The closest star gate to the main star of the Northern Territory of the Sky Empire is located.

The Star Destroyer fleet is ready to depart.

The entire fleet group consists of a star-destroying main ship with a bow, patrol ships with a bow with four bows, and frigates with a bow of eight.

The Star Destroyer main ship is equipped with a Star Destroyer cannon and hundreds of aerial combat aircraft.

If the Star Destroyer Cannon is fully charged, it can destroy a planet with just one shot.

This is also one of the most powerful destructive weapons in the Sky and Sky Empire.

"Is the empire going to launch a war somewhere?"

On a patrol ship, the fat and thin men in charge of controlling the patrol ship were discussing.

In fact, many people in the fleet, like them, still don't know where they are going next.

The superiors just arranged for them to come to their respective posts and be on standby.

"Did you know that the grandson of the Director of the Supervision Department died?"

The fat man looked at the main ship outside the window and said.

"I know, who doesn't know about this? It must have spread throughout the entire Northern Territory."

"Does this have anything to do with our trip?"

The thin man was a little confused.

"Of course it does. I heard that the place we are going to this time is called Blue Star."

"The grandson of the Director of the Supervision Department died on this planet, and now he is furious."

"The Territory Lord has no choice but to agree to him sending our fleet group to destroy Blue Star to avenge the Director of the Supervision Department."

"I see, then is this Blue Star very strong?"

Hearing this, the fat man who just explained suddenly laughed.

"You may not believe it, but Blue Star is actually a place of exile."

"The criminals inside are only in the ninth level at most."

"its not right."

The thin man said in confusion: "I heard that a total of six patrol angels and six inspectors died, right?"

"Except for the patrol angel who died at the beginning, the rest of them all have sky armor."

"Then how could someone in the Exiled Land be able to kill them? Isn't it a mistake?"

"How could I be mistaken? The place where the life lamp went out was on the Blue Star. Originally, a patrol angel died. The higher-ups were planning to investigate who killed him and then capture him for trial."

"As a result, more than ten people died at once, and this matter became a big deal."

The fat man clapped his hands, shook his head and said, "There is no need to investigate who did it now. The higher-ups are planning to destroy Blue Star directly."

"No matter who did it, kill them all. There will be no omissions."

"There are at least tens of billions of people on Blue Star, and they all have to be buried with them."

"Those criminals are brave enough, but they still underestimate the empire."

"Do you really think you can compete with the empire with some strength?"

While the two were chatting happily, a medium-thick voice came from the main control room.

"Set off!"

The two stopped chatting, but stood ready, staring intently at the main control room, ready to receive orders at any time.

As this voice sounded, the star gate not far from the fleet also slowly opened.

In the control room of the Star Destroyer main ship, after the captain entered the coordinates of the star gate near Blue Star, blue light shone in the star gate.

The fleet group slowly sailed into the star gate until it completely disappeared.

The other side of the star gate.

Su Ren and the two have been guarding here.

And Yezhi's group also quietly moved to a distance and hid.

Seeing Su Ren just guarding the door of the Star Gate.

Several people suddenly felt a headache.

"No, does this kid have a brain problem?"

"Doesn't he know how powerful the Star Destroyer fleet is?"

"Just standing there so stupidly, do you believe that when the Star Destroyer fleet comes out of the star gate, they can hit him head-on and kill him?"

Thunderstorm couldn't stand it anymore, he didn't want to come in the first place.

Seeing this situation now, he had decided to give up saving Su Ren.

"How about reminding him? Let him find a place to hide first?"

Yakashi suggested.

He was forced to spend his own money to send away 10,000 spirit stones.

If Su Ren dies, he will suffer a big loss!

"No, it's too late. If you go out now, you will be exposed. Look, the star gate is already open!"

Several people looked over and saw the star gate slowly opening, which meant that something was teleported from somewhere else.

"Look at this, within three minutes, the Star Destroyer Fleet will definitely come out."

Although the Star Gate can carry out ultra-long distance transmission, the farther the distance, the longer it will take.

"Let's just watch here. If we can, we will save him. If we can't, we will pull him down."

"Oh, that's the only way it can be."

On Su Ren's side, Yun Xi saw the star gate open and immediately told Su Ren that something was coming.

According to her estimate, it would take three minutes to pass through the Star Gate from the Northern Territory to here.

"The first ones to come out must be the patrol ships. Our Star Destroyer fleet group in the northern region is equipped with four bow patrol ships. Each bow patrol ship is extremely fast and equipped with strong light laser cannons."

"Although the powerful light laser cannon is not as powerful as the Star Destroyer Cannon on the main ship, it can easily kill people below the fifth realm."

"If you can avoid it, you'd better avoid it and don't take it hard."



Su Ren interrupted her nagging little mouth.

"I'm really not afraid of your Star Destroyers."

"In my opinion, it's just a pile of junk. The threat to me is not as direct as that of someone with a high level."

"You, you are too conceited!"

Yun Xi stamped her feet angrily.

"You actually called the empire's strongest battle fleet scrappy?"

Su Ren spread his hands and said:

"Isn't it? They can't move at will, aren't they just targets?"

Hearing this, Yun Xi almost laughed in anger at Su Ren.

"Being beaten? Do you know that the energy shield on the main ship can resist the continuous attacks of the strong men in the upper six realms?"

"I'm afraid you can't even break the shield."

"I'm also sick. I really believe you can confront the Star Destroyer Fleet head-on."

After hearing this, Su Ren still looked calm and did not forget to direct Yun Xi:

"You stay away, I won't have time to worry about you when the fight starts."

"Humph, you still care about me, just take care of yourself!"

Yun Xi waved her hand and flew away from here.

Su Ren glanced at her inexplicably.

How long has it been since then, are you no longer afraid of yourself?

When you first met me, you were so scared that you couldn't speak. Now you dare to talk back to yourself?

It's so outrageous that you forgot your identity as a prisoner, right?

Su Ren decided to let her know what a master is and what a prisoner is after he cleans up the Star Destroyer fleet.

More than two minutes have passed at this time.

Su Ren took out the knife and waited quietly outside the star gate for the other party's arrival.

Yun Xi hid behind a meteorite, staring closely at the young man standing in front of the star gate, and kept mumbling.

"I'll let you pretend. It's best if you die, so that I can be free."

Before she realized it, her hands had unknowingly scratched a deep scratch on the surface of the meteorite where she was hiding.


Although sound could not be transmitted in the universe, Su Ren still felt a harsh roar through the star gate.

"It's finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

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