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Chapter 431 The secret behind it (2)

Xiao Shi's pupils suddenly shrank.

Shocked at the same time.

There is another sense of sudden enlightenment.

I feel that this is both unexpected and reasonable.

At that time, the only one who had the ability and courage to kill the prince was Emperor Wu!


No one else can do it!

It's just that Xiao Shi can't figure it out.

Why did Emperor Wu do this?

As the saying goes, even if the prince did something outrageous, Emperor Wu would not have to kill him.

Besides, even if this prince really committed an unforgivable crime.

Emperor Wu could also choose to kill him in front of the whole world.

Rather than this sneaky and obscure kill.

With Emperor Wu's strength and status in Tianwu Continent at that time, he would definitely kill whoever he wanted.

No one dared to say anything.

However, Emperor Wu killed him in a subtle way.

At the same time, he pretended to be angry.

This is very strange.

Xiao Shi thought about it seriously.

I think there may be two reasons.

The first is to consider the Qi problem of the Dawu Dynasty.

If Emperor Wu openly killed his son, it would inevitably have a certain impact on his own reputation and make people think that he was a tyrant, thus affecting the strength of the Dawu Dynasty.

At that time, Emperor Wu attached great importance to the Qi of the Great Wu Dynasty.

He would definitely avoid anything that would affect the strength of the Dawu Dynasty.

So I can only kill in secret.

The second is that this prince involves Emperor Wu's subsequent response to the catastrophe.

So Emperor Wu must kill him!


There are many possibilities.

Yan Huagu continued.

"When I learned that the person who killed my brother was actually Emperor Wu, I thought it was extremely ridiculous and completely nonsense!"

"This Tianji Palace is obviously trying to deceive people under the guise of spying on the secrets of Tianji."

"In anger, I wanted to destroy the Tianji Palace directly, but the master of the Tianji Palace told me the reason why Emperor Wu wanted to kill my brother."

Yan Huagu's voice suddenly became deeper.

"In fact, after Emperor Wu broke through to the ninth level of martial arts, he already understood that it was impossible for him to survive the catastrophe."

"No matter what method is used..."

"They will all die in the catastrophe."

"In such a certain death situation, unless he seals himself like the ninth level of martial arts in other eras, he will definitely be dead."

"In this regard, Emperor Wu thought of an unprecedented way to deal with it."

"Since he cannot survive the catastrophe in this life, he will simply have to do it in the next life. He will... create a clone for himself in the next life!"

"So, my brother became his first choice!"

Yan Huagu's words immediately stirred up huge waves in Xiao Shi's mind.

"Senior, what you mean is... Emperor Wu wants to seize the eldest prince?"

Yan Huagu shook his head.

"To be precise, this is a higher-end ability than seizing a body."

"If it's an ordinary seizure, then even if the seizure is successfully completed, you will still face catastrophe, because there is no change in essence."

"Instead of saying this is a body-taking, it is more appropriate to call it rebirth!"

"Although it is still impossible to avoid the catastrophe, at least there will be no catastrophe before reaching the ninth level of martial arts. This will give the Martial Emperor more time to think about ways to deal with the catastrophe."

Xiao Shi suddenly understood.

If it is an ordinary seizure.

So even if Emperor Wu seizes the eldest prince and his own cultivation falls from the ninth martial arts realm to the Tao master realm, he will still face catastrophe at the same time without any change.

But rebirth is different.

After rebirth, he was like a new person.

Unless the body after rebirth reaches the ninth level of martial arts again, there will be no catastrophe.

There's even a bonus.

That is, when Emperor Wu's body has experienced a catastrophe in this life, when he faces a catastrophe again in the next life, he will have the experience to deal with the catastrophe!

under normal circumstances.

These strongest men in the ninth level of martial arts will only have one chance to experience catastrophe.

Either succeed or die.

But Emperor Wu was able to experience catastrophe one more time than ordinary people through his rebirth!

This experience is very important!

As long as you know the problem that you failed in your previous life, you can deal with this problem.

This will greatly improve your chances of surviving the catastrophe in your next life.

"If that's the case, then why didn't Emperor Wu choose someone with a lower cultivation level instead of the eldest prince?"

