Yun Xi looked up at the bloody river, and then explained:

"We call them rivers of blood. They have been in the universe since recorded history."


"How many rivers of blood are there?"

Yun Xi nodded.

"There are countless such rivers of blood in the universe, large and small."

"The best energy stone - blood stone, is dug from the blood river."

Hearing this word, Su Ren thought of his job change mission. He needed blood stones to change jobs, and he needed a lot of them.

"I heard that blood stones are very scarce. Logically speaking, this blood river is so huge, why are the blood stones in it so scarce?"

Yun Xi shook her head.

"Blood stones are not scarce. There are an extremely large number of blood stones in the blood river. They flow with the blood river and go to various places in the universe."

"It's just that it's extremely difficult to get the blood stone."

"Blood storms and some powerful blood creatures often appear in the Blood River."

"There is also the weird and unpredictable blood energy, which can corrode people's will and make people sink into the river of blood and become its puppet."

"Each one of these could easily take the life of the quarryman."

"Even the strong men from the major sects in the Heavenly Domain must be careful when entering the blood river. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed by the blood river."

"So, bloodstone is not that easy to obtain."

After hearing this, Su Ren nodded.

One day he would go and see for himself.

I am a person with the skills of the River God. As long as it is a river, you have to be under my control.

The blood stone that is extremely difficult for others to obtain may be very easy for me.

Originally, Su Ren thought that for his job transfer mission, he would need to rob houses to collect so many blood stones.

Now it seems that it is not necessary.

Just go to the blood river and get it.

Seeing Su Ren staring at the river of blood, Yun Xi said with some suspicion:

" don't want to go to the blood river to collect blood stones by yourself, do you?"

"If you don't understand the safe area, it's very dangerous to go there rashly."

"I heard that a powerful person in the Heavenly Realm who reached the peak of the Seventh Realm wanted to obtain more blood stones to break through the realm. After entering the blood river at risk, he was unfortunately swallowed by the blood river and was completely lost there."

"His physical body is still there now, but he has become a puppet of the blood river. If any living being comes near, he will kill him."

Su Ren smiled and looked back.

"I didn't say I was going, I just wanted to take a look."

"Also, shouldn't you encourage me to die quickly so that you can escape my clutches? What are you worried about me for?"


Yun Xi lowered her head and said in a voice like a mosquito:

"When have I ever been worried about you? I'm just reminding you. If you don't want to hear it, forget it."

Su Ren looked at her and smiled again before continuing to look at the blood river.


After Su Ren left Blue Star, Ye Shen also brought the key members of the Ye God Cult to the sky where he lived.

"Lord Yagami, where is this place?"

The people of the Night God looked at the environment here curiously. The whole room was bright and bright, and it was surrounded by various technological equipment.

Looking out the window, they can also see stars of various colors.

"Is this the legendary starry sky? I didn't expect it to look like this!"

"It looks really beautiful. You can't see anything at night on the Blue Star. Compared with this, it's so far behind."

"Is this the world outside? Is every bright light a planet?"

A group of people turning 8 and 9 were staring at the starry sky outside like curious babies.

This was the first time they saw such beautiful and magnificent scenery.

"Okay, you guys should rest here first and don't move around. I'm going to find other people to discuss something."

"Yes, Lord Yagami!"

Everyone nodded.

Yagami turned into black mist and left the room they were in and came to another room.

The canopy is like a huge space station, but the canopy in this place has secretly become the territory of the Wushuang Alliance.

In another room, seven or eight people with different expressions were gathering here.

Seeing Ye Shen coming over, a few people started to speak.

"Have you made all arrangements for the night errand?"

"Well, you can take them to our base at any time."

"That's good. Now that the Northern Territory is shaken, Blue Star may not be able to survive."

"If we try to stop it, we will be exposed and our many years of operation will be ruined."

"So, we had to abandon the planet."

When everyone said this, Yezhi suddenly said:

"But Su Ren went. From what I saw, he didn't look like he was faking it. He really wanted to destroy the Star Destroyer Fleet."

A man with a lightning mark on his forehead snorted coldly when he heard this:

"Hmph, he's going to die, and we can't control him."

"Thunderstorm, having said that, the higher-ups have told us to win over Su Ren. He is dead and it will be difficult for us to deal with each other."

"So what? He wants to die, and he wants us to die with him? I won't go anyway, whoever wants to go can go."

"Even if the higher ups want to punish me, I will admit it!"

After Lei Bao finished speaking, he sat down on the chair.

The alloy chair creaked and shook as he sat on it, and electric current could be vaguely seen flowing on it.

Several other people saw this and shook their heads helplessly.

Lei Bao's temper is just like his name, and even Kuzuryuu can't get rid of the things he believes in.

And there is some truth to what he said. This matter needs to be considered in the long run.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Yezhi looked at the other people.

In addition to Thunderstorm, three of the eight people shook their heads and expressed that they did not want to wade into this muddy water.

It's too risky.

Exposing their identity for a Su Ren was not worth it in their opinion.

Once they are exposed, more people from the Wushuang Alliance will be involved.

Then it won't be as simple as one or two people dying.

The Sky and Sky Empire will definitely pursue them with all their strength and kill them all.

Wandao Immortal Palace may also conduct a major inspection.

They have managed to survive for so many years and will never allow themselves to be exposed.

Yezhi looked at the remaining four people who didn't shake their heads.

After several people looked at each other, one person said:

"How about this? Let's sneak over quietly. If we can save Su Ren without exposing our identity, we will take action."

"This way we can also give an explanation to the superiors."

"If we really can't save him, then we will evacuate immediately."

"What do you think?"

The other people nodded after hearing this.

"This method is very good!"

"Thunderstorm, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Lei Bao also nodded and said, "Okay, as long as our identities are not exposed, anything is fine."

"In that case, let's set off now. This place is still a certain distance from the star gate."

"The Star Destroyer Fleet from the North Territory must be arriving soon."

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