The silver-white patrol ship with four bows took the lead to sail out of the star gate.

They are the pioneers of path exploration. If there is any abnormality, they will promptly notify the main ship.

"Huh? Who is this person? He doesn't move away when he sees us, and he dares to stop here!"

"Kill him and don't let anyone get close to the main ship."

The bright laser cannons on the four bow patrol ships were all aimed at Su Ren.

"Get away, what are you doing standing there? They are going to attack you!"

Yun Xi's anxious voice came from the communicator.

After hearing this, Su Ren smiled slightly and said, "Watch it!"

"Huh? What are you looking at?"

"Watch out, this sword will let you know what absolute strength is!"

Before the strong light laser cannon fired, Su Ren's knife had already slashed out.

The seemingly ordinary sword light draws a beautiful arc in the starry sky.

Kill four ships with one sword.

The blue shields on the four bow patrol ships had just lit up and were already shattered with a click.

Immediately afterwards, the four-bow patrol ship exploded instantly, and the explosion's fire illuminated the area near the star gate.

Countless metal fragments flew around.

Su Ren said to the communicator: "How are they? I said they are scrap metal. Look, they are everywhere."

Yun Xi opened her mouth wide at this time and stretched her neck to watch this extremely shocking scene.

The four-bow patrol ship was destroyed with one knife?

Looking at the confident young man, she finally understood why he dared to fight against the Star Destroyer Fleet alone.

It turns out that he is not stupid at all, it is just because he is too strong.

"Okay, you're awesome."

"But don't be complacent. The main fleet is coming out soon. It is not comparable to the patrol ships. Be careful."

Although she knew that Su Ren was capable of killing patrol ships instantly, Yun Xi still did not forget to tell Su Ren to be careful in dealing with the main fleet behind.

"He'd better come out quickly, I don't have time to wait here."

"Do you think they would retreat immediately if they knew the patrol ship was gone?"

Su Ren was really worried that they had run away.

"It's impossible. The transmission of the star gate is one-way. The main fleet can only stay inside for a while, but they still have to come out."

"But after they know that the patrol ship is gone, they will definitely be more vigilant. When they come out, they will definitely be in a full defensive posture."

After listening to Yun Xi's explanation, Su Ren nodded.

"That's good. I'm afraid they'll run away."


Far away from the star gate, where Yezhi and others are hiding.

Seeing Su Ren kill the patrol ship on all four bows with one strike, several people in the night camp felt a little numb.

"Yezhi, has this kid always been such a dick?"

"This is a patrol ship with four bows. Even if we attack with all our strength, it will take at least half an hour to solve it."

"Can this kid be killed with just one blow?"

Except for Ye Shi, the remaining few people are not from around Blue Star.

Seeing Su Ren take action, they were really shocked.

Although Su Ren had killed so many patrol angels and supervisors, at most they believed that Su Ren's true strength was only around the upper three realms.

But when they met today, they suspected that Su Ren's strength might be higher than theirs.

"No wonder the higher-ups attach so much importance to him. I can't believe it. I can't believe it."

"I'm talking about Yezhi, you are responsible for supervising Blue Star, and you don't know his specific strength?"

After hearing this, Ye Zhi was speechless and said:

"How do I know? The most people he has fought with on Blue Star are from the Lower Ninth Realm."

"Those patrol angels only came recently."

"If I knew he was so strong, I wouldn't have sent anyone to fight him."

"What should we do next? If he really destroys the Star Destroyer Fleet, should we go out and say hello to him?"

"Forget it, we didn't go out just now. We'll wait until the fight is over before we go out. Doesn't that mean we were watching and didn't go to help?"

"It doesn't feel good to do this. It's best not to go out and just pretend we haven't been here."

"Oh, okay, let's wait and see. I want to see what kind of strength this kid is."

Inside the star gate at this time.

Since all four bow patrol ships lost contact, the captain of the main fleet had already noticed something was wrong.

"Captain, is there anyone outside this star gate who dares to intercept us?"

The captain looked at the gray bow patrol ship on the screen in the control room and frowned.

"How long did the four-bow patrol ship hold on just now?"

The captain looked to the deputy captain and asked.

"This...seems like less than five seconds."

The captain nodded upon hearing this.

"Looks like we're in big trouble!"

"The other party must have been prepared, but we were still careless."

"We just don't know how many people they have and how many advanced weapons they have waiting for us."

In fact, we can't blame them for being careless.

The Sky and Sky Empire has ruled this star field for thousands of years, who dares to intercept them halfway?

Not to mention intercepting the powerful Star Destroyer fleet.

Regarding this mission, everyone, including himself, felt that the empire was making a fuss out of a molehill.

A small place of exile for sinners actually needed to dispatch their Star Destroyer fleet.

This is a complete waste of energy.

So basically everyone didn't take it seriously.

But reality gave them a big slap in the face.

The Star Destroyer captain looked ahead. That was where the star gate exit was. If they took another step, they would appear outside the star gate.

"Everyone obeys the order!"

The Star Destroyer captain's thick voice echoed throughout the fleet.

"Open the highest-level energy defense shield, replenish energy for all weapons, and be ready for battle at any time!"

"All air and space fighter pilots immediately went to their own fighter planes to take off and be on standby."

He couldn't avoid this battle, so he could only fight it.

Orders were passed on one after another.

Hundreds of aerial fighter jets were seen rising vertically, surrounding the main ship, ready to fight at any time.

The main ship and frigates turn on the highest-level energy defense shields.

The frigate is in front and the main ship is behind.

"After leaving the star gate, all air and space fighters quickly dispersed to look for the enemy!"

"Now, leave the star gate!"

The captain's voice sounded, and the entire fleet sailed towards the star gate in order.

However, the situation outside the Star Gate was somewhat beyond his expectation.

There is only one person and one knife outside.

None of the many enemies and advanced weapons imagined appeared.

But the patrol ship fragments still floating outside the star gate told him.

The enemy is the young man with the knife.

"Fire with all your strength and kill him!"

When he takes action, he never looks at the age of the other party.

What he emphasizes is killing with one strike and never giving the opponent a chance.

But it was obvious that he still underestimated his opponent this time.

The Star Destroyer captain only saw the boy in front of him smiling slightly at the main ship.

Then, the most advanced energy defense shield was chopped into pieces as if it were made of paper.

Also broken along with the energy shield were the frigates and the entire bow Star Destroyer.

Countless sparks exploded outside the star gate, as beautiful as fireworks.

The Sky Empire's so-called strongest battle fleet was destroyed in an instant.

A stream of light flew out from the exploded main ship, and when he looked back, his eyes were filled with horror.

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