Everyone stared at the notice board in front of them with solemn expressions.

The special nature of this area meant that there was no turning back for them.

You can only go all the way to the Holy Land.

There is only one road leading to the Holy Land, and there is no way to go around it.

This is very troublesome.

"How many other exclusive items do you have?"

Chu Tong asked in a deep voice.

Although there seemed to be no hope of passing this level, no matter what, they had no choice but to move on.

Today there are more of them.

If all exclusive items were used...

Maybe there is still some hope.

After all, the exclusive items they carry can affect the saints.

However, when passing the third level before, most people used the exclusive items accumulated from the previous two levels.

Currently, there are not many exclusive items on hand.

Just when everyone's heart is heavy.

Xiao Shi, who had been silent next to him, suddenly said.

"I think the situation may not be as bad as we thought..."

As soon as his words came out.

Everyone focused their eyes on him.

"I don't think any saint would put up such a sign outside his own domain to warn everyone. This is unreasonable in itself."

Xiao Shi said calmly.

"you mean……"

Everyone was thoughtful about this.

As a saint, it is indeed impossible for him to put up a sign outside his own domain.

"I think this approach is an act of deceiving others."

Xiao Shi expressed his opinion.

The purpose of this sign seems to be to warn everyone.

But Xiao Shi felt that the real intention was to worry about them entering this area.

As everyone knows.

Saints are usually invincible within their own realm.

There is no need to put up such a sign to warn.

After hearing this, many people nodded in agreement.

This does seem to be a bit of a cover-up.

"Then what do you think will happen in this field?"

Chu Tong looked at Xiao Shi seriously, as if he regarded Xiao Shi as the brains among them.

Xiao Shi shook his head.

"Currently we have too little information to speculate on what's going on inside."

"But I think... even if this level is difficult, it won't be impossible to pass."

"Even if there is a saint inside, he will not be an invincible saint in his own domain under normal circumstances."

In fact, there is still a guess in Xiao Shi's mind.

But since he wasn't sure.

Therefore it was not spoken out.

However, his words have already won everyone's approval.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Tong.

He spoke.

"I agree with you. No matter what, we can only enter this level and there is no way out."

While talking.

He looked at the three martial arts realms in the three major realms.

"You three, go to the front."

The three Martial Demon Realms from the three major domains were stunned for a moment.

Anger showed on his face at the same time.

They realized that the other party obviously wanted them to be pawns for the next exploration.

As a martial artist.

They are already big figures in the three major domains, but now they are being used as pawns to explore the way. This is a huge humiliation for them.

Moreover, this area is not as difficult as they previously imagined.

But it won't be simple.

Once they encounter any crisis inside, they will definitely be the most dangerous.

To this.

They were all very angry and resistant.

But under Chu Tong's threatening gaze, he could only grit his teeth and compromise.

that's all.

The group of them passed through the sign and began to enter the field ahead.

Since each of them currently controls an [Iron-Refined Corpse], they all place the [Iron-Refined Corpse] at the position closest to them.

A little unexpected.

Then the [Iron-Refined Corpse] will be on top immediately.

After some previous speeches.

Xiao Shi gained Chu Tong's respect and was placed closest to him by Chu Tong.

As you enter this area.

Everyone discovered...

The trees in this area are obviously taller than those outside!

Not only that.

On top of these trees, there was a huge, forest-like mouth, which was filled with fine, sharp teeth, and the teeth were highly poisonous.

At the same time, above this huge mouth, a dark, evil-smelling vertical pupil opened, staring coldly at everyone with strong hostility.

It is clear.

The trees in this area are not ordinary trees. While they are intelligent, they also pose a certain threat.

However, they seem unable to actively attack.

As long as you don't get close, there will be no danger.

This allows everyone to keep a certain distance from these trees while traveling, thus preventing them from being attacked by these trees.

Xiao Shi is marching down.

In addition to constantly observing the trees around him, he would also look up at the sky from time to time.

Regarding the previous conjectures in my mind.

A little more certain.

"What do you think?"

Chu Tong looked at Xiao Shi.

The others also listened carefully.

"These trees here are very hostile to us and would like to eat us alive, but because they cannot move, they can't do anything..."

"If I guess correctly, these trees are able to move under normal circumstances. The reason why they cannot move now is because they have been suppressed by a strong force."

Xiao Shi said.


Chu Tong frowned slightly.

"But I don't feel any power fluctuations here. How do you judge that they have been suppressed?"

Chu Tong was not the only one who was confused.

The others were also confused by this.

They also did not feel any power fluctuations here, and they did not understand how Xiao Shi judged that these trees had been suppressed.

Xiao Shi pointed to the stars above.

"I believe you have all noticed that every level in this special area represents a past era."

"If I guess correctly, the era represented by this level should be an era related to the stars."

"But I wasn't sure about this before, because I didn't see anything related to stars in this area... I only saw a lot of distinctive trees, so I wasn't sure whether this area was actually stars. This era is still an era related to trees.”

"It wasn't until I discovered that these trees couldn't move... that I was sure that this level was an era related to the stars!"

"The reason why these trees cannot move is because they are suppressed by the stars."

"Not only these trees, this area... must also be suppressed by the stars!"

Xiao Shi analyzed carefully.

Everyone was stunned.

This would explain why there are signboards outside this area.

Because this area is an area that is suppressed!

Of course I don’t want anyone to come in!

"That means..."

"The saints in this area are also in a state of suppression!"

Chu Tong's eyes lit up.

This makes perfect sense.

If it were a saint in their own domain under normal circumstances, it would not be something they could fight against.

And this kind of saint might have killed them all as soon as they entered the realm.

