But this time, Su Ren is ready to cure this problem.

Yagami was right, they had the same enemy.

It's just that Su Ren doesn't want to be with them.


At this time, a huge gap had been torn open in the defensive shield.

The battlefield has also been moved to the city wall.

A steady stream of extraterrestrial demons are pouring into Xitian Pass.

Without the protection of the shield, human resistance seemed so feeble in the face of the vast army of demons.

The city wall was already bleeding profusely, and the blood gathered into a river and flowed towards the low-lying areas.

The strong smell of blood filled the entire battlefield.

The corpses of countless human professionals and extraterrestrial demons fell on it, like a purgatory on earth.

"The support is here, why hasn't it arrived yet?"

"The support has arrived, but we really can't hold on."

The soldiers guarding the city at Xitianguan were shouting.

"No, we can't hold on anymore!"

"We really tried our best."

"Xitianguan, it's over!!"

A feeling of despair spread in people's hearts.

Humanity has been fighting against extraterrestrial demons for thousands of years, but they are still going to lose.

Xitianguan is broken.

Blue Star will fully open its doors to these extraterrestrial demons.

The humans of Blue Star are doomed!

Everyone looked back at Blue Star with reluctance in their eyes. There were their family and friends, and their home from childhood to adulthood.

"Hahaha, children, let me kill you!!"

"Blue Star is finally ours!"

"Kill all these humans, and we will be the master of Blue Star from now on!"

Countless extraterrestrial demons looked crazy.


A crisp sound of a knife sounded at Xitian Pass.

The many extraterrestrial demons who were originally noisy suddenly became stagnant.

Then they collectively fell to the ground.

No matter it was a high-level extraterrestrial demon or a low-level extraterritorial demon, they all fell to the ground at the same time, not one of them fell.

Many soldiers defending Xitian Pass did not realize what happened.

Many people were even continuing to perform mechanical slashing movements.

They didn't stop until someone next to them grabbed them.

"Fa...what happened?"

Everyone looked at the corpses of many extraterrestrial demons at their feet with blank expressions.

"Why are these extraterrestrial demons... all dead?"

Su Ren quickly walked over with Yun Xi. After taking a look at the huge gap in the shield, Su Ren ordered Yun Xi:

"Go out and kill all the extraterrestrial demons outside, leaving no one behind."

Yun Xi nodded and flew out through the gap in the shield.

"Su Ren?"

"Did you do it just now?"

A gray-haired old man came over. Looking at his appearance, he looked seriously injured.

"Mr. Shen, we meet again."

The old man in front of him was none other than Mr. Shen, whom Su Ren had met once in Kyoto.

He seems to be the younger brother of the Sword God.

"Hey, it's really you!"

"I have been listening to the king's mention of you, but I never thought that you really have strength beyond the ninth rank."

"Did the king know about the situation here and asked you to help us?"

Su Ren shook his head.

"No, I want to go out and take a look outside. If this happens, I'll help you."

"go outside?"

When Mr. Shen heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he nodded again.

"That's right. Just like senior brother, you are not someone that this world can trap."

"If there is a chance, can you help me find my senior brother and ask him to find a way to send a message back? Just say that my junior brother misses him."

"Okay, if I see Senior Sword God, I will definitely tell him."

"Thank you very much."

At this time, several more old men gathered over, and they all looked at Su Ren with strange eyes.

"Old Shen, is this the young man from your Dragon Kingdom who you often mention, who claims to be the Sword God who surpassed your senior brother?"

Old Shen nodded proudly when he heard this.

"Yes, it's him. His name is Su Ren."

After receiving Mr. Shen's affirmative reply, several old men looked at Su Ren carefully, and then couldn't help but admired at the same time:

"Sure enough, a hero comes from a boy!"

"By the way, what kind of strength does he have? We old guys tried our best and almost lost Tianguan. When he came, how could he kill these extraterrestrial demons with one strike?"

"Also, if I read correctly, the girl who went out just now was one of the people who killed Lao Lin and destroyed the shield, right?"

"Why does it look like that girl is listening to Su Ren?"

In fact, Mr. Shen was also confused.

Seeing that everyone wanted to know, Su Ren didn't hide it from them.

"The twelve people who were traveling with her committed evil on Blue Star, and I have already killed them all. She is the only one left because I need her to lead the way."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized.

"So that's it..."

"Hey, wait a minute, you said you want her to lead the way? Don't you want to go outside?"

"I heard that it's extremely dangerous outside, and there are countless extraterrestrial demons blocking the road. It's almost impossible to survive!"

When several old people said this, they suddenly slapped their foreheads.

"Well, I'm getting old and have forgotten that these extraterrestrial demons probably won't pose a threat to you."

While a few people were chatting, Yun Xi flew back wearing a battle armor.

"We have killed all the extraterrestrial demons outside."

After hearing this, an old man asked with trembling hands:

"Is what you said true?"

He has come to Tianguan to resist the extraterrestrial demons since his 8th turn.

Now, decades have passed, and in the blink of an eye, his head is covered with white hair, and he is no longer what he was before.


Yun Xi nodded.

"Okay, okay, okay, after thirty-two years, I finally see this day!"

"Finally we no longer have to be invaded by extraterrestrial demons!!"

"we won!"

All the soldiers guarding the city cheered and cried together.

They had waited for this moment for too long.

Looking at the old man and the crowd who were shaking with excitement, Yun Xi seemed to suddenly understand.

They don't care about the extraterrestrial demons who can be destroyed easily. For these people, it is a lifetime.

"you understood?"

Su Ren looked at her and asked.


Yun Xi knelt on the ground with a "thud" and kowtowed to all the soldiers guarding the city.

"Girl, get up, what are you doing? You are our benefactor!"

"If you want to kneel down, it's only right that we kneel down to you."

The old man quickly helped Yun Xi up.

They didn't know the truth, they only knew that the girl in front of them helped them eliminate the extraterrestrial demon.

Only Yun Xi knew that they were the ones who released the demons from outside the territory.

It was precisely because of this that she knelt down in guilt.

"Mr. Shen, seniors, let's go."

Su Ren has more important things to deal with and cannot stay here for long.

He must destroy the Star Destroyer fleet before they arrive outside the blue star.

"Su Ren, have a nice journey!"

"Bon Voyage!"

Everyone in Xitian Gate saluted Su Ren and watched them disappear outside Tianguan.

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