I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 229 The independence of the Red Tiger Sect

"It's a pity that the specific value can only be seen after the item is put into the [Purple Treasure Card]..."

Xiao Shi shook his head with regret.

Once an item is put into the [Purple Treasure Card], it cannot be taken out.

This made it impossible for him to check the value of the [Immortal Soul Seal] through the [Purple Treasure Card].

However, he knew that this item must be a top-quality item in the martial soul realm.

In addition to the harvest of [Immortal Soul Seal] this time.

Xiao Shi also found many treasures in the thin man's storage bag.

It's just that these treasures don't have relevant information displayed like the [Immortal Soul Seal], so Xiao Shi doesn't know the specific functions of some martial soul level treasures.

I can only keep it for now.

But among these treasures.

Xiao Shi also found some things that were useful to him.

At this time, he obtained an important message that he did not know from a jade slip in the other party's storage bag.

This is the message about the realm of Wuhun Realm.

From this Xiao Shi knew.

There are three stages in the Wuhun realm.

The first stage is called soul awakening.

This stage means the awakening of soul power.

Although warriors who reach this stage will have soul power, they will not be able to perform soul attacks like the emaciated man before.

They can only attach their soul power to their natal martial blood to enhance the power of their natal martial blood.

This reminded Xiao Shi of the martial soul realm he had killed before.

Think carefully.

It was discovered that this person had indeed never carried out soul-level attacks.

"That is to say..."

"The power in the soul awakening stage is mainly to attach and enhance the soul power."

"For example, if I reach the soul awakening stage of the martial soul realm now, I can attach my soul power to the sword energy, the Yin flames, and the attacks of my hands and feet, thereby increasing the power."

"At the same time, in addition to enhancing attack damage, soul power attachment can also be attached to the body to form an effective soul power protection. It can also increase speed through soul power attachment."

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.


The perception ability in the soul awakening stage will also be greatly improved.

They can sense all movement within their surroundings.

Even without looking at it with the naked eye.

As long as they get close, they can sense it instantly.

Once you reach the second stage of the Martial Soul Realm, your perception will reach an even more astonishing level.

Because the second stage of the martial soul realm is called...soul consciousness!

Once soul consciousness is formed.

Then there is no need to worry about being attacked.

As long as the soul consciousness is swept away, everything will be invisible.

At the same time, after reaching the soul consciousness stage, you can initially independently display soul power and carry out soul-level attacks.

It's just that the soul power attacks in the soul awareness stage are usually not too strong.

But if you attach yourself to it with soul power, it will be greatly enhanced.

And in the third stage of the martial soul realm, it is the soul of life!

Once a life soul is formed, it can have a soul body other than the physical body.

Even if the physical body is destroyed, it will not die.

Only when the physical body and soul body are killed at the same time can there be true death.

And after reaching the life soul stage, the entire soul attack will become extremely powerful.

Xiao Shi had already seen this from this thin man.

"Are these...the three major stages of the Martial Soul Realm!"

Xiao Shi took a deep breath.

Soul awakening, soul consciousness, life soul!

Each stage will bring huge improvements and changes.

Especially when it comes to the life soul stage.

It’s a qualitative change!

The existence of the life soul is like having an extra life.

Even if the physical body is destroyed.

Nor will it die.

Especially Xiao Shi now has the [Immortal Soul Seal].

It can be said that as long as he reaches the life soul stage, as long as he does not provoke that kind of terrifying power, he does not need to worry too much about his life.

The worst situation.

That is reincarnation and rebuilding.

"The next step is to find a way to break through to the martial spirit realm..."

After removing everything from the emaciated man.

Xiao Shi did not stay here any longer.

Leave quietly.

Jiying Palace, Five Shadows City.

After being injured by a emaciated man.

The shadow master of Jiying Palace started retreat and healing on the same day.

Even if he didn't know whether there would be outsiders coming to attack, he had to retreat at this time.

Although the shadow master of Jiying Palace is in the martial spirit realm.

But he was only in the Soul Consciousness Stage in the Martial Soul Realm, so he was no match for the thin man.

This time it was even more severely damaged.

And what was severely damaged was his soul.

Must retreat to recuperate.

This way.

As for Jiying Palace, it will continue to be managed by the five elders of Jiying Palace.

Although these five elders had all been attacked by the emaciated man's soul before, their injuries were relatively minor, and most of the attacks were borne by the shadow master of the Shadow Palace.

This also prevents the Swift Shadow Palace from being leaderless.

In the past, when the movie masters were in retreat, their five elders were in charge of the five movie cities.

same day.

