No one knows about Mobeicheng.

The world's eyes are now on the World Championship.

However, there are also several high-level officials of major powers who have received news from Xitianguan.

There are aliens from the sky who have entered Blue Star, and their strength far exceeds rank 9.

Dragon Kingdom, Kyoto.

Looking at the message from Xitianguan, the king frowned and was thinking about something.

Everyone around the king couldn't help but worry:

"My lord, the person who came here is not a good person."

"According to the information, the strength of these people is probably not much different from the group of women who came by flying boat last time."

"Faced with that kind of strength, everyone in the world combined cannot be their opponent."

"What should I do?"

"I don't know where these people come from? What is their purpose?"

At this time, everyone is in danger.

The last incident made them realize that this extraordinary power was far beyond what they could resist.

Unexpectedly, not long after, a group of people with strength beyond rank 9 appeared again.

"Okay, everyone, just be quiet!"

"Panicing now is not going to solve the problem."

The king looked at everyone and said in a deep voice:

"Now, the only person who can possibly solve the problem is one person!"

When others heard this, they couldn't help but think of a young man in their hearts.

"The king is talking about Su Ren?"


After the king nodded, he continued:

"Only Su Ren has the power beyond 9 turns. If he can't fight against these people, then we can only pray that the other party won't mess around."

As soon as the king finished saying this, someone quickly ran in from outside and reported:

"Master of the country, ladies and gentlemen, Mobei City has lost contact!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this and asked:

"what happened?"

"Mobei City, just now, has been disconnected from the communication center, and the teleportation array leading to Mobei City has also lost its function."

"We also... don't know what's going on."

"However, several photos were sent from the Network Information Security Department, saying they were intercepted from the Internet before Mobeicheng lost contact."

This person took out the photo, which was the camera used by the six people from the Tianxian Division to massacre the hotel guests.

"It's them!!"

Everyone took a look and recognized at a glance that these six people were the six of the twelve people who broke through Xitian Pass today.

"What do these inhumane guys want?"

"Master, if you don't withdraw from Kyoto first, I'm afraid they will come looking for you."

"Yes, Lord, let's stay away from the edge for now. It's better to stay away from Kyoto for the time being."


The king snorted coldly and glanced at everyone.

"Are you so afraid of death?"

"If I leave, what will the world think of us?"


Everyone lowered their heads and remained silent.

An old man stood up and persuaded:

"Master, it's okay not to leave, but you still have to avoid it."

"A country cannot live without a king for a day. If you fall, who will take charge of the overall situation in the Dragon Kingdom?"

"At first glance, these people regard our lives as nothing. If we conflict with them head-on, we will not get any benefits."

"If they come to Kyoto, we will hide in the small world first and then make plans later."

"Also, I need to inform Su Ren as soon as possible about this matter. Maybe he is the only one who can prevent this disaster."

After hearing this, everyone agreed with what the old man said.

Seeing this, the king had no choice but to nod his head and said: "Contact Su Ren immediately and tell him the whole story."

"Yes, Lord, let's do it now!"


In the main hall of the Night God Cult.

All the capable officers of the Ye Shen Cult gathered here.

Sitting on the main seat of the main hall was not the leader of the Night God Cult, but the Night God who was shrouded in black mist.

"You must not go out and walk around these days. Please go down and tell all the congregants that if they see these twelve people, they must not have any interaction with them."

Twelve figures from the Sky Patrol Division and the Supervision Division appeared in front of Ye Shen.

"Lord Yagami, who are these people?"

Everyone asked curiously.

Night God replied:

"The envoy sent by the Sky and Sky Empire is investigating something."

"You don't need to know too much, you just need to know and don't provoke them."

"If the matter is exposed, I will not forgive you!"

"Also, I see that Su Ren is collecting raw energy stones. He seems to want to go to the outside world to save his woman? I can only say that he is whimsical."

"Why would he want to rescue someone who was captured by the ruthless palace? How ridiculous!"

Ye Shen finished speaking to himself, then looked at the people in the hall and said:

"Since he wants to go out, you only need to wait for him to clear the way in front, and then you can follow him and leave this place!"

"Okay, I will notify you when the time comes. Just wait here for my good news!"

After Ye Shen finished speaking, he turned into a black mist and broke through the space and left here.

Everyone in the hall looked excited at this time, being able to leave this prison and go to a wider world, thereby becoming stronger and extending their lifespan.

This is their only wish to voluntarily join the Night God Cult.

Now this wish is about to come true.

In the hall, only the leader of the Ye God Sect was a little distracted.

He just heard Ye Shen talking to himself. It turned out that Su Ren was leaving Blue Star to save people.

And the person Su Ren wants to save is also the person he wants to save.

"Do you need raw energy stones? Then I will help you once. I hope you can succeed."

The leader of the Ye Shen Cult began to make silent calculations in his mind.


Arakika, South Island.

Su Ren was lying on the bed in the hotel, asking Jing Ling about the Sky and Sky Empire.

According to Jing Ling, the Sky and Sky Empire is divided into four major regions: east, west, north, and south.

Each domain controls dozens of galaxies.

The Milky Way where Blue Star is located is one of the eighteen galaxies in the northern region of the Sky Empire.

The Sky and Sky Empire is a very powerful force, and it is different from other forces.

The Sky and Sky Empire likes to study the power of technology. This is an empire where magic and technology coexist.

They make a variety of powerful weapons and armor to enhance their strength.

Their armor can at least increase the strength of the person wearing it dozens of times.

In other words, a person who is in the early stage of the previous realm wearing a sky armor may be stronger than a person who is in the late stage of the previous realm.

The top armor can even cross a large realm.

For thousands of years, the Sky and Sky Empire has been conducting experiments on criminals from various exiled places.

No one knows how far their technology has been developed.

After listening to Jing Ling's introduction, Su Ren still felt a little shocked.

A powerful empire that controls dozens or even hundreds of galaxies.

His subordinates control more than trillions of creatures.

How terrifying is the strength required to do this?

"Haha, you don't think the Sky Empire is very strong, do you?"

Jing Ling said with a smile: "Compared with the forces in the Sky Realm, the Sky Empire is just like that."

"By the way, let me tell you that the Sky Empire is just a relatively good small force under the Wandao Immortal Palace."

"There are tens of thousands of forces like the Sky and Sky Empire under the Wandao Immortal Palace."

"And the Ruthless Jue Palace you are looking for is not much worse than the Ten Thousand Dao Immortal Palace~"

"Now you know how difficult what you have to do is, right?"

Su Ren heard this and nodded.

"It's definitely difficult."

"But, so what? I may not lose to them."

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