I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 349 Dominate the overall situation

Under everyone's gaze.

Chu Tong, who was suspended high in the sky, directly took out a token with golden light spots.

The aura emanating from the token made everyone feel that it was a token of extremely high status.

It is clear.

This is a powerful method specially prepared by Prince Dawu for him!

Such a token...

Even in today's Dawu Dynasty, they are extremely rare and precious, and their value is even more amazing!

And the moment Chu Tong took out the token.

Xiao Shi felt a familiar aura from the token in the opponent's hand.

This made his heart sink.

He instantly realized what Chu Tong was going to do!

After Chu Tong took out the token, he crushed it into pieces as quickly as possible.


With the token shattered.

Bursts of extremely dense golden light suddenly bloomed from the token.

Under Chu Tong's control, these golden rays of light instantly infected Chu Tong's guards and his [Red Refined Corpse].


Only a flash of golden light was seen.

Whether it was Chu Tong in the sky, or his guards and the [Red Refined Corpse], they disappeared out of thin air in an instant under the shining golden light.

All this happens in just one second.

When Chu Tong took out the token and crushed it.

He, his guards, and his body disappeared together.

This made everyone stunned.

I didn't expect Chu Tong to do such a thing.

"He...he ran away??"

Some people's eyes widened in disbelief.

Chu Tong is their strongest fighting force here.

Whether it is the [Red Refined Corpse] he controls or the many trump cards provided by Prince Dawu, he is the most promising candidate to fight against the saint here.

But no one thought...

After seeing the saint in this level, Chu Tong not only did not attack, but directly teleported away from everyone with his own bodyguards and [Red Refined Corpse].

"That token... can be moved!"

Xiao Shi also looked gloomy.

The reason why he felt a sense of familiarity when Chu Tong took out the token was because he and Xiang Zizhen had moved here through a similar move when they were brought to the Imperial Domain from Xingluo Territory.

Xiao Shi knew it clearly.

This kind of movement is a more advanced ability than teleportation.

But now Chu Tong obviously moved himself and the guards out of this level through the movement of the token.

Just like the way Xiao Shi passed the level in the second level.

This is something no one expected!

The reason why Chu Tong did this was not just because the saints in this level were difficult to deal with, but more importantly, he felt that he did not need to spend too much energy in this level.

After all, Chu Tong entered this special area this time to refine the place.

Therefore, he had to consider the following issues.

Even if he can use his own series of methods to get rid of the saints in this level, if he suffers too much loss as a result, it will not be conducive to his final refining.

After all, this level is not the key to ultimately refining this area.

Before that.

He must preserve his strength and prepare for the final refining.

Naturally, it is impossible to exhaust all means and trump cards here.

Can save one more point of strength.

When he finally arrived at the Holy Land, he was more confident that he could refine this special area!

Therefore, when he felt that the saints in this level were not easy to deal with, he directly chose to move away to preserve his strength to the greatest extent.

After everyone was stunned for a moment.

Immediately everyone reacted and understood Chu Tong's inner thoughts.

This made them all look gloomy and ugly.

Obviously, Chu Tong didn't care about the life or death of these people at all.

In Chu Tong's eyes, they were just a group of tool men who helped him refine this special area.

If necessary, you can discard it directly.

Chu Tong is not the only one who thinks so.

Prince Dawu obviously had the same idea.

Otherwise, Prince Dawu would not have given Chu Tong such a removable token.

From the beginning, Prince Dawu had hinted to Chu Tong that he could give up these martial arts realms at any time.

As long as Chu Tong can complete the refining of this special area and become the strongest saint, then even if all the Martial Demons who enter here die this time, it will still be a profit for the Dawu Dynasty.

This made everyone feel angry, but also felt a sense of sadness.

Although when Prince Dawu formed a taboo on them, they had already realized that they could only serve as Chu Tong's tools this time.

But I didn't expect that the other party would abandon them so easily.

at the same time.