Jiying Palace then entered a state of alert.

They don't know if there will be other strong outsiders who will come to take advantage of their Swift Shadow Palace.

Be prepared to face powerful enemies.

Although Jiying Palace has entered a state of full alert.

Anyone who approaches Five Shadows City will be noticed by them immediately.

However, Xiao Shi was extremely relaxed and returned to Shuying City without anyone noticing him.

As the owner of Cang'e Ancient Tree.

It can be said that the entire Tree Shadow City is under his control.

If he is willing.

He was even able to get Tree Shadow City out of Swift Shadow Palace.

It was easy for him to enter the Tree Shadow City without others being aware of him. It was basically no difficulty.

And after returning to Tree Shadow City.

Xiao Shi first came to the inside of the Cang'e ancient tree.

His return caused the Cang'e Ancient Tree to instantly convey a feeling of excitement and joy.

Xiao Shi appeared directly at the crystal formation inside the Cang'e ancient tree.

The reason for coming here.

It was because the moment he stepped into Shuying City.

The coffin inside his body began to vibrate, as if it was eager to return here.

"You pretended to be dead before and showed up when needed?"

Although Xiao Shi was a little dissatisfied.

But we still came to the inside of Cang'e Ancient Tree.


He just showed up here.

The entire coffin flew out of his body on its own.

He fell straight into the crystal formation.

Start enjoying the nourishment of crystal formation.

Xiao Shi stared at the coffin.

He had thought about abandoning this coffin before.

After all, in the picture he predicted through the fragments of the Tianji Disk, the crisis mainly originated from this coffin.

If you abandon it.

Believe that you can resolve foreseeable crises with a high probability.

But now after Xiao Shi thought about it carefully.

I feel like I still can't let go of this coffin.

On the one hand, the reason why Cang'e Ancient Tree recognized itself as its master was because it integrated this coffin into its body.

If you abandon it.

Xiao Shi didn't know whether Cang'e Ancient Tree would continue to regard him as the master.

On the other hand, after the coffin was integrated into the petrified heart in the blood mass and swallowed up the Yin Yan, there was a relationship between it and Xiao Shi.

It's not something Xiao Shi can give up if he wants to.

Their fates seemed to have been firmly tied together at that time.

The third aspect.

This means that this coffin is of high status and has a great background.

Although it has brought a huge crisis to itself.

But similarly, if the being in the coffin can be revived...

He will also get great help!

"This is like an investment..."

“High risk, but also high reward.”

Xiao Shi thought in his heart.

Now the coffin needs to be stored here.

Xiao Shi didn't care about it anymore.

Went straight back to Tree Shadow City.

I am going to check out the current situation of the Red Tiger Sect first.

Located on a giant tree in the Tree Shadow City.


Guo Chengdao's figure flashed.

It's like teleportation.

Appeared in the tree out of thin air.

He looked up.

He saw a figure standing on a tree branch above his head, with his hands behind his back.

It was night time.

Under the moonlight.

Xiao Shi's figure was stretched very long by the moonlight.

The moment I saw this figure.

The blood source in Guo Chengdao's body began to vibrate.

After all, the blood source here is originally the red tiger blood source from Xiao Shi.

Guo Chengdao immediately knelt down and bowed down to Xiao Shi excitedly.

"Greetings to the ancestor!"

Xiao Shi did not look back.

Guo Chengdao was left with an unpredictable figure.

And an old voice came out.

"what's up?"

Guo Chengdao knew that the other party was asking about the situation of the entire Red Tiger Sect.

Lian said respectfully.

"Since we received a message from our ancestors last time, instructing us not to expose our own Tiger Meridian of Different Blood Transformation, none of us in the Blood Martial Realm have used the Tiger Meridian of Different Blood Transformation."

"As for the other Red Tiger Sect disciples, several of them are about to begin their breakthrough to the Blood Martial Realm."

"We plan to use our second generation blood source to allow these disciples to enter the blood martial realm and create a third generation red tiger blood source. However, in order to hide the alien blood tiger sutra, we do not plan to use the alien blood tiger sutra Teach them..."

After Xiao Shi realized that the Tiger Sutra of Different Blood Transformation was a special technique between the righteous path and the demonic path.

He had already warned Guo Chengdao in every possible way not to expose his own tiger meridian of different blood.

If someone notices it.

They will definitely think that their Red Tiger Sect is related to the demonic forces.

Then there will be trouble.

Guo Chengdao took Xiao Shi's advice very seriously.

There has never been any violation.

