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Chapter 430 The secret behind it (1)

The first time Xiao Shi realized that the other party might be the heir of Emperor Wu was during the battle with Prince Da Wu.

At that time, Xiao Shizeng borrowed power from the other party.

And when he unleashed the opponent's power.

This force actually solidified Prince Dawu's figure.

Since then...

Xiao Shi vaguely felt that the existence in the black coffin must have a deep connection with the Dawu Dynasty.

He knows it very well.

At that time, Prince Dawu contained many qualities of the Dawu Dynasty.

It would have been someone else.

Even the three demigod kings could not solidify the body of Prince Dawu, who possessed many Dawu Dynasty auras.

Being able to ignore the Qi of Dawu Dynasty...

The person who directly froze Prince Dawu must be someone with the same identity as Prince Dawu!

And at that time, Prince Dawu also recognized the power he used from Xiao Shi's actions.

He expressed shock on the spot.

However, Prince Dawu did not directly identify the other party at that time.

But it also made Xiao Shi have a lot of guesses in his mind.

And when Xiao Shi came to the church and saw the other party's appearance, he became more confident in his suspicions.

Because he looked at the other person's appearance.

He clearly felt that the appearance of the other party and Prince Dawu were very similar, which gave him a strong sense of familiarity.

the most important is……

Long time ago.

He already knew that Emperor Wu had three heirs.

One is dead, one is disabled, and one is missing!

And he had already confirmed before that the crippled one was none other than Prince Dawu.

So now this...

"Is the senior the one who died or the one who disappeared?"

Xiao Shi couldn't help but ask.

This sounds a little strange.

But judging from the situation of the other party, it is indeed possible that he is the one who died.

It’s just this kind of death…

Not really death.

Yan Huagu understood what Xiao Shi meant.

"I'm the missing one."

Xiao Shi suddenly felt enlightened and asked again.

"The one who died...is he really dead?"

He now doubts...

Another demigod who has not yet appeared in Tianwu Continent may be another descendant of Emperor Wu!

The prince who is already dead in the eyes of ordinary people!

However, Yan Huagu shook his head.

"He's dead...there's no way he's still alive."

This immediately made Xiao Shi frown.

"Then who is the other demigod in Tianwu Continent now?"

Yan Huagu's expression suddenly became solemn.

He sighed.

"Before I tell you this person's identity, I think you need to know how the Dawu Dynasty collapsed back then."

Xiao Shi nodded.

Although he already knew that the fall of Emperor Wu was caused by the catastrophe that all the strongest men in the ninth level of martial arts would face.

But he didn't know many details about the collapse of the Dawu Dynasty.

"Did you know... that the ninth realm of martial arts is not actually the real end of martial arts? There is a more powerful realm above the ninth realm of martial arts!"

Yan Huagu said in a profound tone.

However, he just finished speaking.

Xiao Shi nodded and said.

"I know."

This made Yan Huagu stunned for a moment and asked with some uncertainty.

"Do you know?"

"Well, the end of martial arts is the God of Martial Arts."

Xiao Shi said calmly.

Yan Huagu raised his eyebrows.

I never expected that Xiao Shi would know this secret!

This is a major secret that even the three demigod kings don't know.

He originally thought that Xiao Shi would be shocked after he revealed this secret.

However, Xiao Shilao already knew the news.

This actually shocked Yan Huagu.

There is also some embarrassment at the same time.


"Since you know, then I don't need to explain to you the ultimate end of martial arts."


"What I want to tell you is that Emperor Wu did not die in a catastrophe at the ninth level of martial arts."

As soon as his words came out.

Xiao Shi's heart suddenly shook.

Exclaimed subconsciously.

"How can this be!"

When he learned from the Martial Ancestor that all the strongest in the ninth level of martial arts would face catastrophe, he realized that the ninth level of martial arts in all eras would inevitably fall under the catastrophe.


He couldn't think of anything else in the world that could kill these ninth level martial artists.

"If Emperor Wu didn't die in a catastrophe...then...how did he die!?"

Yan Huagu sighed.

His expression became complicated.

Said in a deep voice.

