At the end of the first day of competition, the Dragon Kingdom team easily won the first place in points under the leadership of Su Ren.

And broke the points record in the first round of the World Championship.

The entire game was uneventful and without any surprises.

After media reports, Su Ren's name was completely resounding all over the world.

This World Championship was also considered by major media to have entered garbage time ahead of schedule.

There is basically no suspense that Long Guo will win the first place.

This is the first time in previous World Championships that the champion can be seen on the first day.

Outside the competition venue, media from various countries crowded around the Dragon Kingdom team, scrambling to interview them.

"Hello, Su Ren. First of all, congratulations on winning the first place in points in the first round and breaking the world record. Is there anything you want to say to everyone?"

Su Ren looked at the camera and smiled: "Read more, read more newspapers, eat less snacks and sleep more."


"Player Su Ren, I have another question. How did you achieve such great strength at this age? Do you have any tips you can share with everyone?"

Su Ren: "There is no secret, just talent and hard work."

Su Ren didn't say a word, and he was cheating!

Half an hour later.

Wu Zhengyang stopped many reporters and media and said:

"Okay, friends from the media, the players need to rest for tomorrow's game. Today's interview ends here!"

On the bus back to the hotel, except for Su Ren, everyone else looked excited.

"This is my first time being surrounded by so many people for an interview. My hands are still shaking now."

"Me... me too, I stuttered a little when I was being interviewed just now."

Wu Zhengyang looked at a few people with a smile.

"Okay, you should learn from Su Ren. He is younger than you, so he doesn't panic at all."

Hearing this, several people smiled bitterly and said:

"How can we compare with Senior Brother Su Ren? We may never experience what he has experienced in our lifetime."

"Yes, there is a huge gap between us and Senior Brother Su Ren."

Wu Zhengyang was also stunned after hearing this. Why wasn't he like this?

Although he is an eighth-level professional, he is also the president of the first guild in the Dragon Kingdom.

But compared with Su Ren's experience, I'm afraid it's a lot worse.

Maybe, some people are born to be protagonists, Wu Zhengyang sighed in his heart.


In the manor of Grand Duke Quibo.

The housekeeper sent people to investigate for a day, but there was still no clue to prove that the Weir people died at the hands of others.

He knew that Grand Duke Jibo would never accept this result.

However, he still had to tell him this.

In the hall.

"Grand Duke, the results are out."

The housekeeper bowed and looked at the old man in front of him.

Grand Duke Kibo sat on the sofa and watched the TV report about today's World Championship.

"Who killed my son?"

Grand Duke Gibbert asked calmly.

"Grand Duke, according to the investigation results, His Highness and the others eventually died at the hands of Underworld, and no one else took action."

The butler's body bowed deeper at this time. He knew what terrible waves were hidden behind Grand Duke Jibo's seemingly calm appearance.

After hearing this, Grand Duke Jibo was silent for a long time, and then said coldly:

"In that case, let everyone in the South Island bury my son with him."

"When the second round starts tomorrow, launch that secret weapon and sink the entire South Island!"

As soon as these words came out, the housekeeper sighed helplessly.

If someone discovers that they have done such unscrupulous things, they will definitely die without a burial place.

This time, they offended all countries in the world.


Dragon Kingdom, Mobei City.

The six members of the Tianxian Division returned here overnight with the three brothers and Bianhuahua.

The three brothers were surprised to find that they did not die outside the shelter of the temple at night.

There were no nightmares coming out to attack them.

The people from the Tianxun Division seemed to see through their doubts and couldn't help but sneered:

"The nightmare is just a restriction imposed by the empire on your exile. The purpose is to prevent you from having too much time to practice and upgrade your realm."

"You don't think that thing is useful to us, do you?"

If the people in Blue Star are computer data, then the nightmare is a virus that appears at night and is responsible for cleaning this data.

Protected by the anti-virus software of Temple, viruses cannot invade.

You will be safe if you stay within the protection of the temple at night, but you will die if you go out.

This is why you can't go out of the city at night.

"I see……"

The brothers followed the people from the Tianxuan Division and learned some of the truth about this world.

But the more they understand the truth, the more desperate they become.

These people from the Sky and Sky Empire were so powerful that they couldn't even think of resisting.

"We'll stay here tonight. You'd better take us to find Su Ren early tomorrow morning, otherwise..."

The person from the Tianxun Division did not continue.

As a result, they naturally knew it.

Several people arrived at the largest hotel in Mobei City and walked straight in.

"Gentlemen and ladies, do you have an appointment?"

The service staff at the front desk looked at a few people and asked with a smile.

"Ok us the best suite, and we won't give you less money."

The eldest of the three brothers stood up and said.

"Sorry sir, the best suite is already occupied. How about changing..."

Before the front desk clerk finished speaking, several people from the Tianxian Division snorted coldly.

"Let everyone go away, I will kill anyone who dares to stay here!"

"I only give them a minute."

The three brothers quickly retreated after hearing this.

These people are even more unreasonable than they are, and they don't regard the people of this world as human beings at all.

This move of several people naturally caused dissatisfaction among the residents.

How could they be willing to drive them away so late at night, and on such a cold day?

As a result, the hotel suddenly became a river of blood and the hall was filled with corpses.

These six people from the Tianxian Division never give anyone the time to reason.

If you dare to disobey their orders, you will die.

"The sinners don't have the consciousness of the sinners, they are looking for death!"

A few people went upstairs to rest as if nothing had happened.

There were only two front desk staff left in the lobby, shivering in the corner.

Even the lobby manager who came out to reason and break up the fight was killed by them.

The three brothers glanced at Bianhua, and all four of them looked a bit unhappy.

These people kill people at every turn and are much crueler than them.

With their characters, and the fact that the four of them know so much truth about the world, maybe they will kill the four of them to silence them after finding Su Ren.

But now they don't dare to escape, so they can only bite the bullet and stay here.

This night was destined to be a difficult night for them.

Wait until everyone went upstairs.

One of the two front desk staff said in a trembling voice:

"Should we... report it to the Ministry of Defense?"

Another person nodded and said:


Little did they know that their move directly killed people in Mobei City.

That night, after receiving the news, people from the Ministry of Defense surrounded the Mobei Hotel in full force.

Listening to the noise below, a cold snort came from a room in the hotel.


A bright light pierced the night sky and radiated around the Mobei Hotel.

Everything the strong light encountered, whether it was people or buildings, was incinerated.

The entire Mobei City, except for the Mobei Hotel and the temple, was directly razed to the ground.

"I hate it when people disturb my sleep. Without these ants to disturb me, it's much quieter now."

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