I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 228 Martial spirit-level items dropped out

Above the spear, a lot of black energy surrounded it and flowed in all directions.

Some of the black energy even spread to the soul body, causing the bloody armor on the soul body to turn into dark red.

And some black spikes appeared on the armor.

This soul body...

It was the fighting spirit released when Xiao Shi killed the strange spirit!

It originated from the [Mysterious Bracelet] Xiao Shi obtained when he was in the Seven Star Holy Land.

[Name: Mysterious Bracelet]

[Type: Bracelet]

[Grade: Unknown]

[Introduction: One of the key stone seals to open the stone gate. You need to continuously accumulate wandering souls. Only when it reaches the full state can you have the power to open it. 】

There are a total of three black gemstones on the bracelet.

Only when all three black gems light up.

It is considered to be the full state.

When it comes to lighting up the black gems, Xiao Shi needs to accumulate wandering souls through continuous killing.

As long as the soul of the person killed by him will turn into a wandering soul, it will be condensed into the bracelet.

When a sufficient number of wandering souls are accumulated, the gems on the bracelet will light up.

The wandering soul in the bracelet can be released.

Although after releasing it, you have to start accumulating all over again, but you can release a powerful fighting spirit for combat!

Since the last time he released his fighting soul and exhausted the wandering soul in his bracelet, after such a long period of killing, Xiao Shi has lit up two black gems again.

After seeing the other person die, he turns into a spirit body.

Xiao Shi thought of the fighting spirit in the bracelet.

He knows it very well.

Among the many means that I have, the only one that can deal with the soul body is the fighting spirit in the [Mysterious Bracelet]!

After lighting up a black gem, the fighting spirit he released already possessed the power of the Blood Martial Realm.

Now with two black gems lit up.

Xiao Shi felt that the fighting spirit he released should have power comparable to the martial spirit realm.

As Xiao Shi gave instructions to the fighting spirit.

The fighting spirit held a gun in one hand and pointed the tip of the gun at the thin man in front of him.


The horse under him moved its hooves and turned into a dark red stream of light, with black air flowing from its body, floating like smoke behind it.

In an instant, he rushed towards the thin man in front at an astonishing speed.

"He...he can actually release his soul body!!"

The skinny man's expression changed wildly.

The entire soul body fluctuated violently.

In his eyes, this was extremely incredible.

First of all, treasures that can accommodate souls are rare in themselves, and each one has an indescribable and astonishing value. This is definitely not a treasure that a Blood Martial Realm warrior can take out!

Secondly, the level of the soul body is much higher than that of the Blood Martial Realm. Even if the opponent has a treasure that can accommodate the soul body, it is impossible for him to have the ability to accommodate the soul body.

Especially the soul body released by Xiao Shi is not an ordinary soul body, but an extremely powerful soul body!

This made the thin man even more unbelievable.

Under the charge of fighting spirits.

In an instant.

The two souls started fighting fiercely.

Xiao Shi retreated to a distance.

Did not join.

He knows that his level is not enough.

Even if he attacks, his attack will penetrate directly through the opponent's soul body and cannot touch the thin man who turned into a soul body.

Now he can only place his hope on the fighting spirit.

Although unable to participate in the war.

However, Xiao Shi paid close attention to the battle between souls and bodies.

He found.

There is a big difference between soul fighting and physical fighting.

The fighting movement of the soul body is relatively small and the destructive power is not great.

Unlike physical combat, where the ground breaks and buildings collapse at every turn.

The battle between souls and bodies often only causes vibrations in the air.

There won't be that kind of earth-shattering destruction.

The fighting spirit released by Xiao Shi, as he had expected earlier, already had the strength of the martial spirit realm.

But in the fight with the thin man, he had no advantage and could not gain the upper hand.

This made Xiao Shi frown.

"He is obviously injured, but he can be equal to my fighting spirit..."

"It feels like the soul body's injuries are very strange. It doesn't seem to affect my combat power and status at all."

Xiao Shi was thoughtful.


This may also be because the opponent's injury is not serious enough.

But one thing is for sure.

The fighting spirit he released this time was not able to end the battle quickly like last time.

There is not much difference in combat power between the two sides.


The spear in the fighting spirit's hand penetrated straight through the emaciated man's body.

However, the thin man's palm also penetrated the battle spirit's head.