"Strictly speaking, Emperor Wu...is not dead!"

boom! !

Xiao Shi felt as if his brain was bursting with a hundred thousand thunderbolts.

Emperor Wu...

not dead! ?

How can this be!

If Emperor Wu had not died, how could the imperial power of the Dawu Dynasty collapse!

The era of Dawu will never end.

It is even less likely that I will have imperial clothing!

Many things will become unreasonable.

After all, the decline of the Dawu Dynasty began with the fall of Emperor Wu.

"For most people, they don't know that there is a higher realm beyond the ninth realm of martial arts, and they don't know that after reaching the ninth realm of martial arts, they will face catastrophes."

"This is the biggest secret in the world."

"In the earliest eras, only those who had reached the ninth level of martial arts would know this secret."

"But with the development of the times, more and more people know this secret."

"Just like you, you knew this secret a long time ago."

"The same is true for Emperor Wu. He already knew this secret before he reached the ninth level of martial arts. He has been researching and preparing for the catastrophe he will face at the ninth level of martial arts very early."

"At that time, my brother and I were assisting in research."

"And in our research, we made a major discovery!"

Yan Huagu's expression suddenly became solemn.

"we discover……"

"In the Xuanwu Era before the Dawu Era, the Zhenwu Era before the Xuanwu Era, and even the earlier eras, the ninth level of martial arts in these eras are actually not dead!!"

"These ninth martial arts realms have all chosen the same way to deal with the catastrophe of the ninth martial arts realm, which is... to seal themselves!"

"Although the ninth level of martial arts is not the real end of martial arts, it is the end of life."

"After reaching the ninth level of martial arts, there are actually only two situations."

"Or he will die in the catastrophe."

"Either you survive the catastrophe and become a god of war."

"But so far, the Tianwu Continent has never given birth to a Martial God, so to a certain extent, reaching the ninth level of martial arts is equivalent to the end of life."

Xiao Shi nodded in agreement.

It's exactly what the other person said.

In today's situation, no one can survive the catastrophe.

The ninth level of martial arts is actually the end of life.

After all, even the first Martial Ancestor to reach the ninth level of martial arts failed to survive the catastrophe of the ninth level of martial arts and become a Martial God.

But even so.

All the demigods are still working tirelessly to reach the ninth level of martial arts.

Even if they know that the ninth level of martial arts will face a catastrophe, no one will think of staying as a demigod and not making a breakthrough.

Because with the improvement of realm.

Especially when it comes to demigods.

For the ninth level of martial arts, there will be an indescribable pursuit and fanaticism.

This pursuit...

It is different from the pursuit of being ambitious and determined to be the best in martial arts.

Not so much pursuit.

More like an instinct!

Just like you need to eat when you are hungry, and you need to sleep when you are sleepy, it has become an instinct that cannot be resisted.

In other realms of martial arts, you can still choose to lie flat and not attack higher realms.

But this is not the case in the realm of demigods!

As long as you become a demigod, you will inevitably attack the ninth level of martial arts.

Even if there is an abyss ahead, even if the price of failure is their souls being destroyed, they will not look back.

Because this is an instinct they cannot violate!

Although it cannot be violated.

However, people like Emperor Wu, who knew in advance that there would be a catastrophe in the ninth realm of martial arts, could prepare in advance.

"So Emperor Wu chose to seal himself just like the ninth level of martial arts in other eras?"

Xiao Shi had a guess in his mind.

However, Yan Huagu shook his head.


"Emperor Wu did not choose to seal himself."

"He feels that this method of sealing oneself only treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and is no different from death."

"Once these ninth-level martial arts wake up from the seal, they will also face catastrophe again, which cannot be avoided."

"The main benefit of sealing oneself is that with the passage of time, if the God of War can be successfully born in the Tianwu Continent in the future, then when they lift the seal, there may not be any more catastrophes."

"After all, only one Martial God can be born between heaven and earth!"

"If after tens of thousands or millions of years, the God of War has been born in the Tianwu Continent, then they can survive after the seal is lifted."

"It's like placing hope in the future."

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.

This also means...those who choose to seal themselves in the ninth level of martial arts have basically given up on being promoted to Martial Gods.

