687: The deep sea monster, the three meet again

The water was rippling, and Wu Zong took a kayak and drifted with the waves on the sea.
Seeing that the islands in the back are getting smaller and smaller,
He smiled knowingly.
“Finally get out of this hell.”
Wu Zong drinks himself a special sobriety, suppresses the No. 5 compound in the body.
If this ghost is left alone, he will also become unconscious.
Finally died in the sea.
“damn thing!”
“Forcing Lao Tzu to use his trump card and ruin a Gym-level Golisopod. You wait for me. Sooner or later, I will ask you to pay it back 10 times!”
Wu Zong’s expression suddenly became ugly.
Gritting his teeth, he glared at the smaller and smaller islands behind him.
Lost a Gym-level Golisopod and lost ShinyPelipper, all of which were caused by the appearance of one person.
Jiang Xiao!
As if it was his destined nemesis!
Wu Zong clenched his fists and turned his head with a cold snort.
Now that he has lost his qualifications as a Gym-level trainer, a few Superior Pokémons alone can’t make much waves.
It is better to take the long-term approach.
Just as he picked up the oars and rowed hard into the distance, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared under the sea.
There is something underwater!
Still a giant!
The low roar echoed through the entire ocean, as if an ancient sea beast woke up, setting off a huge wave.
for a while,
The weather that used to be clear skies has become cloudy.
Lightning flashes in the sky.
It was pouring rain.

The kayak that Wu Zong was riding was struggling to rise and fall in the surging waves, and the two oars even shook off and fell into the water.
“what happened?!”
Wu Zong’s eyes were full of horror. He didn’t understand that the weather was so good, how could it change.
It has become so scary.
There was a gust of wind and rain on the sea.
The huge waves were huge, and the water column of Dragon Breath surrounded him from all directions, and the huge waves seemed to be coming at him.
“Damn! Damn!”
“In the end what happened?!”
Wu Zong struggled to maintain the balance of the kayak, preventing it from being overturned by the huge waves.
When Wu Zong saw the monstrous waves, there seemed to be a pair of glowing eyes looking at him. The huge waves and the wind and rain were caused by it.
“what is this?!”
Wu Zong was so frightened by the scene in front of him that his back became cold. He visually estimated that the big guy in the water was at least 4 meters long.
And that’s not even counting its spread fins.
Don’t give him time to think,
The monstrous waves swept over like yellow sand, overturning everything on the sea.
Wu Zong’s raft naturally also fell into it.
Wu Zong fell into the water and kept coughing, coughing out a mouthful of salty seawater.
He looked around in panic, his pupils dilated with fear.
It seemed to be a low roar called from the ancient times, and it came from below, Wu Zong suddenly lowered his head, but saw a huge mouth already opened.
Kyogre shows her true face!
A five-meter-high water column splashed from the sea.
Kyogre twisted and jumped into the water, slowly disappearing into the water.
No one knows where it went, except its trainer… Jiang Xiao.

Jiang Xiao looked at the wind and waves that gradually calmed down in the distance, and probably knew the outcome of the matter.
He smiled knowingly, like the weather on the sea.
gradually become sunny.
“Let’s go, meet our old friends.” Jiang Xiao walked towards Hydreigon with a smile, and behind him, Gengar and Blissey also followed.
Jiang Xiao, riding a dragon, appeared in everyone’s sight.
the whistle sounded,
Hydreigon, who understood it, gradually gathered up his ferocious dragon wings and landed on a clearing.
Jiang Xiao jumped down from the dragon’s back,
A group of people waiting on the beach also embraced each other.
“Benefactor, what happened to the martial thief, are you still in the dungeon?” The captain of the ship looked at Hydreigon in awe, then looked directly at Jiang Xiao, and asked in a low voice.
Jiang Xiao shook his head.
“He escaped, but now… I’m afraid it has sunk to the bottom of the sea.”
The ship’s boss and several people looked at each other, and they could all see the horror in the other’s eyes.
submerged in the sea?
Is it self sinking? Or is he sinking?
After glancing at Hydreigon, who had bad eyes behind Jiang Xiao, the boat boss and the others all swallowed their saliva, then laughed and stopped asking.
“Should have escaped.”
“Forget it, forget it, it’s a blessing to be alive, so what else is there to do.”
“The criminal runs away, then let the people from the alliance go after him.”
“What do we fishermen care about!”
“Is the benefactor on board? Let’s go back to land together?”
A group of people surrounded Jiang Xiao and patted the horse with smiles on their faces.
Jiang Xiao also looked at the fishing boat on the sea at this time. It seemed that the crew had repaired it, and the loopholes in the bottom of the boat were also blocked.
But when asked, he shook his head.
“I still have something to do on the island, you go first.” Jiang Xiao rejected the crew’s kindness with a smile.
The boat boss’s earlobe moved slightly,
He probably guessed what Jiang Xiao was talking about.
There are precious green bulbs growing on Miaowa Island, and it is because of this that he was tricked by Wu Zong to the island.
But now,
I don’t want to give him any money.
“Okay, trouble the benefactor.”
The captain of the ship nodded in salute, and then called for his crew to set sail and sail towards the landing ground.
The sea is calm and the waves are unobstructed all the way.
The green Pelipper rests on the mast, looking out to the islands behind…

On the hillside of the island, Luo Jun, who was bound under a big tree, suddenly sneezed, and this sneeze also woke up Taj, who was in a coma.
“She” woke up suddenly.
Then he looked forward in horror and screamed loudly.
“No, don’t come here!”
“I’m a good person! I’m really a good person!!”
Luo Jun looked at her speechlessly.
“Okay, okay, it’s not dead yet.”
Only then did Taj react.
“She” and Mr. Mime were tied together under a big tree, and Luo Jun and Blaziken were tied under the tree next door.
at this time,
A dragon roar could be heard in the distance.
What followed was a howling wind, and a figure fell from the sky.
Jiang Xiao jumped from a height and appeared in front of Taj and Luo Jun.
But he turned his back.
Seeing Jiang Xiao returning to the campsite, Zapdos and Registeel, who were waiting here, rushed over one after another and greeted him for a while.
“Okay okay~”
Jiang Xiao bowed his head and walked out of Registeel’s embrace, and pushed Zapdos’s head away.
Then he twisted his neck and asked:
“What about the suspicious people caught on the island?”
Zapdos and Registeel ran past Jiang Xiao, each standing under a tree.
Jiang Xiao looked back.
Suddenly froze.
Luo Jun: “…”
Taj: “…”

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