Xiao Shi was puzzled by this.

Logically speaking.

If you choose a warrior who has entered the martial arts realm to be reborn.

Wouldn’t there be more ample time?

Yan Huagu shook his head.

"This kind of rebirth has great restrictions. Emperor Wu cannot choose whoever he wants."

"Only those with Emperor Wu's bloodline can become his target for rebirth."


"He chose his brother first!"

"It's just that this rebirth technique was too complicated. Emperor Wu had just formed this rebirth technique, so it failed, which led to the death of my brother."

"This is also an important reason why we were unable to find out the cause of my brother's death before."

"After I learned the truth, I understood why my brother's death gave me a strong sense of crisis."

"Emperor Wu failed with his brother..."

"Then his next target must be me!"

"For Emperor Wu, nothing is more important than becoming the God of War. Family love is just a dispensable thing for him."

"If we, the heirs, can help him become a Martial God, he won't hesitate at all."

"So I'm sure..."

"After Emperor Wu failed with his brother, he will choose me for rebirth in the next step!"

"Fortunately, I got an insight into Emperor Wu's intentions in advance through the Master of Tianji Hall. Emperor Wu's failure this time obviously required a lot of time to study his own rebirth technique, so I also have some time to carry out this... Crisis response!”

After Xiao Shi heard this.

I was also very emotional in my heart.

Emperor Wu was more ruthless than he imagined!

No wonder Yan Huagu never called the other party his father from the beginning, but called him Emperor Wu.

Presumably Yan Huagu no longer recognized his father since he knew Emperor Wu's intentions.

At the same time, Xiao Shi also understood why Emperor Wu hated Tianji Palace so much...

It must be because this time the master of Tianji Hall failed Emperor Wu's intention.

Ruined Emperor Wu's major event.

That's why Emperor Wu later established a destiny test in order to destroy the Tianji Palace.

After all, judging from the results.

Emperor Wu obviously did not succeed in rebirth in Yan Huagu.

"When I learned about Emperor Wu's intentions, I began to think about ways to save myself."

"I first secretly left the Dawu Dynasty and hid."

"When Emperor Wu couldn't find me, he had no choice but to target Lao San."

"However, the complexity and difficulty of this rebirth technique far exceed Emperor Wu's expectations."

"He failed again with the third child!"

"Although it did not lead to the death of Lao San, it caused irreversible damage to Lao San's soul. As a result, Lao San's temperament changed drastically and he was unable to practice any more for the rest of his life."

Xiao Shi was startled by this.

It was exactly as I suspected.

There is indeed something wrong with Prince Dawu's brain.

No wonder there are so many sexy operations.

But what he didn't expect was...

The person who crippled Prince Da Wu turned out to be Emperor Wu!

It’s not just Prince Dawu.

Of these three princes, one is dead, one is disabled, and one is missing. It can be said that they were all caused by Emperor Wu!

At the same time, this also made Xiao Shi understand why Prince Dawu had never liked the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult.

Because the Four Symbols Divine Martial Arts Sect was founded by Yan Huagu.

Prince Dawu not only hated Emperor Wu, but also hated Yan Huagu.

He hated Yan Huagu's original escape, which made him become the target of Emperor Wu and was crippled by Emperor Wu.

He felt that the person who was disabled should have been Yan Huagu.

Put all this on Yan Huagu.

Naturally, he was very disgusted with the Four-Xiang Shenwu Cult founded by Yan Huagu.

Only after he inherited the Dawu Dynasty.

And had to rely on the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult.

After all, at that time, only the Four Elephants Shenwu Sect could continue to support the Dawu Dynasty.

Therefore, we can only continue to suppress the Sixiang Shenwu Sect through internal power struggles.

Attribute it to the reason.

Or because his soul was injured by Emperor Wu, his whole character was greatly distorted.

"I knew that the third child had a grudge against me, but at that time I had no other choice. In that situation, I could only protect myself. After all, what I faced was a Martial Emperor at the ninth level of martial arts. As long as I Anyone who makes any move that arouses his suspicion will be immediately imprisoned by him."

"Therefore, I didn't dare to tell anyone what I knew. I still pretended to be investigating the cause of my brother's death, so as to find an opportunity to escape secretly."

