The two of them were flying through the dark universe, but Su Ren suddenly discovered a problem.

There is still air in this space, but it's not a vacuum?

Was he deceived in his previous life? impossible.

After flying for a while, Yun Xi took out something like a metal bracelet and handed it to Su Ren.

"Su... Su Ren, I'll give you this communication device. We can use this to communicate when we get out of here later."

"Just put it on your hand."

Su Ren took the communication device she handed over and put it on his right hand.

He is not afraid that the other party will plot against him.

"Why use this communication?"

Su Ren asked.

"Right now we are leaving this protected area and entering a vacuum environment. Without this, we can't communicate."

"At that time, you only need to silently say what you want to say, and I will hear it."

"Oh, and also, can you withstand living in a vacuum environment?"

"I don't mean to doubt your strength, I'm just asking."

Yun Xi looked at Su Ren nervously.

Even now, she still can't get rid of the shadow Su Ren brought to her.

"What strength is needed?"

Su Ren wasn't quite sure about this.

Yun Xi heard the words and replied softly:

"The physical body that has reached the fifth realm or above can move around the universe without any hindrance."

"I know, just lead the way and don't worry about me."

The rules in the universe are also rules. Nowadays, there are laws everywhere, and the quality of the environment cannot affect Su Ren.

Yun Xi nodded and led Su Ren to fly in one direction.

There is no distinction between up, down, left and right in the universe, so Su Ren doesn't know which direction she is flying.

However, after the two of them flew at full speed for dozens of minutes, they finally came to something that looked like a dark curtain with no end in sight.

"This is the canopy. It can block all light sources from entering here, and it can also prevent the outside demons from escaping from here."

Yun Xi stretched out her palm and placed it on the curtain.

Instantly, the sky in front opened like an elevator door to a three-meter-high door, and behind the door was a sealed space.

The two walked into the space inside the door, and the door closed.

At this time, a mechanical voice sounded.

"We are about to enter a vacuum environment. Please wear protective armor and check if there is anything missing. Please reply after checking!"

Yun Xi carefully inspected the white armor on her body. After putting down the helmet, she looked at Su Ren.

Su Ren nodded.

Yun Xi saw it and said softly:

"After checking, you can turn it on!"

"The sealed compartment will open in five seconds, please be prepared!"





As the countdown ends, the door opens.

A magnificent starry sky instantly appeared before Su Ren's eyes.

Blue Star cannot see this starry sky and will never see it.

Moreover, when Su Ren left the curtain, he found that all the digital attributes of his body disappeared, and all the data was converted into the power of the physical body.

This proves that he has broken away from the digital body control of the Sky and Sky Empire.

I just don’t know how to upgrade in the future.

It's definitely not possible to defeat monsters. I guess I need to rely on energy stones or the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

And another point is that when Su Ren checked the job transfer tasks, the tasks had always existed and had not disappeared.

That means that in fact, Su Ren did not accept the mission at the Experimental Temple of the Sky and Sky Empire at all, but the mission he accepted from the system that appeared from the beginning and has not had any movement until now.

If he hadn't walked out of Blue Star, Su Ren would have almost forgotten that he actually had a system.

At this time, Yun Xi's voice sounded in Su Ren's mind, coming from the communication bracelet on his hand.

"If you want to stop the Star Destroyer Fleet, we need to go to the star gate ahead and wait for them."

"They will be teleported here through the star gate."

"What is the Star Gate?"

Su Ren passed this question through the bracelet.

After hearing this, Yun Xi explained: "The star gate is a kind of interstellar teleportation gate installed by the empire in order to better govern various major regions."

"As long as you have the specific coordinates of the star gate, you can immediately teleport to each other through them if you find any star gate in the universe."

"Its function is the same as the teleportation array."

"However, the Star Gate can transport hundreds of thousands of people or even a very large fleet group at one time."

Su Ren nodded after hearing this.

The two of them flew quickly again, heading towards the star gate here.

After flying far away, Su Ren looked back, and he could barely see the whole picture clearly from where Blue Star was.

The entire blue star and the sun seem to be wrapped in a black ball.

Without a pass order, people inside can't get out, and people outside can't get in.

From a distance, Blue Star indeed looked like he was locked in a cage.

"Yun Xi, Lan Xing, didn't you send someone to watch over it?"

Su Ren suddenly thought of such a question.

Since it's a cage prison, there should be a jailer, right?

"Of course, he lives in the canopy. It's just that I'm the inspector, so I don't need his approval for my passage."

"Then what's the name of the person who's looking after Blue Star?"

Su Ren thought of a possibility. If he guessed correctly, it would probably be him.


Yun Xi tilted her head and thought about it. It seemed that they had discussed this issue when a group of them came.

"I remembered, it seemed like it was a night shift."

Hearing this name, Su Ren secretly thought that it was indeed the case.

Yakashi is the night god.

No wonder he is not on Blue Star, but he can come and go to Blue Star unimpeded.

Ye Shen is the person who guards the prison of Blue Star, and he is also a member of the Wushuang Alliance.

The people of the Wushuang Alliance did not die, but changed their identities and hid.

There was no words after that. After the two of them flew in the starry sky for several hours, a huge star gate emitting blue light appeared in front of them.

The entire star gate is several thousand meters high and several thousand meters wide.

Su Ren and Su Ren stood at its feet, as insignificant as two ants.

The star gate is closed at this time and will only be opened during teleportation.

At this time, Yun Xi asked:

"Should we find a place to hide and wait for the Star Destroyers to arrive?"

Su Ren shook his head.

"No need. I'll kill every one of them when they come out. Just wait here and wait."

"But...but, the Star Destroyer Fleet has very strong firepower. Even those in the upper five realms would not dare to confront the Star Destroyer Fleet head-on."

"Are you really going to fight them head-on?"

At this time, Yun Xi suddenly became worried about Su Ren, and even she found out about it.

In her opinion, a head-on confrontation with the Star Destroyer Fleet was no different than facing death.

Only those who hide in the dark and make sneak attacks and take the opportunity to enter the Star Destroyer and kill everyone inside have a chance to win.

Su Ren smiled when he heard this.

"I didn't say I was in the upper fifth realm."

"Why do you think I'm no match for them?"

Yun Xi was speechless for a moment.

Yes, Su Ren never said what state he was in.

She only judged that Su Ren had at least the strength of the upper five realms based on his ability to physically walk in the universe.

Maybe Su Ren can go beyond the fifth realm?

However, is such a young Shangwu Realm really not a young prodigy who came out of Tianyu to experience?

"By the way, what is that?"

Su Ren asked, pointing to a long bloody river in the deep sky in the distance.

Su Ren had discovered this long river of blood long ago. No matter where he was, he could not see its end or its origin.

The blood-colored river stretches across the starry sky, looking so majestic and magnificent.

When Su Ren thought about it, if this bloody river could be shown so clearly from such a long distance, its true form would be boundless.

Those galaxy groups were as insignificant in front of it as Su Ren was in front of this star gate.

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