However, so far they have not encountered any crisis when entering this field.

The trees here look very threatening.

But if you can't move, just go around.

This is very consistent with the situation analyzed by Xiao Shi.

"In fact, the most important problem now is that we need to find out as soon as possible how strong the saints who have been suppressed here are!"

Xiao Shi said in a deep voice.

It’s basically certain at the moment.

There must be saints in this realm.

And the key to passing this level lies in the saint here.

The trees here do not pose any threat to everyone.

But the question is, how strong is this suppressed saint?

They can only analyze that the suppressed saint is not so strong that he cannot resist, but the specific strength is unknown.

"Every saint possesses power that cannot be matched by the Martial Demon Realm. Even if they are suppressed, they cannot be underestimated..."

Chu Tong said seriously.

Although he now has a [Red Refined Corpse] in his hand, the strength that [Red Refined Corpse] can exert is very limited if he does not possess the secret technique of Red Refining.

They kept moving forward along the road in this primeval forest.

While avoiding the surrounding trees along the way, we didn't encounter any crisis.

But even so.

Xiao Shi did not relax at all and remained vigilant and alert at all times.

When they continued to move forward for a certain distance.


There was a scream, like the sound produced when a missile was launched, sharp and shrill.


Xiao Shi seemed to have sensed it and shouted a warning urgently. He dodged to the side in a flash.

At the same time, he controlled his [Iron-Refined Corpse] and rushed upward.

The rest of the people also made the same move.

Someone among them also took out a treasure.

Above the head, a barrier was formed.

Available in the next second.

This barrier suddenly exploded.

A thick afterimage broke through the barrier, fell from the sky, and hit everyone.

Many people's [Iron-Refined Corpses] rushed out to resist.

It bought time for everyone's guards.

These guards immediately ran away as fast as possible, carrying the box that sealed the demon body's clone.

boom! !

Just heard a loud noise.

A deep ravine appeared where they originally stood.

Everyone looked attentively.

What was found on the ground was a vine as thick as a water tank, covered with clumps of green leaves. Its tip was as sharp as a sword and needles, and its roots spread far away with no end in sight.

Through the diffused soul consciousness, Xiao Shi continued to extend forward along the vines.

I realized that this vine came from a towering tree with an unimaginable height!

At the same time, with his soul consciousness, he could only sense a rough outline.

Unable to see the whole picture.

Even though many [Iron-Refined Corpses] were resisting together, they were all knocked far away by this vine.

There were even some [Iron-Refined Corpses] bodies among them. During the resistance, their bodies were damaged.

After all, due to the age of these [Iron-Refined Corpses], many parts of their bodies have begun to rot.

Such high-intensity fighting will speed up the breakdown of their bodies.


Everyone was shocked.

From the lashing power of this vine, they realized that this was a terrifying power that only a saint could possess.

The vine was like a big snake, twisting and raising its tip, staring at everyone.

Then it directly locked onto one of the Martial Demon Realm.


He whipped him straight towards the Martial Demon Realm.

The one who was attacked by the vines was a Martial Demon from the Dawu Dynasty.

The moment the vines struck him, an indescribable sense of crisis filled his mind, making him feel unable to escape.

Because this person no longer has exclusive items.

Therefore, I can only use my own [Iron-Refined Corpse] to resist.

At the same time, other Martial Demon Realms who saw this scene also controlled their [Iron-Refined Corpses] to help resist.

Including the three realms of martial arts.

in this case.

They don't want to see anyone on their side die. Every less person will make it more difficult for them to deal with the saint at this level.

This is also the main reason why Xiao Shi is willing to share the information about this level with them.

After all, what they have to fight in this level is the Saint!

This cannot be dealt with by just one or two people.

It takes everyone working together.

It's just that the attack of this vine is too powerful.

Even if these [Iron-Refined Corpses] resisted with all their strength, they could not completely resist and were knocked back again.

But at this time when [Iron-Refined Corpse] is resisting.

However, it was able to allow the Martial Demon Realm being attacked to retreat in time and temporarily avoid the attack of the vines.

"Chu Tong, what are you doing! Why don't you take action!?"

The Martial Demon Realm who was attacked couldn't help but shouted and asked.

While all of them were using their [Iron-Refined Corpse] to resist the vine attack, Chu Tong did not let his [Red-Refined Corpse] participate, and at the same time, they all hid far away. Completely useless.

Facing the shouts and questions from this martial arts realm.

Chu Tong said coldly.

"Shut up!"

His figure moved.

While everyone was resisting the vines, they rushed high into the sky and broke out of the thick canopy.

The field of vision instantly broadened.

He saw a giant ancient tree under the blue sky not far from them.

Its height cannot be measured visually. It is like the legendary World Tree that is connected to the sky. Its crown is like clouds, and its branches extend for dozens of miles to both sides.

Compared with it.

The trees in this primeval forest are like saplings and weeds.


From the cloud-like crown of the tree, a vine hangs down, as flexible as a living snake.

It was the same vine that was attacking them now.

"The Saint in this realm...is actually a tree!!"

Chu Tong's mind was shaken wildly.

This was something he didn't expect at all.

After all, in today's Tianwu Continent, there are only human saints, not such plant saints!

Although according to Xiao Shi's previous analysis, he knew that this Saint Tree was currently being suppressed, facing this Saint Tree, Chu Tong still felt a strong feeling of being invincible, as if he was encountering a natural enemy. .

This made him look solemn.

After some thinking.

He set his heart aside.

A big decision was made.

He looked down at the people below.

Said lightly.

"You must remember that your mission here is to assist me!"

Everyone heard this.

They all had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"What are you going to do!?"

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