The snake-like vine rose high again, making a sharp sound of tearing through the air, and then crashed down again.

Everyone continued to resist with [Iron-Refined Corpse].

After resisting three times in a row.

The degree of damage to these [Iron-Refined Corpses] continues to increase, and most of the bodies of some [Iron-Refined Corpses] have been damaged.

This made everyone realize.

[Iron-Refined Corpse] alone is not enough to resolve the current crisis. They can resist it twice at most.

By then, the corpses of these [Iron-Refined Corpses] will inevitably be completely shattered, and they will no longer be able to resist.

An extremely strong sense of crisis lingers in everyone's minds.

Now without Chu Tong, the most powerful warrior in the Demon Realm, they all felt a deep sense of powerlessness when facing the saint in this level, with no hope at all.

Seeing this huge vine rising again, it was about to fall.


A red-gold figure suddenly rushed out. Its speed was so fast that it directly turned into a red-gold light that could not be caught by the naked eye.

In a flash.

He had already rushed to the vines just as they were falling.


The sword flashed.

The red-gold [Red Corpse Refining Knife] struck the huge vine, directly cutting a huge gap in the vine, and from the gap, a lot of green mucus spurted out like blood.

At the same time, the entire vine that was about to fall down also came to a halt with the slash of the [Red Corpse Refining Sword].

This sudden scene.

Everyone was shocked, and then there was strong excitement and ecstasy in their hearts.

Realizing that someone among them controls the [Red Refined Corpse]!

Xiao Shi knew it very well.

At this time, we can no longer hide the [Red Refined Corpse]. Now only the [Red Refined Corpse] can resist this vine.

If other people's [Iron-Refined Corpses] are damaged due to constant resistance, it will be even more difficult for them to fight against the saint here.

At this time, he must let [Red Refined Corpse] take action!

can be seen……

The gap made by the vine was constantly squirming, trying desperately to heal.

However, under the injury-stopping effect of the [Red Corpse Refining Knife], no matter how fast they squirmed, they were unable to heal.

[Red Refined Corpse] continued to draw its sword rapidly.

Not only is it extremely fast, but the cutting power brought by the [Red Corpse Refining Knife] is also extremely impressive, coupled with the injury-stopping effect of the [Red Corpse Refining Knife].

In an instant.

Under the continuous high-speed slashes of the [Red Corpse Refining Sword].

The huge vine was cut straight off.

There was a boom.

The broken vines hit the ground.

A deep hole was made in the entire ground.

As soon as Xiao Shi stepped on the ground, he jumped up.

High in the sky, I could clearly see the huge tree not far away.

The rest of the people also flew up one after another.

After seeing the giant tree not far away, their faces all turned pale, and their whole minds were violently shaken.

Just one vine from this giant tree left them helpless.

To pass this level, it is obvious that it is not just as simple as cutting off this vine, but also to get rid of this giant tree of saints.

This made them all feel a sense of despair that was impossible to defeat.

Xiao Shi's expression was also solemn.

But when he felt the atmosphere around him, he knew that he had to bring hope to everyone at this time, otherwise these people would not even have the courage to fight against it.

"Don't be frightened by its appearance, and don't forget that it is currently being suppressed."

Xiao Shi looked around at everyone and said in a deep voice.

"Chu Tong has the [Red Refined Corpse], and I also have it. Even without him, we can still pass this level, but I need you to cooperate with me, so..."

"In the next operation, if you want to pass the level and survive, follow all my arrangements and don't have any reservations."

Xiao Shi knew.

These people must still have some unused exclusive items in their hands.

If they have Chu Tong's mentality of wanting to preserve their strength and save these exclusive items for later use.

You will definitely not be able to pass this level.

Xiao Shi needs them to give their all without any reservation.

And his words raised hope in everyone's hearts again.

After all, Xiao Shi's detailed observation of this place and his analysis made him second only to Chu Tong in everyone's heart.

Now after the [Red Refined Corpse] was revealed, it replaced Chu Tong's position in everyone's hearts and took the lead.