"And after Emperor Wu failed to be reborn in Lao San, he also realized that even if he successfully reborn in Lao San next time, he would not be able to practice any practice. Therefore... I have become Emperor Wu's only candidate for rebirth!"

"Although I have been hiding at this time, I know that with Emperor Wu's ability, he will definitely be able to find me soon!"

"If I want to get rid of the fate of being reborn by Emperor Wu, there is only one way in front of me..."

"Become a divine messenger!!"

Yan Huagu said in a deep voice.


Xiao Shi was startled.

This was the first time he heard this word.

Yan Huagu explained seriously.

"The so-called divine messengers are those who become messengers of God."

"It is said that there are other worlds outside Tianwu Continent, but what is different from Tianwu Continent is that gods have been born in these worlds!"

"Only in the Tianwu Continent, no Martial God has been born yet."

"I don't know when it started. Gods outside the Tianwu Continent cast a ray of sanity on the Tianwu Continent."

"They claim to be gods, and they specifically select qualified and talented warriors from the Tianwu Continent to recruit. As long as they agree to become their divine envoys, they will do their best to help their own envoys and become martial gods!"

"A long time ago, a god found me and wanted me to be his messenger."

"The reason why I was able to create the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult was because of the assistance of this god, which allowed me to use my demigod cultivation to suppress the eras. Thus, based on four different eras, I created the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult!"

Yan Huagu's words once again caused a huge shock in Xiao Shi's mind.

He had already felt that there was some mysterious power in the other party that he didn't know before.

After all, a demigod under normal circumstances.

It is impossible to suppress or seal an era!

This is far beyond the capabilities of a demigod.

Extremely unreasonable.

Now Xiao Shi finally understands.

All of this comes from the gods outside the Tianwu Continent!

"When God assisted me in founding the Four Elephants Divine Martial Cult, I did not agree to him becoming its divine envoy. At that time, he was more interested in showing me his power so that I would know that he had the ability to help me become the Martial God."

"but I know……"

"There is no such thing as a free lunch."

"Not just me, Emperor Wu has also come into contact with the God of War. After all, with Emperor Wu's qualifications and talent, he is the most promising candidate to become the God of War."

"But the god who wants to assist Emperor Wu and the god who wants to help me are not the same one."

"And Emperor Wu once told me..."

"If any high gods come to me, I must be wary of these high gods. These high gods have come to our Tianwu Continent specifically to help us give birth to the Martial God. They must have ulterior motives."

"Therefore, neither I nor Emperor Wu agreed to these gods to become their envoys."

"But under the circumstances, I had no other better choice."

"Even if I know that I am seeking skin from a tiger, I can only have the capital to fight Emperor Wu if I choose to become a divine envoy."

"But I still underestimated the gap between demigods and the ninth level of martial arts..."

Yan Huagu sighed.

"Although my strength has greatly improved after becoming a divine envoy, when I face Emperor Wu again, I am still no match for him."

"During that battle, not only was my heart ripped out by him, but my soul was also severely damaged."

"Fortunately, with the help of God's power, I managed to escape from his hands and did not fall into his hands."

"But because I lost my heart, the injury cannot heal and will only continue to worsen. At the same time, I know that as long as I am still alive, Emperor Wu will definitely be able to find me through blood tracing."

"Therefore, I specifically chose to seal my body in this coffin in the altar, and sealed my soul in another coffin, and placed the coffin that sealed the soul in the ancient tree of Cang'e."

"In this way, even if Emperor Wu traces me through blood, he will not be able to find me again."

"If in the future there are members of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult who can come into contact with the coffin that seals my soul, maybe I will see the light of day again."

Following Yan Huagu’s explanation.

Xiao Shi finally understood everything.

Unexpectedly, all of this originated from Emperor Wu!

It originated from Emperor Wu's pursuit and desire for the God of War.

In order to become a god of war.

He has spared no expense!

However, Xiao Shi still did not forget his initial doubts.

What he wanted to know at first was the demigod who had not yet appeared in Tianwu Continent.

Now after knowing all this.

Xiao Shi's pupils suddenly shrank.

He instantly guessed who the demigod who didn't show up was.

"Could it be that……"

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