Kyoto, in the courtyard where the king lives.

At the pavilion, the king seemed to know that Su Ren was coming, and had prepared tea and snacks in advance and was waiting.

When Su Ren came, he was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

"Master, did you know I was coming?"

The king smiled when he heard this.


After Su Ren sat down, the king ordered the waiting guards:

"Send over all the prepared energy stones."

"Yes, Lord!"

The guards took the order and left.

The king picked up the teapot in his hand and poured Su Ren a cup of tea. Then he looked at Su Ren and asked softly:

"when are we leaving?"

"In the next few days, I'll leave after finishing the last thing."

"What's up?"

"Is there anything you need my help with?"

Su Ren shook his head.

"No, I can handle it."

"Yakami Cult?"

Su Ren looked at the man in front of him in surprise when he heard this.

Upon seeing this, the king smiled and said:

"Don't be surprised. This is the only thing you can handle personally."

"The Night God Sect is indeed a serious problem for all countries. No one knows what they want to do."

"However, in recent years they have expanded faster and faster, and their number of church members has also increased."

"Their strength is already vaguely capable of confronting all major powers."

"You can help us by taking action against them. If you need us anywhere, just ask."

Su Ren just said the word "good" softly.

"Su Ren, can you tell me about what you know about the outside world?"

"To tell you the truth, I have always been yearning for the outside world."

"But my strength does not allow me to go out."

"I can only think about it."

When the king said this, he shook his head mockingly, his expression a little lonely.

If you don’t know that there is a wider world outside, it’s not bad to just be a frog in the well in your own world.

However, after knowing that there is a richer and more magnificent world outside, my mentality changed.

I couldn't sit still anymore and always wanted to go out and take a look.

It's just that he doesn't have the strength of a sword god. As he said, he can only think about the outside world.

Su Ren understood what he was thinking.

"Since the king wants to hear it, I will tell you what I know."

From the Sky and Sky Empire to the Heaven Realm above, Su Ren told the king everything he knew.

After listening to Su Ren's story, the king raised his head and looked at the sky, speechless for a long time.

After a long time, the king shook his head and sighed:

"Well, I knew the outside world was big, but I didn't expect it to be so big. It's so big that I can't even imagine how big it is."

"By the way, you said that we are called sinners and this place is just a prison. Why is that?"

"Did our ancestors commit any crime and be exiled to this planet?"

Su Ren actually didn't know much about this question, so he asked Jing Ling.

Because Jingling's body is incomplete, her memory is also missing.

Jing Ling's answer was that thousands of years ago, the two most powerful forces in the Tianyu were in conflict over one thing.

These two forces are Wandao Immortal Palace and Wushuang Alliance.

As the conflict intensified, the two major forces began a thousand-year war.

Trillions of people died in this war.

Countless life stars were beaten to collapse.

Within the universe, all life was devastated for a while, and people were in dire straits.

In the end, Wandao Immortal Palace did not know how to achieve the final victory.

As for the loser Wushuang Alliance, all the strong ones were killed, and the remaining members were marked as criminals and were taken to various planets for imprisonment by the forces led by Wandao Immortal Palace.

This is the origin of sinful people.

"It turns out that we are the losers in the war."

After hearing this, the king stopped worrying about this issue. This was something he could not change.

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

This is an eternal truth.

"Thank you Su Ren. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to know so many truths about us and the outside world."

At this time, the guards had already sent over one million energy raw stones.

"So much? Isn't it a reward of five hundred thousand?"

Su Ren was a little confused when he saw the doubled energy raw stone.

"Haha, I'll give you the extra five hundred thousand. Don't underestimate this five hundred thousand. It almost wiped out my family fortune."

"Okay, put it away. I can help you this time. The future journey is up to you."

"Thank you, Lord."

The king waved his hand.

"We don't talk about this between us."

Su Ren took the raw energy stones into the pet space and stacked them.

After looking at the Hongmeng Purple Qi suspended in the air, Su Ren intercepted a trace of energy and retreated.

"Master, this thing can allow you to break through the ninth level. Maybe one day, we can meet outside."

"See you again when you have a chance."

After Su Ren handed over the energy in his hand to the king's hand, he stepped out and left here.

"Breaking through 9 turns?"

The king stared blankly at the energy that had integrated into his body.

Although he has thought about it, who in the world can break through the 9th rank?

Now Su Ren gave him hope, which made his dusty heart become active again.

The king clasped his hands, looked at the direction Su Ren was leaving, and murmured to himself:

"Su Ren, thank you very much!"


After leaving the courtyard, Su Ren glanced at the location information sent by Duan Yu.

Duan Yu, as his undercover agent in the Ye God Cult, has been informing Su Ren about the recent movements of the Ye God Cult.

"I don't know why Ye Shen tricked these people into going to the outer world?"

"But the location of the Night God Sect is a bit remote."

Su Ren looked at the place and found that it was at the deepest point of the Shiwan Mountain in the southwest.

This place is not protected by a temple, so naturally no one will visit it.

Therefore, no country has been able to find the headquarters of the Night God Cult.

It seems that the night god used some means to help them solve the problem of nightmares at night.

No matter so much, Su Ren first opened a wormhole and came to the familiar place of Wanshan City.

Then he jumped towards the depths of Shiwan Mountain.

At the gate of Wanshan City, Chen Yao, who was about to leave the city for a mission, looked up into the air as if feeling something.

A figure flashed across the sky quickly and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"What's wrong sister?"

Chen Laoba looked at the sky in confusion and found nothing.

"'s okay."

"Maybe I saw it wrong."

Chen Yao shook her head gently, a trace of loneliness flashed in her eyes.

When Chen Laoba saw this, he didn't think too much. Instead, he looked at the brothers behind him and said:

"Brothers, Brother Su Ren won the world championship. Thanks to him, I, Chen Laoba, will be able to make a comeback. Today, our treasure hunting group from all directions will surely have good luck and everyone will get rich!"

"Thank you, senior Su Ren, and thank you, captain!"

Everyone shouted loudly, and the sound resounded through the city gate, attracting countless passers-by to stop and watch.

Chen Laoba laughed, waved his hand and said:

"Hahaha, let's go!"

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