This made everyone have a certain amount of trust and hope in him.

"Judging from the current situation, this giant tree of saints, like other trees in this area, cannot be moved..."

"Its attack method is probably only through vines, and the number of vines it can mobilize each time will also be limited. Otherwise, it just needs to attack with multiple vines together, which is enough to instantly Kill us all!"

"I will let [Red Refined Corpse] deal with the attack from the vines."

"We can deal with it through long-range attacks."

Xiao Shi informed everyone of his thoughts.

Since this giant tree of saints is stronger than them, they must make full use of the weaknesses of this giant tree of saints.

Since it can't move.

Then carry out long-distance fixed-point attacks.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

However, the distance between them and the giant saint tree is far at present. They cannot attack the giant saint tree at this position and need to continue moving forward.

that's all.

They followed Xiao Shi one after another.

All the way to a location not too far away from the giant tree of the saint.

Standing here, they could no longer see the entirety of the giant tree of the Saint. They could only feel that the trunk in front of them was like a city wall, extending to an extremely distant place, and they could not even see the arc of the trunk clearly.

The gray-brown bark is obviously scaly and densely spliced ​​one by one.

Everyone followed the tactics Xiao Shi had formulated previously.

When they arrived here, they immediately started a long-distance attack.

However, when their attacks landed on the trunk, they were unable to shake the giant tree of the saint, and even the bark could not be broken.

"If it's just a martial arts level attack, it won't be enough to break its bark. Even if you can attack from a long distance, it doesn't mean much. You need to use exclusive items to break its bark first."

Xiao Shi said in a deep voice.

Since the [Red Refined Corpse] needs to be careful of the vines that may appear at any time, Xiao Shi cannot let the [Red Refined Corpse] attack.

Moreover, the attack method of [Red Refined Corpse] is also a close-range attack, not a long-range attack.

"Use exclusive items together!"

Xiao Shi's words came out.

[Ice Domain Blade] and [Handle of Ten Thousand Mirrors] appeared directly in his hand.

After piercing the [Ice Domain Blade] into the ground.

Centered on the location where the [Ice Domain Hell Blade] pierces.

The thick cold air quickly spread in all directions, freezing everything along the way, completely turning the area where the giant tree of the Saint was into a field of ice.

At the same time, the [Handle of Ten Thousand Mirrors] quickly transformed into a mirror image that inherited all of Xiao Shi's own strength and was controlled by him, quickly killing the giant tree of the saint.

With Xiao Shi setting an example.

No one else hesitated anymore.

They all began to use their own exclusive items.

There are many people's exclusive items, which are exclusive items obtained in the second level, and are also exclusive items in the ice domain.

This makes the ice domain formed by Xiao Shi's [Ice Domain Yanblade] enhanced to a greater extent after being superimposed with other people's exclusive items.

It spread directly to the trunk of the Saint's Giant Tree, causing the entire trunk and treetops to be covered with a layer of ice shell.

At the same time, in the ice field, one after another frost mirror images were formed.

One after another, they rushed towards the giant tree of the saint at extremely fast speeds.

After arriving in front of the giant tree of the saint, these mirror images immediately launched an attack on the giant tree of the saint.

At the same time, these mirror images are also wrapped with some exclusive items originating from the first level.

Because these exclusive items cannot be cast over long distances.

Therefore, these martial arts realms can only use these exclusive items through the proximity of the mirror image.

These exclusive items originating from the first level are basically based on entanglement, deceleration, and power loss.

And they are all different kinds of evil plants.

As the mirror image approached, some vines that could drain the target's power immediately pierced the trunk of the tree.

Even with the strength of the bark of this giant saint tree, it could not stop these vines.

There was a pop.

It was deeply penetrated by these rattans.

These exclusive items can all act on saints, and even the strongest saints cannot avoid them.

Immediately, under the influence of these exclusive items, this giant tree of saints began to lose its power.

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