686: Fire Support, High Altitude Bombers

“Cough cough!”
The captain of the ship was running and suddenly spitting out a mouthful of black blood. He fell to the ground in pain, and the crew on the side was stunned and at a loss.
“Help me up!”
The captain of the boat was sweating coldly on his forehead, his brows furrowed, and he looked very weak.
After being supported,
The corners of his mouth were still dripping with black blood, which was extremely strange.
“Damn, this thing is poisonous!”
The captain of the ship looked at his right hand that had been blasted open. At this time, his entire right hand had turned black, and pus was bleeding from the crack.
Disgusting stench.
“Golduck, use immersion on me.”
The captain of the boat raised his head with difficulty, and looked in front of him with dim eyes.
After hearing the trainer’s order, the anxious Golduck also began to gather strength, and radiated water-like ripples from the palm of his hand.
Blue light flashed.
The entire right hand of the captain of the boat was wrapped in pure water polo.
Compound No. 5 that penetrated into the wound also flows out with the water flow.
The boss of the ship breathed a sigh of relief, and his face was no longer so ugly. If he didn’t get treatment, he might not be able to support the seaside.
“Come on, that thing will come after you soon.”
Just paused for a moment.
The captain of the ship urged the crew member who was supporting him to flee towards the sea.
The crew nodded.
Holding the right hand of the ship’s boss, he carefully stepped over the thorns.
But the good times don’t last long,
Before the captain of the boat took a few more steps, the Golisopod chased out of the cave had already appeared in front of them.
The gravel splashed, and the Golisopod, covered in pitch-black slime, fell from the sky.
Smashed a big hole in the ground.
The two people at the front were hit by the Whirlwind, hitting the tree trunks on both sides.
“Prepare for battle!”
The eldest ship’s pupils shrank, and he immediately shouted sharply.
for a while,
The crew members, who were only resting for a while, fought with Golisopod again. The tree fell and the soil flew.
There were bursts of explosions at the halfway up the island.
A big tree that three people hugged together was broken by Golisopod’s giant claw. The sawdust flew and scratched the faces of the boat boss.
The crew was horrified.
This is simply not an existence that a few of them can deal with.
Golisopod seemed to have no pain, and attacked several people desperately.
In just a few minutes,
The scene was a mess.
There are shallow pits that have been dented and broken trees everywhere.
Starmie, Iron Claw Lobster, Wooper, Tentacruel, Golduck… all lost, and fainted on the ground after exhausting their physical strength.

Only one Pokémon, ShinyPelipper, was left at the scene.
In the face of Golisopod, who has become more and more brave, even Shiny Pokémon can only fall to the ground with hatred.
“Rock Smash” twice in a row.
ShinyPelipper was smashed from the sky and fell heavily on the grass.
Black awns flickered, and the corrupted Golisopod appeared on top of his head in the blink of an eye, and the huge worm slammed towards the ground with a thousand force.
If hit,
With this blow alone, ShinyPelipper is not dead or disabled.
The boss of the boat was stunned.
He has no chance of saving Pelipper anymore, and the crew members around him are also too busy to take care of themselves, and there is no Pokémon who can fight.
“Do not!!”
The captain of the boat cried out in pain.
But it can’t change the foregone conclusion that ShinyPelipper was killed.
at this time,
Three dragon roars resounded from the skyline, and a dragon-shaped Pokémon with black-blue fur and three pairs of fallen angel wings appeared.
It’s Hydreigon!
It was Jiang Xiao riding the Hydreigon!
“Dragon Pulse!!”
Jiang Xiao narrowed his eyes and shouted at the black Golisopod on the ground.
in an instant,
The sky lit up with three gorgeous light groups, like three suns, three days in the same sky!
The dragon’s roar sounded again.
Only this time, there are three dragon-shaped fluctuations.
The Mew-like Dragon Pulse unfolded the dragon wings on its back in a rapid dive, as if a three-headed dragon had really fallen from the sky.
The dragon opened its fangs,
Bite at the Golisopod that hits the ground.
First the first sound, then the next two smaller ones.
Hydreigon’s special attack skills can be released three times at the same time because of the blessing of the left and right little dragon heads.
The dragon head is more powerful,
The power of the little dragon head is a little less powerful, but it is better than the number.
Under the three-in-one, the average quasi-Elite Pokémon can’t withstand a round of Hydreigon.
“It’s not over yet!”
“Flamethrower! Flash Cannon!”
“Dark Pulse!!”
Jiang Xiao did not wait for the smoke and dust below to dissipate, and ordered Hydreigon to launch a fierce attack until the ground was completely blasted with a deep hole.
The diameter even reached 20 meters, and this was the end.
Looking at the scorched pit that was still smoking black smoke in front of them, the boat boss and his group were already stunned, and they didn’t dare to breathe.
In the process of several people swallowing saliva,
The Hydreigon hovering above his head also flew to the ground by the wind and placed Jiang Xiao on the grass.
The latter just stood firm,
He walked non-stop towards the deep pit.
This seems to be on the mountain where a piece of meat has been dug up, and the Golisopod has long since disappeared. Maybe it has disappeared.
Jiang Xiao fanned the black smoke in front of his nose, and there was still a little smell of compound No. 5 in the air.
But for Pokémon,
It will no longer affect their minds.
At this time,
The captains of the ship, who were supported by the crew, walked towards Jiang Xiao one after another, and bent over 90 degrees behind him:
“Thank you my benefactor for saving my dog’s life!”
The crew members who survived the disaster were so excited that they didn’t want to come to this wonderful frog island for the rest of their lives.
It’s terrifying.
You say how good I am at sea fishing, I have to go to the island to come to this muddy water.
Sin! !
Jiang Xiao looked back, smiled and asked the people behind him, “Have you seen a trainer named Wu Zong? I have something to do with him.”
“Wu, Wu Zong?”
Several people looked at each other in dismay, and then the captain of the ship was the first to speak.
“He’s on the island, and he’s still in the dungeon.”
The boss of the ship came to this wonderful frog island because of Wu Zong’s set-up, and naturally hated the other party, but he also knew the other party’s name in advance.
“Thank you.”
“My Pokémon found a sunken ship on the bottom of the sea. It should be yours. I have pulled it to the beach, and the repair can still be used.”
Jiang Xiao nodded.
He waved his hand and walked towards Hydreigon.
The captain of the boat was left and looked at each other in dismay.
“Pick up a sunken ship from the bottom of the sea?”
“Can the sunken ship still be picked up?”
Kyogre: “Who says you can’t?”
Before long,
Jiang Xiao, who was riding the flying dragon, successfully arrived at the cave in the mouth of the boat boss. Because Gengar was guiding the way, it didn’t take much effort.
Jiang Xiao stepped off the flying dragon and walked into the cave on foot.
The cave is dark,
Every now and then, water droplets drip from the stalactites.
Jiang Xiao walked to the dungeon where Wu Zong was originally imprisoned, and found that it was empty. Presumably, Wu Zong took advantage of this time to get out of trouble.
By this time, it was time to go to the beach.
Jiang Xiao overlooked the entire island from a height, and at a glance he saw Wu Zong who was pushing a kayak and sneaking to the seaside.
Jiang Xiao’s mouth twitched, but he didn’t go after him directly.
Because in the sea, there are more terrifying “monsters” waiting for him…

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