As a subordinate of the Sky and Sky Empire, she has accepted the ideas instilled by the Sky and Sky Empire since she was a child.

Regarding the criminals in various exiled places, she has always received the idea that they are treated like pigs, dogs and livestock.

Killing them requires no psychological burden at all.

This is a matter of course and no one would accuse them of their behavior.

She thought so at first, but since everyone around her was killed by Su Ren one by one.

She knew there was no difference between herself and those criminals.

We are all the same people, and we all have only one life.

No one is more noble than anyone else.

So she was so scared at the time, she didn't want to die, she wanted to live.

She promised that she would never have to look at the lives they ignored again with the same eyes as before.

Outside Tianguan, when she saw the humans of Blue Star willing to die to defend their homeland, she finally understood.

There is nothing wrong with the people, this is just a crime imposed on them by the empire.

They are all people like her. They also have their own family and friends, and they have things they want to protect with their lives.

They don't deserve to be treated like this by the Empire.

That's why she told Su Ren all the information about the Star Destroyer Fleet. She hoped that Su Ren could win.

In this way, the tens of billions of people on Blue Star will not die.

But... the Sky Empire is also her home.

So she didn't know how to answer Su Ren's question.

Seeing her painful and tangled look, Su Ren shook his head.

"Forget it, let's go."

Hearing this, Yun Xi raised her head and asked confusedly, "Where are you going?"

"Let's go to your house and have a look."


If you want to go to the Sky Realm, you must go to the Emperor Star of the Sky Empire.

Only there is the way to heaven.

To go to the Sky Empire Emperor Star, you must first go to the Northern Territory.

Just as the two of them were about to enter the star gate, Yezhi and his group flew over from a distance.

Everyone acted as if they were rushing over quickly.

"Su Ren, wait a minute."

Yezhi flew to Su Ren and pretended to be surprised as he looked at the fragments of the Star Destroyer fleet floating around him.

" did this?"

The black mist that enveloped Yezhi dissipated, revealing a skinny human face.

The two mice's eyes widened, showing a particularly shocked look.

Su Ren looked at his appearance and couldn't help but frown.

No wonder this guy is always wrapped in black mist. It turns out he is too ugly.

Su Ren looked at him without speaking, but quietly waited for him to continue his performance.

He wanted to see what these people wanted to do.

But I have to say that these people's acting skills are indeed good, if Su Ren hadn't used his spiritual consciousness to scan their hiding place just now.

It's really possible to be deceived by them.

"Is there a problem?"

Su Ren replied using his spiritual consciousness.

Hearing this, Yezhi made an embarrassed expression and said:

"Sorry, we are late. We originally wanted to help you fight against the enemy."

"But fortunately, you are strong enough, and you were able to destroy a Star Destroyer fleet by yourself."

"No wonder the higher-ups value you so much and want you to join us."

These three sentences of "Yezha" express three meanings respectively.

The first one is to say that it's not that I didn't come to help you Su Ren, but that I didn't come in time, and I hope you can forgive me.

The second one was to praise Su Ren forcibly and praise him for his strength.

The last one expressed the intention of himself and others to win over Su Ren.

After hearing what Ye Zai said, Su Ren laughed inwardly.

Yezhi has been able to guard Blue Star for so many years without being discovered by the Sky Empire. It must be said that he is still quite capable.

At least his speaking skills are better than those of ordinary people.

It's no wonder those people from the Night God Sect were bewitched by him.

But it's useless no matter how good his acting skills are, because Su Ren discovered them in advance.

"Is there anything else? If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."


Yezhao was completely stunned.

I have said so much and put so much effort into acting so much, only to get this light sentence: Are you leaving?

Are you listening to me? ?

"See you again when you have a chance!"

After Su Ren finished speaking, he turned around and walked into the Star Gate with Yun Xi.

He was too lazy to make excuses with these people.

Under the flash of blue light from the star gate, Su Ren and his two figures had disappeared.

There were only a few dumbfounded people left outside the star gate.

After a while, several people said:

"Yezhi, your method seems to have failed."

Yezhi looked at the countless metal fragments floating around and sighed:

"Oh, forget it, at least they're not enemies."

"Tell me, what is the strength of Su Ren?"

"Is it possible that he is stronger than several elders in the alliance?"

After hearing this, several people thought about the scene they just saw.

Then he shook his head again.

"Probably, isn't it?"

These elders are truly old monsters who have lived for thousands of years.

Everyone's strength is so powerful that they can easily capture the stars and the moon.

If Su Ren is stronger than the elders in the alliance, then they can no longer imagine what kind of monster Su Ren is.

After all, Su Ren is only eighteen years old.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Let's send the selected people to the alliance star first, where their talents can be truly displayed."

Several people nodded and went to do their own things.


Inside the star gate.

Su Ren looked at the colorful stream of light that kept retreating. He grabbed it with his hand curiously and found that he couldn't touch anything.

Su Ren looked at the silent girl with her head lowered and asked:

"Yun Xi, what do you think will happen to us if one end of the Star Gate is destroyed by someone when we are riding on it?"


Yun Xi was startled by Su Ren's sudden question.

"what's on your mind?"

Su Ren glanced at her doubtfully.


Yun Xi shook her head, and then explained Su Ren's question just now.

"If the star gate is destroyed during the transmission, we will be involved in the turbulence of time and space."

"If you are not above the upper seventh realm, you will definitely die if you are involved in the turbulence of time and space."

"Oh, that's it, then you have to hold on tight!"

"Huh? What...what do you mean?"

Yun Xi was a little confused.

Su Ren smiled lightly and said: "Because I gave the Star Gate a knife just after I entered it. Now, I guess the knife has arrived."


Yun Xi was shocked when she heard this and immediately leaned close to Su Ren.

She never expected that Su Ren would do this.

"You...why do you want to destroy the Star Gate?"

"No reason."

"Because I can't let anyone threaten Blue Star. There are people on there that I need to protect."

"If the Star Gate is destroyed, at least the people of the Sky Empire will not be able to get through in a short period of time, right?"

"So, you're risking your life just for this?"

Yun Xi looked at the young man in front of her in confusion. It turned out that for the sake of his homeland, could he risk his own life?

"What are you thinking about? I didn't say I was going to die. Just hold on tight!"

At this time, there was a fluctuation in the space, and the flow of light in the channel began to become chaotic and disorderly.

Space began to collapse.

Seeing this, Su Ren calmly shouted into his pet space:

"Jingling, it's your turn to do your work!"

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