road!"


Hearing this, the six people from the Tianxuan Division instantly came to the three brothers.

"You know the Patrol Angel, it seems you have met him."

The three brothers nodded quickly.

"Yes, we know. When they were on their way back, they said that the patrol angel almost killed them. It was a man named Su Ren who killed the patrol angel and saved their lives."

Upon hearing this, several people knew that this was the answer they were looking for.

Several people turned around and looked at everyone in the camp, with a cold light flashing in their eyes. None of those who wanted to protect the murderer could be spared.

"You want to hide it from me and deceive me? It seems that you are not afraid of death, so I will give you a ride."

When Zhou Zhangzheng heard the three brothers speaking, he knew something was wrong.

Now that the people from the Tianxun Division had said these words, he knew that he had no choice but to fight.

"Everyone, please stop kneeling, you will die no matter what, we will fight them!"

Zhou Zhangzheng was the first to stand up and rush towards the few people.

Others naturally knew that these people were not ready to let them go. These people and the patrol angel were the same thing.

Rather than sit back and wait for death, it is better to give it a try, maybe there is still a chance to survive.

Looking at the hundreds of people rushing over.

There was no trace of panic on the faces of the six people from the Tianxian Division.

The man who took action just now took a step forward, stretched out his right hand, and looked at these people as if they were dead people.

Then he said indifferently:

"Light of destruction!"

A surge of energy coursed through his body and focused on the armor on his hands.

The energy suddenly amplified several times.

This is the power increase brought by the air and space armor.

The stronger the armor, the better the amplification effect.

When the energy in his palm reached its limit, an unparalleled bright light penetrated the entire camp.

Everyone who rushed over was incinerated by the strong light in an instant, leaving not even ashes behind.

Zhou Changzheng, an eighth-level professional, only resisted for a moment before being burned to ashes.

The entire camp, including the hundreds of people, disappeared into thin air, leaving nothing but a ravine several meters deep on the ground that extended far into the distance.

When the three brothers and Bianhua saw this horrific scene, their faces turned pale with fright and it became difficult to breathe.

So many people couldn't even make a sound. In just an instant, they were all dead.

Who are these people?

They were also ruthless people, but this was the first time they saw this terrifying scene.

The strength of this man was definitely the strongest among all the people they had ever seen.

The elder of the Snow Clan who captured them probably wouldn't be able to survive a single round in this man's hands.

This man did all this without any emotion on his face, as if to him, this was a trivial matter.

"Tell me, who is Su Ren?"

This person looked at the three brothers and Bianhua again.

The four people quickly told all the information they knew about Su Ren.

He even didn't forget to explain the deep hatred between himself and Su Ren.

"Haha, interesting."

"It's still useful to keep you here. You'd better take us to find that Su Ren, otherwise... you know the consequences!"

"Yes, I promise not to disappoint you, sir!"


The first round of the World Championship, in a small world.

Su Ren and his team were killing monsters everywhere.

At this time, Dragon Kingdom was already far ahead in points, far ahead of the second-placed Xiong Kingdom.

The beautiful country has withdrawn from this world competition early because all the contestants were killed.

Sakura Country also did not participate in the World Championship due to the change of emperor.

So the battle for first place became a battle between the Dragon Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom.

In the arena, hundreds of thousands of spectators watched in stunned silence as Su Ren led the team to crush the monsters.

Everyone looked numb.

Long Guo couldn't afford it, so why did he call Su Ren here?

How does this make the contestants from their country play? The two sides are not on the same level at all.

Rather than competing for first place, it is better to say that we are competing for second place.

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