The two sides passed each other.

His figure became much darker.

"It seems that the injuries to the soul are mainly reflected in the body..."

"They will not suffer from severed limbs or bleeding. Their bodies will always remain intact, but after their souls are injured, their bodies will become dim and disappear..."

Xiao Shi has a better understanding and understanding of the soul body.

As the two souls fight.

Their bodies are gradually dimming.

For Xiao Shi, this situation is naturally something he would like to see.

Even if the fighting spirit is dimmed to the point of annihilation, it will not have much impact on him.

Anyway, I released the fighting spirit this time, and then I had to accumulate it through killing again.

Regardless of whether the fighting spirit ultimately defeats the emaciated man, it will not continue to exist.

If both parties die together.

Xiao Shi must have made money.

And the thin man also realized this.


He didn't expect that this guy in the Blood Martial Realm would be so troublesome.

Ever since he became the Martial Spirit Realm, no one in the Blood Martial Realm had made him feel so aggrieved.

Those in the Blood Martial Realm he had seen in the past days had all been killed casually.

It was the first time that a guy in the Blood Martial Realm made him so miserable.

"If this continues, the game will definitely be over!"

There was a hint of cruelty and madness in the skinny man's eyes.

He raised his hand.

Aim at the blood-armored soul body in front.

He once again used his killing move that injured six people in Swift Shadow Palace!

Not too many bells and whistles.

He just raised his hand and pressed it.

boom! !

Along with a concussive sound that exploded the air.

The whole body of the blood-armored fighting spirit that suffered a heavy blow suddenly became extremely dim, and was almost invisible to the naked eye.

Although the thin man also paid a huge price and his figure became extremely blurry, his situation was much better than that of the fighting spirit.

"Not good..."

Xiao Shi frowned.

This person's strength is actually more amazing than he imagined.

Even if the fighting spirit is released, it is still slightly inferior and no match.

The only good thing is that the thin man is now in poor condition due to the consumption of his fighting spirit.


Xiao Shi's eyes flashed sharply.

He realized that he still had to take action himself to have a chance to kill him.

His figure moved.

Quickly distance yourself from the opponent.

He knew that given the disparity in strength between the two sides, they would definitely not be able to engage in close combat.

"Most of my ordinary attacks can't touch him. He is in the form of a soul and is immune to ordinary physical attacks..."

Xiao Shi thought quickly.

While constantly widening the distance, he continued to exert heavy pressure on the field.

The heavy pressure field is also useful for the soul body!

There's just no way to end the fight by pressing the field hard.

But it can have an impact on status and speed.

It is an auxiliary means.

at the same time.

Xiao Shi's index finger and middle finger point together like a sword.

The native martial blood in the body also turned gray at this moment, directly entering the gray blood form.


A sharp sword energy flew out from his fingers.

It hit the thin man directly.

But it penetrated directly through the thin man's body.

It's like bombarding the air.

It didn't cause any harm to it.

"Sword energy doesn't work either!"

Xiao Shi's heart sank.

If this is the case, then he has only one last resort left.

The figure of the thin man is blurred.

His eyes were fixed on Xiao Shi.

Although his current state is very disabled, it is still enough for him to destroy this guy in the Blood Martial Realm.

He simply chose to ignore Xiao Shi's attacks.

In the soul state.

There's no way this kind of attack could hurt him.


He floated directly towards Xiao Shi.

In his current state, he couldn't even attack from a distance.

You can only get close and kill them at close range.

The fighting spirit was so blurred that it was almost unclear, and there was no way to stop it.

Facing the approach of the thin man.

There was a sharp look in Xiao Shi's eyes.

He still raised his hand.

Pointing at the thin man.


Another ray of light burst out from between his fingers.

But this time what he displayed was not sword energy.


Bloody fingerprints!

"sucker Punch."

The thin man didn't dodge or retreat, he just hit him.

There was no way this kind of attack could hurt him.

But the moment the blood light shot out from Xiao Shi's fingers touched him.


The skinny man's expression suddenly changed.


Black flames suddenly swept up from his soul.

"This...this is!!"

The thin man's pupils were shaking.

As a member of the demonic power, he recognized this black flame at a glance.


he exclaimed in horror.