But as a result, a situation also emerged, that is, their strength could not be improved.

So far, they are still stuck in the initial first-blood stage of the Blood Martial Realm.

Xiao Shi nodded.

In terms of improving your cultivation, you don’t have to worry too much.

Now he has a lot of natal martial blood here, which is enough for Guo Chengdao and the others to improve rapidly.

"What about other aspects?"

Xiao Shi continued to ask.

"Everything else is fine..."

Guo Chengdao thought for a while.

Although the Red Tiger Sect encountered some trouble when they first came to Shuying City.

But with the help of Cheng Tianhao.

They still managed to enter Tree Shadow City.

Xiao Shi nodded.

A wave of his hand.

He threw a storage bag directly to Guo Chengdao.

"The natural martial blood in it is enough for you to reach the second level. As for the disciples you mentioned who are about to reach the blood martial realm, I will personally go to the school to test them. If they meet the conditions, I will give them the second generation red tiger. Blood Origin.”

Xiao Shi said.

As the first-generation red tiger blood source, he can give a total of ten second-generation blood sources.

If it is a good seedling.

He felt that he would just give the second-generation blood source directly.

If the qualifications are average, let Guo Chengdao and the others provide blood to the third generation.


Guo Chengdao nodded respectfully.

Open the storage bag and take a look.

The whole eyeballs suddenly stared at the ground.

In the storage bag...

Astonishingly, there are many natal martial blood!

Guo Chengdao has never seen so many natal martial arts blood so far!

In his understanding, natal martial blood is extremely difficult to obtain.

But he didn't expect that this ancestor would throw over a bunch of his own martial blood.

This caused an indescribable horrific impact on his whole being.

The heart beats faster.

With these natal martial blood...

He and the other three Blood Martial Realm elders can quickly increase their strength!

After all, the Tiger Sutra of Different Blood mainly obtains enhancement by refining the natal martial blood.

The more natal martial blood you have.

The faster they improve.

Now there is so much natal martial blood for refining...

Their improvement speed will inevitably reach a terrifying level.

Maybe we can reach the ultimate level of First Blood Realm in a short period of time!

After having a preliminary understanding of the situation of the Red Tiger Sect.

Xiao Shi began to think about the training policy of the Red Tiger Sect.

For now.

He is undoubtedly the top combat power of the Red Tiger Sect.

After that came Guo Chengdao and three Blood Martial Realm elders.

The remaining disciples are only in the Qi Martial Realm and the Entering Martial Realm.

"The current problem of the Red Tiger Sect is mainly that there are too few blood martial realms, and there is none at the martial soul realm..."

"If we want the Red Tiger Sect to grow stronger, the first step is to increase the number of Blood Martial Realm warriors."

"As long as I can make the disciples of the Red Tiger Sect reach the Blood Martial Realm, then I can use the natal martial blood in my hands to increase their strength in a short period of time."

"This is the first step!"

Xiao Shi thought silently in his heart.

"The second step, the key lies with me."

"I need to step into the martial spirit realm to support the Red Tiger Sect and become the pillar of the Red Tiger Sect."

Xiao Shi knew it well.

Only by stepping into the martial spirit realm.

He has finally entered the ranks of the first-tier experts in Tiandou Province.

Don't look at the fact that he killed a strong man in the life soul stage this time.

If you really meet a life-soul powerhouse in his prime state, even ten of him won't be enough to kill him.

He must step into the Martial Soul Realm to have the capital to fight against other Martial Soul Realm experts.

"The third step is to make the Red Tiger Sect independent in Tiandou Province!"

When Xiao Shi came back this time, in addition to looking for a way to attack the martial soul realm, he was also preparing to make the Red Tiger Sect independent in Tiandou State.

The Red Tiger Sect was forcibly brought from Qixing Prefecture to Tiandou Prefecture by the elders of Jiying Palace, and became a subsidiary sect of Jiying Palace.

Although Xiao Shi didn't know the intention of the elder of Jiying Palace.

But he knew that the other party must have ulterior motives for doing this.

No matter what the reason.

Xiao Shi felt that it was necessary for the Red Tiger Sect to become independent in Tiandou State.

In order to be independent, firstly, there must be a strong person in the martial soul realm who is in charge of the sect; secondly, the disciples in the sect must be strong enough; and thirdly, the sect must have a strong trump card.

Just like Jiying Palace faced the attack from the powerful people in the life soul stage this time, even if there are no strong people in the life soul stage in Jiuying Palace, they can still defeat them by relying on the sect's trump card.

This is the importance of sect’s trump card!

All three are indispensable!

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