They just want to survive.

It’s normal to have such a mentality.

After all, they all knew they could not survive the catastrophe, so they chose to seal themselves away.

Knowing that he was going to die.

Naturally, there won't be anyone who is determined to attack the God of War.

Don't say that it's just the ninth level of martial arts that's like this.

Even Martial Ancestor chose to stay in the ninth realm of martial arts after failing to attack the Martial God.

As long as I can stay alive.

Demigods still have that irresistible pursuit instinct for the ninth level of martial arts.

But when you reach the ninth level of martial arts, you feel freer and more at ease.

"With Emperor Martial's character, he would rather die than live like this. After all, what he pursues in this life is to become the only Martial God in the world!"

"It's just that no matter how we study..."

"There is no way to resolve the catastrophe."

"Although Emperor Wu has been constantly suppressing his own cultivation, he still broke through to the ninth level of martial arts not long ago."

"The Dawu Dynasty was established at this time..."

Xiao Shi nodded.

If you look at it this way.

The catastrophe at the ninth level of martial arts will not come immediately the moment one breaks through to the ninth level of martial arts.

There are still hundreds of years in between.

However, for those in the ninth level of martial arts who have a long lifespan, these hundreds of years have passed in a blink of an eye.

No one will be satisfied with only these few hundred years of life left.

"In fact, Emperor Wu established the Dawu Dynasty mainly to fight against the catastrophe, because the Qi of a dynasty will also play a greater role in fighting against the catastrophe. Especially the more powerful the dynasty, the more abundant the Qi, the greater the effect will be. .”

"Therefore, the first thing Emperor Wu did after reaching the ninth level of martial arts was to try his best to develop the Great Wu Dynasty in order to accumulate the most energy before the catastrophe."

"At that time, it was the period when the Dawu Dynasty was at its most powerful."

Although Xiao Shi had not seen the most powerful period of the Dawu Dynasty.

But he also knew that the Dawu Dynasty at that time was far from comparable to the Dawu Dynasty he would see later.

And from now...

Only a few hundred years have passed.

hard to imagine.

A large and powerful dynasty.

In just a few hundred years, it had completely disappeared from the Tianwu Continent.

What Xiao Shi is more curious about now is...

How did Emperor Wu deal with the catastrophe in the end?

Judging from the results.

Emperor Wu obviously failed.

Didn't survive the catastrophe.

But Yan Huagu said that Emperor Wu was not dead...

This left Xiao Shi a little confused.

"Shortly after the establishment of the Dawu Dynasty, a strange thing happened."

"My brother..."

"Dead inexplicably!"

Yan Huagu said in a deep voice.

Xiao Shi was shocked.

To know.

That period was different from the current troubled times.

At that time, the Dawu Dynasty was at its most powerful!

In such a period...

Who can kill this prince?

Who dares to kill this prince!

Such a fall occurred...

Something unusual indeed.

"Although my brother was still a Taoist master at that time and had not become a demigod, it is impossible for any of the demigods in this world to dare to kill my brother."

"At the same time, with my brother's strength, it is impossible for any Taoist master to kill him."

"This incident caused an extremely huge sensation in the entire Dawu Dynasty."

"But even if Emperor Wu personally conducted an investigation, he could not find any information."

"This incident made me extremely angry, and it also gave me a huge sense of crisis..."

"I can feel that there must be a huge secret behind my brother's death, but no matter how much I investigate, I can't find any clues."

"But the sense of crisis in my heart is getting stronger and stronger."

"I have a hunch..."

"If I don't figure out the reason for my brother's death, then I will be the next one to die!"

"Just when I was at my wits' end..."

"In the Tianwu Continent, a mysterious force has appeared. This force calls itself the 'Tianji Palace' and claims to be able to understand all the secrets of the sky."

"At that time, I was at my wits' end, so I found the master of Tianji Hall and asked him to use Tianji's prying eyes to help me find the person behind the murder of my brother!"

"The master of Tianji Hall promised me. After he spied on Tianji, he told me..."

"The person behind the killing of my brother is..."

"Emperor Wu!!"

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