On the surface, Xiao Shi appears to be displaying [Blood Pattern Finger], but actually inside the [Blood Pattern Finger] is mixed with his second natal martial blood - Yin Yan!

It can be said that [Bloodprint Finger] is just a disguise.

A real killer move.

It's the Yin inflammation hidden inside [Blood Pattern Finger]!

Since Yin Yan became his second natal martial blood, Xiao Shi had never used it.

He also didn't know whether the Yin Yan would be effective on the soul body.

But in this situation, he had no other choice.

It can only be countered with Yin Yan.

In an instant.

The black inflammation swept through the emaciated man's entire soul.

And under constant burning.

The emaciated man's soul was quickly annihilated.

The face of the thin man was filled with horror, horror, and even more incredible.

He really couldn't believe that this person actually had Yinyan, and it was...pure Yinyan!

He roared shrilly.

"How could you have vaginitis!!"

"How can it be!!!"

in his cognition.

Yin Yan has always been sealed and suppressed in Lieyin City.

Back then, there were many strong men from the demonic forces who wanted to control Yin Yan, but no one could succeed.

Even those powerful demons who stand at the top of the Xingluo Territory cannot do it.

In the end, the only option was to seal it and suppress it.


Yin Yan appeared in the hands of a guy in the Blood Martial Realm.

"who are you!?"

The thin man stared at Xiao Shi.

This series of methods used by Xiao Shi.

Let him realize that this person must have a terrifying background.


Under the burning pain of Yinyan, he was destined not to get the answer.

The entire soul body was quickly burned to ashes.

Xiao Shi was also a little shocked in his heart.

Yin inflammation is not only effective on the soul body, but also seems to have a great restraining effect!

This reminded him of the full name of Yinyan...

Nether Yinyan!

"Netherworld...maybe the greatest restraint against souls!"

Xiao Shi was thoughtful.

As the emaciated man's soul died.

An item also fell out.

This made Xiao Shi relieved.

Now it was finally certain that this person was really dead.

"It's really not easy to kill such a strong man in the martial soul realm. Not only do you have to kill his physical body, but you also have to destroy his soul body..."

Xiao Shi sighed with emotion.

Although Yinyan has a great restraining effect on the soul.

But this is also when the opponent's soul body itself is about to die.

If it's in full swing...

The other party will definitely have a way to resolve Yinyan.

It is impossible for him to rely on Yin Yan to kill such a top warrior in the martial soul realm at will.

After all, such a strong person would not stand there stupidly and let himself burn them with his Yin Flame.

"To deal with such a strong person, you still have to step into the martial soul realm yourself. With the current realm, it is too difficult."

Xiao Shi took a deep breath.

This last strike was more difficult and dangerous than he imagined.

The main reason is that he didn't know before that such a top warrior in the martial soul realm would still have a soul body after death.

Like the martial soul realm he killed earlier, no soul body appeared after death.

Now with the dropping of items.

Xiao Shi stepped forward quickly.

Pick up items from the ground.

The item information appeared in his sight.

[Name: Immortal Soul Seal]

[Similar to: Soul Seal]

[Level: Martial Spirit Level]

[Introduction: One of the most powerful soul seals in the world, blending into this seal can make the soul immortal. 】

[Note 1: Those who are integrated into the Immortal Soul Seal will automatically reincarnate when their soul body is destroyed, thus reincarnating into a new soul. The new soul will retain 90% of the memory of the old soul. 】

[Note 2: If the new soul is destroyed, it will continue to be reincarnated forever. But every time a new soul is destroyed, the memory of the old soul will be erased to a certain extent. If it is destroyed too many times, the memory of the old soul will be lost forever. 】

Xiao Shi looked at the items in his hands.

My mind was shocked.

That is to say...

Once you integrate this [Immortal Soul Seal], to a certain extent, it means that you can be reincarnated and rebuild immediately after being killed!

And it is a reincarnation and reconstruction with most of the memories!

It's like being born again.

No matter how many times you are killed.

They will always be reincarnated and rebuilt.

Its soul can never be destroyed!

"But if the person who was really killed doesn't have the memory of his old soul, it's no different from death."

Xiao Shi secretly thought.

But he felt that unless he provoked that kind of incredibly powerful power.

After killing, you can immediately lock its reborn soul to continue killing.

Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to hunt down the new souls.

He didn't even know that his soul had begun reincarnation.

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