Yagami was obviously a little too surprised.

He didn't know where Su Ren got the news.

If the Sky Empire knew that the Wushuang Alliance still remained and reported it to Tianyu, then none of them would be able to escape.

The Ten Thousand Dao Immortal Palace had killed all the people from the Wushuang Alliance who had surpassed the previous level.

Only some fish that slipped through the net went into hiding to try to make a comeback.

The Yeshen Cult was the name he gave to hide his identity.

"You founded the Night God Cult to recruit talented people from various exiled places, so that they can go to the outside world and break through to the previous realm for your own use, right?"

"Am i right?"

Although this was just Su Ren's guess, he believed that the purpose of the Night God Sect was not far from this.

These people in the Ye God Sect are not very old in terms of age, but their strength is quite astonishing.

There are at least three professional level 9 professionals, and dozens of professional level 8 and above.

It can be said that these people are all first-rate geniuses.

Ye Shen was silent after hearing this. Although he did not answer Su Ren's question, the answer was already obvious.

Su Ren guessed correctly.

The Ye Shen Cult seeks geniuses for its own use so that it can secretly strengthen itself.

"Su Ren, I have to say, you are very smart!"

"Now that you already know, I don't have to hide anything."

"You and I are all sinners in the eyes of those in Wandao Immortal Palace. They don't regard us as human beings at all."

"You have also seen the twelve people who came this time. They will kill whoever they want. There is no humanity at all."

“Are we inherently deserving of their unequal treatment?”

"We are all human beings, why should we be inferior to them since we were born?"

"Since the world is unfair, then we should resist and create a fair world. Is this wrong?"

When Ye Shen said this, he was almost roaring, and the black mist surrounding him began to vibrate violently.

When everyone in the hall heard these impassioned words, their eyes were already red.

"Follow Lord Yagami to the death!!"

Su Ren glanced around the people in the hall and couldn't help but smile.

"why are you laughing?"

Ye Shen asked in confusion: "Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"You said you want to create a fair world?"

"The world is inherently unfair, how do you create a fair world?"

"I think you want to create a world belonging to the Wushuang Alliance."

"Actually, you are no different from Wandao Immortal Palace."

"The only difference is that you didn't win that war."

After hearing these words, Yagami somewhat admired the young man in front of him.

Su Ren was right. If the Wushuang Alliance wins, the guilty people staying here will be the people of Wandao Immortal Palace.

In fact, there is no difference between us.

However, as one of the leaders, he cannot be as casual as Su Ren. He needs to guide his men to arouse their hatred for Wandao Immortal Palace.

Only then will they have a chance to take revenge.

"Okay, don't give me chicken soup. I don't want to do this. We have different views and we don't want to work together."

"This time, for the sake of the message you sent me, I will spare your life."

After Su Ren finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute Su Ren!"

Ye Shen called Su Ren.

"Do you want to deal with the Star Destroyer fleet sent by the Northern Territory alone?"

"What? Can't it?"

Ye Shen heard this and sneered:

"Do you know how powerful a Star Destroyer fleet is? Do you think they can compete with those patrol angels and supervisors?"

"Without our help, you will die!"


Su Ren ignored his reminder and instantly dug a wormhole and left with Duan Yu.


When Ye Shen saw this, the black fog of anger dissipated a lot.

“It’s hard for a reckless person to become a great person!!”

"If you refuse to listen to good advice and insist on dying alone, you will regret it sometimes!"

Ye Shen finished chanting with some hatred for iron and steel, and then tore apart the space and left here.

Everyone in the hall looked at each other.

"Lord Yagami actually let him go? Is this reasonable?"

"No, why do I feel that Su Ren spared Lord Yagami?"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense!"

Everyone quickly shut up.

At this time, the leader of the Night God Cult was looking at the raw energy stones in his storage space in a daze, and did not hear what others were talking about.

He originally wanted to find an opportunity to give these things to Su Ren and then identify himself to him.

But Su Ren left so quickly that he had no chance to give the things away.

"Oh, I hope I can still meet him when I go to the outside world."


Donghai City.

Su Ren returned here again.

But this time he did not go to the orphanage, but left Duan Yu and Poison Dragon King here.

Su Ren was worried if two ninth-level professionals were left here.

Moreover, both of them have absorbed a trace of the energy of Hongmeng Purple Qi, and they will have the opportunity to break through the limitations and reach the previous level in the future.

After taking one last look at this place, Su Ren left.

When he reappeared, Su Ren and Yun Xi had already arrived at Dongtian Pass through the teleportation array between heaven and earth.

This is Su Ren's first time coming to Tianguan.

Su Ren raised his head and looked at the sky. It was so dark that it was heart-stopping. There was no light source or end in sight.

"Quick, quick, quick, Xitianguan is in an emergency. Professionals with level 8 or above 50 should go quickly to support!!"

Urgent warning sounds sounded from the sky gate.

After Su Ren walked out of the teleportation array, he saw groups of troops heading in the same direction.

"What happened?" Su Ren stopped a person who ran past him.

The man glanced at Su Ren, frowned and said quickly:

"The defensive shield of Xitianguan was broken, and two more rank 9 experts were killed and injured. The extraterrestrial demon seized the opportunity and is gathering a large force to attack Xitianguan!"

"If they are allowed to break through Xitian Pass, Blue Star will be in danger."

"Stop holding me back, I have to rush over to support you."

"Feel sorry."

Suren lets him go.

The man looked at Su Ren strangely, and was still wondering why he, a rank 8 professional, was held captive by a young boy and unable to move.

But he didn't think much and quickly rushed towards the Xitianguan location.

"It seems I have to go to Xitian Pass."

Su Ren turned his head and glanced at Yun Xi beside him. It was them who caused this incident.

"No...it wasn't me, it was that Mingsheng who did it."

Yun Xi lowered her head, not daring to look at Su Ren.

"You don't need to explain to me. I hope you can do more later."

"Yes, don't worry, I will try my best to help you."

Yun Xi nodded quickly.

She couldn't defeat Su Ren, but she could easily clean up the extraterrestrial demons.

In fact, these extraterrestrial demons are also monsters they raise, and their purpose is naturally to wear down every person in the ninth realm of human beings in the Exiled Land.

One is to have them stationed here all year round to resist the extraterrestrial demons, so that they have no time to find a way to break through the Lower Ninth Realm.

The second is to consume them to death at the hands of these extraterrestrial demons.

If there are more powerful people in the Lower Ninth Realm of mankind, the number of extraterrestrial demons will be increased.

If the number of powerful people in the lower nine realms of mankind decreases, the number of extraterrestrial demons will be reduced.

This can act as a balancing restriction.

Su Ren also understood the reason why he didn't kill all these extraterrestrial demons when the Sword God went out.

Because doing so will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Even if they are all killed at once, the Sky and Sky Empire will still send the same number of extraterritorial demons over after discovering it.

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