Su Ren flew all the way, and encountered various powerful monsters trying to attack him along the way.

However, these monsters do not pose any threat to Su Ren now, and he can easily deal with them.

After flying at full strength for an hour, a simple-looking bronze hall appeared in front of Su Ren.

Before Su Ren could get close, countless sharp arrows and magic bombarded him.

Su Ren didn't even look at these things. He took one step forward and arrived at the entrance of the hall in the next second.

"Who are you? How dare you break into our temple without permission?"

The moment Su Ren landed, hundreds of people immediately surrounded him.

"It's you!"

"Su Ren!!"

"Why are you here?"

Someone recognized Su Ren's appearance and immediately exclaimed.

"It seems I'm quite famous."

Su Ren smiled and walked into the hall.


These people also wanted to stop Su Ren, but in the next second they were all frozen in place.

"I don't think you have been deceived and forced. If I don't kill you, just stand at the door and reflect for three days."

Su Ren stepped into the palace, and a bronze gate blocked the intersection in front of him.

Su Ren raised the knife and dropped it. The bronze door burst with a crash and he fell to the ground.

Su Ren originally thought that the headquarters of the Night God Cult would be a maze, but he didn't expect to come directly to the temple after breaking open the door.

At this moment, a shadow flashed out from the darkness and struck directly behind Su Ren.


Su Ren snorted coldly.

The black shadow immediately vomited blood and flew out.

The body hit the wall of the hall with a loud noise and then fell to the ground.

Shadow looked at the young man in front of him in horror.

It had only been a short time before he was sent flying out without even being able to get close to the opponent's body.

The gap between the two is too big.

Su Ren didn't look at him and walked slowly into the hall.

"How do you know where my Ye Shen Cult is?"

In the main hall's seat, the leader of the Yeshen Cult looked at Su Ren curiously.

"Haha, leader, a subordinate told the master."

Duan Yu, who was standing at the side of the hall, smiled, then bowed and walked to Su Ren.

"Welcome Master!"

Everyone in the hall roared angrily when they saw this.

"Duanjian, you traitor!!"

Blood Demon, Shui Dongliu, and several elders all glared at Duan Yu.

They didn't expect that it was Duan Jing who betrayed them.

Now that Su Ren dared to come, he was sure of it. Even Ye Shen had said not to provoke Su Ren recently.

This shows that Su Ren is no longer something they can deal with.

"I see, I look down on you a little."

The leader of the Night God Cult did not show any emotion, or perhaps the white jade mask on his head hid his inner thoughts.

Su Ren walked to the center of the hall and stopped, completely ignoring the people on both sides who were staring at him eagerly.

"Today, I will come to you to settle accounts and collect some interest."

"Su Ren, don't be too arrogant, this is the Night God Sect!"

"Do you really think you can come and leave whenever you want?"

An elder of the Night God Sect couldn't stand Su Ren's arrogant attitude and cursed angrily.

"You talk too much, go and be quiet for a while."

Su Ren glanced at this person from the corner of his eye.

Then everyone in the hall watched as the elder closed his eyes and fell to the ground.


Everyone in the hall took a breath and looked at the body on the ground in horror.

"What skill is this?"

"Is it a death spell?"

"Who is this guy!?"

Seeing this, the leader of the Night God Sect couldn't help but shake his body.

This ability also surprised him.

"Where's your Night God? Let him come out and let's talk."

"To be honest, you are too weak and I have no interest."

Faced with Su Ren's arrogant attitude, everyone could only lower their heads.

This is simply not something they can handle.

Shui Dongliu lowered his head very low. He was glad in his heart that when he met Su Ren, Su Ren did not have such terrifying strength.

Otherwise he would have died ten thousand times over.

The leader of the Night God Sect still calmly said after hearing this:

"Actually, Master Yagami knew that you were coming, so he asked us to wait for you here in advance."

"Oh? He knows quite a lot."

"Tell him to hurry up, I don't have time to waste more time with him."

As soon as Su Ren finished speaking, a black mist broke through the space in the hall and flew out.

"Are you Yagami?"

"hehe, not bad."

"When we met for the first time, Taoist friend Su Ren turned out to be a very talented person. He is worthy of being a dragon or a phoenix among men, a man of extraordinary stature!"

"I'm a little surprised at how well you flatter me."

"Haha, fellow Taoist Su Ren was able to kill six patrol angels and six supervisors at such a young age. This achievement deserves such praise."

"Okay, I'm not here to listen to your flattery, I'm here to collect interest."

"You Ye Shen Cult have dealt with me a lot, right? How to settle this account?"

Hearing this, Ye Shen laughed and said, "That's easy to say."

"We, the Ye God Sect, have prepared thousands of spirit stones for you as an apology, and I have also given you a message. What do you think?"

After Ye Shen finished speaking, a ring flew out from the black mist.

"This thing is called a storage ring. You only need to concentrate to open it. Thousands of spiritual stones have been placed in it."

Su Ren took the ring and looked at it. There were indeed tens of thousands of spiritual stones inside.

Spirit stones are different from energy stones. According to the exchange ratio, one spirit stone can be exchanged for 10,000 energy stones.

This is equivalent to 100 million energy raw stones.

You must know that Longguo almost emptied its treasury to collect one million raw energy stones.

This is indeed a big deal for Ye Shen Cult.

Su Ren, who was about to get angry, now felt a little embarrassed.

Eaters are soft-mouthed, but takers are short-handed.

Although this is compensation, it is also real money.

"What? I'm waiting sincerely, right?"

When Ye Shen took out these spiritual stones, his heart was bleeding.

But there was an instruction from above that this thing must be given to Su Ren. Even if the two parties cannot be friends, they cannot be enemies.

"Didn't you say there is another news? What news? Let's hear it."

Su Ren put away the space ring and looked at the black mist.

Ye Shen said in a deep voice: "The Sky Empire's Northern Territory Survey Department and Supervision Department have ordered the Star Destroyer Fleet to head to Blue Star. They will destroy the planet tomorrow at the latest!"

"You must also know that one of the people from the Supervision Department you killed was the grandson of the director of the Northern Territory Supervision Department."

"The Northern Territory is now furious!"

Su Ren was a little surprised when he heard the news.

Unexpectedly, the other party reacted so fiercely and even planned to destroy Blue Star directly.

At this time, Ye Shen's voice sounded again.

"Su Ren, you and I are actually on the same journey. As for the previous things, they are all misunderstandings."

"We all have a common enemy, which is the Sky and Sky Empire."

"I hope we can turn our hostility into friendship, defeat the Sky and Sky Empire together, and bring peace to the public."

"Only by defeating the Sky and Sky Empire can everyone be free and break through restrictions to a wider world."

"We, the Ye God Cult, have been working on this, so I want to invite you to join!"

Su Ren smiled when he heard this.

"Really? Should I join the Night God Cult? Or join your Wushuang Alliance?"

As soon as these words came out, the black fog that enveloped Ye Shen trembled.

"How do you know about the Wushuang Alliance!?"

(Fourth update, please give me a gift~Please)

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